Saturday 17 November 2012

Benefits of Lemon

Lemons are packed with plentiful health benefiting nutrients. The fruit is low in calories, only 29 calories per 100 gram, one of the lowest among citrus group. Lemon contains no saturated fats or cholesterol, but is wealthy in dietary fiber (7.36% of RDA). Its acidic taste is due to citric acid. Citricacid is present up to 8% in its juice. Citric acid is a natural preservative, aids, digestion. Most of studies found that citric acid plentiful to helping in dissolve kidney stones. Lemons, like other citrus fruits, are exceptional source of ascorbic acid and provide about 88% of DRI). Ascorbic acid or vitamin-C is a powerful water soluble natural anti-oxidant. This vitamin is helpful in preventing scurvy. Besides, consumption of foods rich in vitamin-C helps body develop resistance against infectious agents and scavenge harmful, pro-inflammatory free radicals from the blood. Lemons like oranges contain a diversity of phytochemicals. Hesperetin and naringenin are flavonoid glycosides commonly found in citrus fruits.

Naringenin is found to have a bio-active effect on human health as antioxidant, free radical scavenger, anti-inflammatory, and immune system modulator. This substance has also been shown to decrease oxidant injury to DNA in the cells in-vitro studies. And also contain diminutive level of vitamin A, and other flavonoid anti-oxidants such as α and ß-carotenes, beta-cryptoxanthin, zea-xanthin and lutein. These compounds are known to have antioxidant properties. Vitamin A also requisites for maintaining healthy mucus membranes and skin and is also essential for vision. Consumption of natural fruits rich in flavonoids helps body to protect from lung and oral cavity cancers. Total ORAC value, which measures the anti-oxidant strength of 100 g of fresh lemon juice, is 1225 µmol TE (Trolex equivalents).They also an excellent source of B-complex vitamins such as pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, and folates. These vitamins are vital in the sense that body has need of them from external sources to replenish. Lemons contain healthy amount of minerals, like iron, copper, potassium, and calcium. Potassium in a significant component of cell and body fluids assists control heart rate and blood pressure.

Friday 21 September 2012

Excessive Red Meat Consumption May Shorten Life

Everybody wants to live longer? Trade few of the red meat in your diet for fish, whole grains, nuts, and other healthier protein sources. Harvard researchers say that the risk of dying at an early age from heart disease, cancer, or any other cause go up in step with red-meat consumption. Eating excessive red meat, which is high in saturated fat and cholesterol, has long been seen as harmful, particularly for the heart. Experts monitor the diets of over 121,000 middle-aged men and women for up to 28 years. Roughly 20 percent of the participants died during that period.
On average, each extra serving of red meat the participants ate per day was associated with a 13 percent probabilities risk of dying during the study. Processed red meat products like; bacon, hot dogs, and salami appeared to be even more unsafe: Each extra daily serving was associated with a 20 percent higher risk of dying. Based on these findings, the experts calculate that substituting one daily serving of red meat with fish, nuts, poultry,  legumes, whole grains, or low-fat dairy products would decrease the risk of dying in this stage of life by 7 percent to 19 percent. The message conveys is to try to decrease the red meat consumption to less than 2 to 3 servings per week. That’s doesn’t mean everyone to be a vegetarian. That keep away from processed red meat altogether may be a fine idea. It’s better to go with unprocessed products and plant-based foods.

Twenty Essential Vegetables

Like fruit, vegetables are packed full of antioxidants that help our bodies fight free radicals. The catch is that as soon as they are harvested, they begin to lose their essential nutritional value and when they are cooked, hey lose more. To get the full benefit, it is important to buy them as fresh, use them as quickly, and cook them as little as possible. Turning some of the most nutritious raw vegetables into juices is the best way to benefit from the vitamins minerals and other elements they contain.
Buy organic whenever possible, wash just before using and scrub or remove the minimum amount of peel if whizzing in a blender or food processor. If you’re using juice extractor, the vegetable can be used whole once it has been thoroughly scrubbed.
  1. 1.     Alfalfa is a sprouting bean that produces fine pale green shoots. Like the mung bean that is used for beansprouts, the sprouts go on producing vitamins and minerals as the young shoot grows. As soon as bean or seed germinates and the shoot starts to develop, the vitamin C content is multiplied by 600. Sprouting also increases the development of various B vitamins.
  2. 2.     Avocados, natives of South America were first known in England as alligator pears or midshipman’s butter. The first avocado trees were grown in California in the 1870s when trees were taken there from Mexico. Avocados contain 17 vitamins and minerals including vitamins A,B,C and E, riboflavin, iron, calcium, copper, phosphorus, zinc,niacin, magnesium and more potassium than many other fruits and vegetables. They also offer the highest protein content of any fruit. Although they contain no cholesterol, they are high in calories and do contain quite a high proportion of mono-unsaturated fat, so the quantity eaten should perhaps be limited. Choose ripe avocados that are ready to use immediately by pressing the skin gently for a soft, slightly yielding flesh and avoid any brown or black discolorations. Or store unripe pears at room temperature. Once cut, stop the surface from turning brown by brushing with lemon or lime juice.
  3. 3.     Beansprouts are usually grown from the mung bean, a native of India. The young crisp and crunchy white shoots are very low in calories and contain lots of B complex vitamins and vitamin C. Unlike other vegetables that begin to lose their vitamins as soon as they are picked, sprouting beans go on producing other nutrients so the amount of vitamin C increases. A single helping gives approximately three quarters of the adult daily vitamin C requirement. They can be grown at home in a glass jar, or bought from supermarkets and market stalls. To grow at home, soak the beans in warm water for 10-12 hours. Drain, rinse, place in glass jars and cover with muslin, then leave in a warm, dark place and the shoots will be ready to eat in 2-6 days. It is best to store in a plastic bag or covered box in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours and wash in cold water before using.
  4. 4.     Beetroot is thought to be a descendant of the wild beet that is found along the seacoast of the Mediterranean and along the Atlantic coast of Europe. The ancient Greeks and Romans boiled the leaves, which have a similar flavor and food value to spinach and can be juiced or cooked and eaten in the same way. The roots have the highest sugar content of any vegetable and are a good source of vitamins and minerals including vitamin C, manganese and sodium. Best are the small, young summer beets that give a deliciously sweet juice it cleanses the system and gives mixed juices a fabulous deep red color. For use in domestic juice extractors, cut off the skin before juicing. For use in heavier duty machines, just scrub clean before juicing.
  5. 5.      Broccoli originated about 2500 years ago from the wild cabbage of coastal Europe and the varieties we grow today have developed from the domesticated forms of the plant grown in Italy about 2000 years ago. The name derives from the Latin ‘Bracchium’ meaning ‘branch’. There are several different varieties that come in green, purple, and dark blue-green, and the Italians have been cultivating the variety known as calabrese in the province of Calabria since the sixteenth or seventeenth century. Choose heads that are tight and firm and a good fresh color, then use as soon as possible after picking or buying. If storing in the refrigerator, wrap loosely in plastic film or in a plastic bag. Before using, wash thoroughly and trim off any very coarse stalks. Broccoli is an excellent source of vitamins A,B, and C one portion of approximately 100 grams gives over half the daily  requirement and has a powerful antioxidant effect.
  6. 6.     Carrots are thought to originate from Afghanistan. Choose organic whenever possible and, for pulping in a food processor or blender, use young, tender carrots that have been scrubbed or scraped. Put through a juice extractor, fresh carrots will give an excellent sweet juice that combines well with spinach, apples, radishes, beetroot, parsnip, and other root and leaf vegetables. Carrots have extremely high vitamin A content more than a hundred times that of courgettes or tomatoes and provide vitamin C, calcium and sodium.
  7. 7.      Celery is a native of the Mediterranean and Middle East. It was used as a flavoring by the ancient Greeks and Romans and as medicine by the ancient Chinese. In other ancient writings it is mentioned as a medicinal herb and has for many years been regarded as an aphrodisiac. It is a member of the carrot family and is related to the parsnip and to parsley. The earliest record of its cultivation is in France in the early 17th century. Choose fresh, crisp heads and store loosely wrapped in plastic film or in a covered container in the refrigerator. Use as soon as possible after buying and wash thoroughly before putting through the juicer. Celery is very low in calories, has a high potassium content, gives vitamins A and C and may help to lower blood cholesterol levels and blood pressure. Use the leaves as well as the stalks for maximum food value.
  8. 8.     Cucumbers come from the same family as courgettes, pumpkins, marrows, watermelons and squashes. They are thought to come originally from India and have been cultivated for around 3000 years. They have little nutritional value but high water content, so when added to juices they help to maintain the necessary levels of body fluids. Choose any variety, but buy cucumbers that are firm, unwrinkled and evenly colored. They will keep well in the refrigerator for a few days.
  9. 9.     Fennel is a native of southern Europe and is sometimes known as Florence fennel or sweet fennel. Every part of the plant is useful the bulb for juicing or as a raw salad vegetable; or steamed, roasted, braised or stir-fried; the leaves for chopping into salads or for garnishing; the seeds to aid the digestion. It is also thought to have aphrodisiac properties. It is also thought to have aphrodisiac properties. It is low in calories and is a good source of betacarotene the plant form of vitamin A and an excellent antioxidant.
  10. 10.                        Garlic is closely related to the onion and is regarded by some as a miracle food that can help protect the body against asthma, arthritis, viruses, bacteria, colds, nasal congestion, heart and artery diseases and high blood pressure. It is also used to treat impotence. It comes originally from Central Asia, but is now grown all around the world. It is the sulpur compounds in garlic that provide its health-giving properties and may people believe that it is better eaten raw, since cooking destroys many of its volatile elements. The recommended daily dose is 1-2 small cloves.
  11. 11.                        Kale is also known as curly kale or borecole, a type of cabbage, is a native of Britain and the eastern areas of the Mediterranean. In 100 grams there are more than three quarters of the daily recommended intake of vitamin A and almost twice the required amounts of vitamin C. It also gives iron and calcium and is a powerful antioxidant. It’s good idea to combine it with tomatoes and peppers or other fruit and vegetables that are rich in vitamin C because the vitamin helps the body to absorb iron.
  12. 12.                        Lettuces come in many different shapes and forms and are said to originate in the Mediterranean. They are all very low in calories and the nutritional content varies according to type, season and freshness. Most contain vitamin C, betacarotene, calcium and iron. The darker outside leaves contain more betacarotene the plant form of vitamin A than the paler inside leaves so use plenty of the outer layers.
  13. 13.                        Onions were regarded by the Egyptians as a symbol of the universe and their name may come from the Latin “unus” meaning ‘one’ Like garlic, they have a long history of use as a cure all. Eaten raw, they are thought to ward off colds, reduce blood cholesterol, protect against heart disease and help the circulation. Because of their sulphur compounds, they may also be helpful against cancer. Add a few spring onions, a couple of shallots or half a small onion to vegetable juice mixes.
  14. 14.                        Parsnips are at their best after the first frosts of winter because, with exposure to the cold, the high starch content starts to turn into sugar and so the flavor is sweeter and fuller. Choose smaller roots that are firm and clean. Parsnips are a good source of vitamins C and E and of dietary fibre.
  15. 15.                        Peppers also known as sweet peppers and capsicums some in four colors green, yellow, orange, and red. The green pepper ripens to one of the other three colors, becoming sweeter as it does so, Weight for weight, green peppers contain twice as much vitamin C as oranges, and red peppers three times as much. They are also a good source of betacarotene. Choose firm, plump peppers and look and feel them over carefully for bruises and breaks in the skin.
  16. 16.                        Radishes come originally from Asia and Europe and get their name from the Latin “radix” meaning “root”. They are related to the mustard plant, which explains their hot, peppery flavor. They are available in several shapes and sizes small and round, olive-shaped turnip-shaped elongated and although the most common are red or pink, some are white or yellow. Mooli, a long white root, is closely related and
  17. 17.                        Rocket grows wild in many parts of Europe. It is related to the mustard plant and the leaves have a deliciously peppery, spicy flavor. Like all green leaf vegetables, rocket is a good source of vitamin C, vitamin B1 (thiamine) and biotin which helps to keep the skin, hair and nerves healthy.
  18. Spinach was cultivated by the Greeks and the Romans and arrived in Northern Europe sometime in the 16th century. It became more popular in the 1920s and is today considered a valuable salad leaf when eaten raw. Some people believe that it is full of iron, though in fact it is not an especially good source of the mineral. However, it does contain plenty of vitamin C and betacaroten, and is thought to help guard against cancer because it contains lutein, which is a carotenoid pigment that has powerful antioxidant effects. It is recommended to stave off high blood pressure and anemia.
  19. Tomatoes once called apples of paradise are the fruit of a plant that is a member of the night shade family. It is likely that the wild species originate in the South American Andes probably mainly Peru and Ecuador. Tomatoes are thought to have been cultivated first in Mexico and their name comes from the Aztec word ‘tomatl’. The French called them ‘pommes d’amour’ because they were believed to have aphrodisiac powers, while the Italians knew them as ‘pomodoro’ which indicates tha the early ones were yellow or golden. They were also called ‘pommes des Mours’ because it is said they were a favorites vegetable of the Arabs. The Italian and French names may in fact be a corrupted version of that name. When tomatoes were first introduced to Europe, people were suspicious because of their relation to Belladonna deadly nightshade and in fact the roots and leaves are poisonous. Tomatoes are full of vitamins A,C and E, and contain potassium and lycopene, which is a carotenoid that may help protect against cancer.
  20. Watercress, a member of the mustard family, is a native of Europe and North America. It grows wild floating in rivers and streams or on mud and is today cultivated in many countries. It is natural antibiotic, helps the body to expel toxins, relieves upset stomachs, is good for the kidneys and liver, helps keep the urinary tract healthy and is an excellent source of vitamin C and betacarotene. Choose bunches or bags that are crisp and dark green, and use as quickly as possible as the leaves quickly start to deteriorate and turn yellow.

Monday 17 September 2012

A Preventable Condition

It is generally believed that waking up early in the morning and having a good breakfast would help to keep us going the whole day long. But sometimes it is not so, especially if it fails to create the necessary bowel movement which may lead to discomfort. Constipation, which is a very common yet most private issue, is faced by large number of people who try to tackle it with all kinds of solutions. The need to treat constipation usually arises when we fail to prevent it. That is to say that getting trapped in a restroom is avoidable.Conventionally, people use variety of things and techniques to create intestinal peristalsis like drinking strong tea and coffee on any empty stomach, eating some sort of herbs, eating lot of papaya, apple, banana and prunes, drinking warm milk, castor oil etc. Interestingly, it all directly or indirectly helps get rid of the problem in some way or another. Since the mode of action of some of these ‘aids’ is unknown, it may lead to serious adverse effects as well. But trial and error doesn’t always help in getting a solution. In order to solve the problem, we must try to find its root cause.
The root cause lies in our  lifestyle that includes lack of physically activity and exercise, consuming large and heavy meals, increased consumption of fast food and caffeinated products, low intake of fibrous food and water, coupled with mental stress and ignoring the urge to defecate, improper eating and sleeping habits, etc. However, it may sometimes be due to some medical condition as well like pregnancy, diabetes, arthritis, hypothyroidism, colorectal disease and some metabolic and neurological disease as well. It has also been observed that constipation may be the side effect of various medicines like mineral supplements, some pain killers, flu medicine and other medicines that affects the nervous system. On the other hand, constipation, if left untreated, can cause headache, stress, bloating, feeling of being unwell discomfort and in the long run may result in serious consequences like anal fissures, haemorrhoids or piles, faecal incontinence, appendicitis, colorectal disease and cancer.For reversible causes, some simple and feasible interventions can be devised of which the most important is changing one’s lifestyle. It not only helps to prevent constipation but also prevents some other major illnesses. Lifestyles changes include having a proper sleep schedule which means a good six to eight hours of sleep. After waking up, it is important to exercise for 30 minutes (it can be in any form that suits you) to warm up the body and prepare it for the day. 
It also plays an important role in mental relaxation. After burning the calories, the body can be fuelled up for the day with a healthy and hearty breakfast. Similarly, small frequent meals help more than having large and heavy meal thrice a day. Furthermore drinking plenty of water (around eight glasses a day) and consuming lots of fresh fruits and vegetables helps not only to prevent constipation, cancer, etc. and also helps weight loss (but remember not to drink excessive amounts as it may overload your kidney and have adverse health effects). Evidence also suggests that eating whole grains and cereals instead of refined ones and increasing consumption of yoghurt helps to regulate the mechanics of our body in a healthy way. Constipation not only brings physical suffering buts also brings social, psychological and economic burden as well. Therefore, in order to keep the engine of the body in motion and to keep it on the road to health, we must adopt a healthy lifestyle and prevent constipation before it starts bothering us as prevention is surely better than cure.

Best foods for your heart

By eating healthy and exercising you can diminish your risk for heart disease. Other ways to reduce your risk is by meditating and doing yoga, which helps lessen the stress in your daily life. Although, eating the right and healthy foods and limiting or avoiding others, is a must in order to have a ticker that will last for a very longer life. These are the best items which can help in to reduce the risk of heart failure.
Begin your day with a steaming cup of oats, which are full of omega-3 fatty acids, folic acid and potassium. This is super-rich in fiber can lower LDL or bad cholesterol and help keep arteries plain. Opt for coarse oatmeal or steel cut additional instant varieties, which have more fiber and top off the bowl of bananas to a maximum of 4 grams of fiber. Well, eating whole grain pasta, breads,rice, breads and cereals such as oatmeal offer the heart and body with a number of healthy benefit. Whole grains they hold the whole grain bran, germ and endosperm, usually have a high-quality source of dietary fiber. Dietary fiber is linked to lower threat of heart disease, decreased the blood pressure, and weight management.
Super rich in omega-3 fatty acids, salmon can effectively decrease blood pressure and keep clotting at bay. The goal of two doses per week, which can decrease the possibility of dying from a heart attack, even a third. Salmon includes the carotenoid astaxanthin, which is a very powerful antioxidant, But be sure to select wild salmon over farmed fish, which can be filled with insecticides and pesticides and heavy metals. It is not a fan of salmon? Other fatty fish such as mackerel, tuna, herring and sardines to give your heart at the same rate.
Olive oil
Full of monounsaturated fat, olive oil decreased bad LDL cholesterol and shrink your risk of developing heart disease. Results of the Seven Countries Study, which examined the impact of cardiovascular disease worldwide, showed that while men in Crete had a history of far above the ground cholesterol, relatively few deaths from heart disease because their diet Food based heart healthy fats found in olive oil. Look for additional virgin or virgin varieties are less processed and use them in its place of butter when cooking.
Spinach assist to keep your ticker in top shape thanks to the stores of lutein, folic acid, potassium and fiber. But increasing the dose of vegetables, make sure you give your heart rate. Physicians Health Study examined more than 15,000 men without heart disease for 12 years. Those who ate at least two and a half dose of vegetables a day cut their jeopardy of heart disease by about 25% higher than those who did not eat vegetables. Each additional service reduced the risk of a further 17%.
The nuts are extremely rich in omega-3 fatty acids, and as well as almonds and macadamiapähkinöitä, are packed of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. In adding, nuts add to fiber in your diet. And, like olive oil, are a great source of healthy fats. Scientific facts suggests, but does not confirm, that eating 1.5 ounces per day of a few nuts, as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, may decrease the risk of heart disease. As good as nuts are they are also packed with calories, so keep those portions little. The best choices are pecans, walnuts, and almonds. Although, if they are covered in salt, it will cancel out the heart healthy benefits.
Add a little avocado to a sandwich or a spinach salad in its place of the amount of heart-healthy fats in your diet. Packed with monounsaturated fat, avocados can assist lower LDL levels while lifting HDL cholesterol in the body. Avocado are really impressive and they allow the absorption of other carotenoids especially beta-carotene and lycopene, which is vital for heart health.
Soy can lower down your cholesterol, and when it is low in saturated fat, and it is always a big source of lean protein in a healthy diet for the heart. Look for natural sources of soy, like tempeh, edamame, or organic silken tofu. And soy milk is a huge addition to a bowl of oatmeal or whole grain cereals. But keep watching the amount of salt in your soy: some soybean varieties treated like dogs can contain added sodium, which raises the blood pressure. Skinless chicken, fish, egg whites soy and an occasional serving of fat-trimmed meat trimming fat before cooking meat or poultry; drain off fat after browning and skim the fat off of homemade soups and stews.
The calcium, vitamin D and potassium found in certain dairy products offer heart-healthy benefits, together with lower blood pressure and cholesterol. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that women had a 26%  reduce in heart risk from having dairy and men’s risk dropped 9%. Opt for the fat-free or low-fat dairy products such as milk, yogurt and cheese.
Full of fiber and omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, a small pinch of flaxseed can go a long way to your heart. Start a bowl of oatmeal or whole grain with a pinch of ground flaxseed every time the heart-healthy breakfast.
Blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, berries that you like best are full of anti-inflammatory medication that decreases your risk of heart disease and cancer. Blueberries and blackberries are particularly great. But all berries are good for your cardiovascular health. The preferred method for preparing heart-healthy meals are: grill, bake, roast, steam, boil, poach or microwave. improve your meals with seasonings like oregano, basil, rosemary, parsley, cilantro, thyme, and pepper.
Fill up on fiber with lentils, chickpeas and black beans and kidney. They are full of with omega-3 fatty acids, calcium and soluble fiber.

Monday 20 August 2012

Homeopathic “Super foods”

Juice bars generally offer a list of homeopathic supplements that can be added to the blends to suit each customer’s health needs. They are available from chemists, health food and homeopathic stores and so can be easily bought for home use. The following are the most commonly offered. Acidophilus adds “friendly” bacteria to the digestive system to help fight intestinal infections. It is also thought to lower blood cholesterol. Barlegrass provides all the nutrients the body needs, including concentrated cholorphy II. Like wheatgrass, it is usually taken as a 1 or 2 ounce shot. As juicing it demands a special machine, it’s best to consumer barlegrass in a juice bar. Bell Pollen contains enzymes, vitamins, hormones and amino acids and is thought to be helpful in treating allergies, indigestion, store throat, skin disorders and fatigue.
Brahmi is a bitter herb used to relieve stress, sinus problems and insomnia. Brewer’s yeast is a source of protein and B-Complex vitamins. Damina treats depression, coughs and nasal congestion.
Echinacea is a natural antitoxin and antiseptic, boosts the immune system, promotes healing and is helpful for the circulation and respiration. Gingko is an aid to digestion helps against allergies and is used to treat tuberculosis, other breathing illnesses, kidney problems and impotence. Ginseng is credited with many health-giving properties including strengthening the immune system, purifying the blood, lowering blood cholesterol, stimulating digestion, preventing cell damage, increasing stamina and with relieving stress, rheumatism, sciatica, tiredness, asthma, nervous disorders, coughs and colds.
Grapefruit seeds extract has antibiotic, antiseptic, antibacterial and disinfectant properties. Helps treat Candida and throat infections. Proteins powders help ensure that the body takes in as much protein as it needs for energy and for the development and maintenance of body tissues. Spirulina an algae, is a concentrated organic vegetable nutrient that is high in protein and loaded with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. It is said to be the riches whole food source of vitamin B12 and is 25 times richer in betacarotene than carrots. Wheatgrass is grown from the red wheat berry and is a source of concentrated cholorophyII, enzymes, vitamins and minerals. It is thought to purify the blood, fight bacteria, improve digestion, reduce high blood pressure, reduce the risk of cancer, and help prevent tooth decay, improve healing and neutralize toxins in the body. Like barlegrass, juicing it needs a special machine, so drink a daily one or two ounce shot at your local juice bar.
Dried fruits provide energy in the form of sugar and are rich in fibre. Add raisins, sultanas, figs, dates and prunes for iron and calcium, and prunes and dried apricots for betacarotene. Honey gives energy, but contains fewer calories than sugar. It is thought to have antiseptic, decongestant, sedative and aphrodisiac properties.
Yoghurts contain vitamins B2 and BI1, calcium and phosphorus. Live yoghurts are best as they protect he digestive system against infections and bacterial imbalance. Mineral and soda water we need to drink between 1.5 and 2 liters of water a day to keep kidneys healthy and cleanse the body of unwanted toxins. Bottled minerals water do not necessarily contain more or better minerals than tap water and can be too high in sodium. Check label for contents. Ready to drink Juices, such as apple, tomato grape and orange, and coconut milk provide an easy addition that thins and flavors home juiced blends. But they are never as high in nutrients as freshly squeezed or pulped fruit and vegetables because the food value quickly reduces during storage. Whenever possible, use the fresh product.

The Devil in the Shape of a Woman
There was a pious and fortunate lady in the period of Hadrat Issa (A.S). She put the flour in the oven for baking bread and made intention for the prayer. Meanwhile the devil came to her in the disguise of a woman and said to her that the bread has been burnt in the oven but she did not care. Then the devil casted her son in the oven that virtuous lady did not care even for that. Meanwhile her husband enters the house and found the child playing with the flames of the fire. Allah Talah transformed the flames of the fire into the red diamonds. This fellow went Hadrat Issa (A.S) and informed him of the occurrence. Hadrat Issa (A.S) called his wife and she came with her husband and enquired as to what good deed was performed by her which resulted in this manner. She said “O” Rooh Allah! I perform ablution whenever I feel I am without it and stand erect for offering prayer. I accomplished the lawful desire of any person who asked for his need at once. I tolerate the affliction done on me people and remain patient.
To pray is a message of death to the devil. He tries to convert all the people into his nature in the same manner as he refused to prostrate and was repulsed. He frightens the virtuous people from certain dangers to avoid prayer. Now-a-days he penetrates modern whispering in the hearts of the people that the time is very valuable. The time spent in offering prayer should be utilized in national tasks. But the true Muslim does not attend to his bad calls and does not give up the prayers it also revealed that the devil mislead any by means of disguising in the shape of a woman and he goes out with makeup. It also revealed that Allah loves those who always observe ablution. To be with ablution it happens so that the flames of fire are converted in red diamonds and Allah Talah the Almighty pleases with the person who helps the needy and also glad to observe the tolerance of those who receives afflictions and involved in distress.

Saturday 11 August 2012

Corn and Calluses

Corns are caused by an over-growth of the top layers of the skin on the foot in response to pressure or friction, and can be considerably uncomfortable even painful. Do not attempt to treat corns yourself beyond applying a dressing or un-medicated corn plaster to relieve the pressure. Paring away at the layers of accumulated skin may lead to septic infection and will most certainly increase the soreness. Medicated corn plasters should be avoided too, particularly if you have poor circulation or are diabetic seeks the help of a chiropodist, who will be able to treat it and to advice on ways of avoiding a recurrence.  Calluses are more general patches of hard rough skin that build up on areas of the body, usually the foot. Guard against getting them by looking after your feet well, by wearing comfortable shoes, by combating dryness with a daily application of moisturizer and by using a pumice stone to rub away dry sports with a little soap and warm water.  

Styes are caused by an infection in the hair follicle at the root of an eyelash

Styes are caused by an infection in the hair follicle at the root of an eyelash. The infected area becomes sore and red, making blinking extremely painful. Later, a spot will form and the eyelid may itch.

Rubbing the eyes must be avoided, however, because this will only increase the irritation and may spread the infection. Do not try to treat a style yourself beyond bathing it gently, using cotton wool moistened in warm water or a weak solution of boric acid.

There is no truth in the old gold remedy so if you do get a stye, consult your doctor instead, who will treat it with an antiseptic ointment. Very occasionally a stye may be blind that is it develops in a gland beneath the skin and becomes blocked. This will need separate treatment, sometimes even surgery to clear it.

Learn How to lose weight Fast

Saturday 4 August 2012

8 Key rules to weight loss

Racers know the miles they log onto the sidewalk, paths, and treadmills are great for keeping healthy. At the top of the list of the several virtues of the sport? It is an exceptional tool for weight control. But weight loss is another story. Because you run, you think you can eat what you want and still lose weight. Unluckily, it is not factual. The race is only half the equation. You should cautiously consider what you eat and how, too.
Leslie Bonci, MPH, RD, identifies eight key rules to weight loss, nutrition rules, your ass Run Off!, New World Runner, the beginning of the book runners, who come from sports to lose weight. Try to plan for yourself and take a copy to run head to head lower! Today! The book also contains a beginner training plan reasonable, and instructions for runners of all abilities World Runner coach Budd Coates, MS. Bonci Consulting can assist any athlete who wants to lose weight, whether it is five pounds or 25. He will show you how you can follow, space food meals to fight hunger, and honestly, be prepared for the calories consumed per day. These methods have been tested by real athletes who have renewed their eating habits and shed tens of pounds over 12 weeks. And if they can, so you can.
Rule # 1: Take notes really good
Write down everything you eat may seem boring, but it pays off ultimately: Studies have shown that people who frequently connect to their food intake to keep more weight off than those who did not take notes. He recommends everything you eat for recording at least one week (and then do it again a few weeks after), be sure to comprise important details such as when, where, why and how you eat. “Reviewing this information will assist you gather significant information about your habits. And emphasize the ways you can make healthier choices.
My clients have different systems to keep a food diary. A laptop will do, as an Excel spreadsheet or data stored on your iPhone. He suggests the registry if you are feeling hungry when you eat and the classification of 1 to 5 (“1″ is a day with unhealthy foods, and “5″ is a super healthy day). This can be a reality check, and I am not so bad after all, and my plan is worse than I thought.
Rule # 2: Measure what you eat
Get a bowl. Fill out as you usually would with your beloved brand. Read the label to determine serving size and calories per serving. Look at what’s in your bowl. Is it more a servant? Less? Chances are it is more than you think. Pour into a measuring cup to see. We measure our eyes, and our eyes are terrible judges of dishes.” Case in point: American Journal of Preventive Medicine study found people to serve themselves ice cream up to 53% more when simply given a bigger scooper and bowl. And because do research shows people who eat about 92% of what is before them, may be useful to know what is the appropriate service looks like. The only way to know which is measured by what you eat.
Although it may seem a hassle at first, as food can rapidly become a part of your daily routine. And after some weeks of regular practice, you will start to train your eyes and brain to be familiar with what part should look like, without having to actually measure. But first you need the right tools to get started. Keep your tools close at hand. Leave a set of measuring cups and spoons in the kitchen counter, remember to use them. Think comfort. Put a measure folding your favorite cereal breakfast so it is easy to measure during the morning run. Snack smart. Read the label, snacks, cookies and share, crackers, pretzels, chips, and the individual dose. Store each in an airtight bag or container. Make your mark. Read the label on the cheese block to see how many servings are in the packet, then the score of the cheese properly.
Rule # 3: Meat protein intake to
Protein is necessary for a healthy body; it strengthens the muscles and preserves lean body mass. Every day, pilots need at least half a gram of protein per kilo of weight. For a 150 pound person is 75 grams. Proteins also play a vital role in weight loss. It takes longer to digest, so you feel full longer and helps keep blood sugar stable so you do not get hungry and feel the need to overeat. But not only the amount of protein you consume, but when it consumes, it is vital research shows you should increase your protein intake throughout the day by eating at each meal. Otherwise, you better bone health, muscle mass and filled with a feeling of satiety. And more beneficial than eating little protein during the day, at night, then sits on a vast piece of meat. Even if you add protein to every meal, may still be difficult to meet your daily needs. He suggests adding it to get more snacks. Many snacks are high simple carbohydrates that digest quickly and are low in protein, so you do not like all the time. These options give an easy weight loss dose of protein to satisfy your hunger.

Milk chocolate shakes small fat and whey protein (27 g of protein)
5.3-oz container fat-free greek yogurt (15 g of protein)
Cottage cheese 1 / 2 cup of vegetables for dipping (14 g of protein)
1 / 4 cup toasted walnuts soy (13 g of protein)
1 / 2 cup soy beans (11 g of protein)
1 cup of Raisin Bran cereal and a half cup of skim milk (9 g protein)
2 tablespoons peanut butter on a banana (9 g protein)
2 slices low-fat cheese with an apple (7 g of protein)\
Rule # 4: To add color to any meal
Eat red, yellow, orange, green or purple food he does not mean that red wine and Lucky Charms. She speaks to pack your diet with fruits and vegetables. They are low in calories and rich in vitamins and minerals your body needs to function, keep your immune system and maintain strong bones and muscles strong. They are also rich in fiber, which is the key to losing weight. Tufts University researchers found that people who eat a diet high in fiber are less hungry and lose more weight than people who eat less fiber. It takes more time to process the fiber, to feel satisfied longer.  A lot of people have good intentions, and buy a bunch of fresh produce. Then they forget to use it and it later at the bottom of the rot in the fridge.” But fresh is great, is not the only way to work with fruits and vegetables. “Frozen, canned, dried, irritating, all are good, too, who is intended to fill at least one third of a plate of vegetables. Use these ideas to the color at each meal, and you can be on the road to good health and weight loss.
Put in a sliced ??banana from corn.
Put in the frozen berries with yogurt.
Drink a glass of tomato juice.
More irritating to the sauce and scrambled eggs.
Top waffles with canned peaches.
Put additional vegetables such as cucumber or grated carrot on sandwiches.
Make use of hummus or refried beans as a venue mayo and mustard.
Eat raw vegetables in its place of chips or pretzels.
Blend frozen fruit with club soda for an energy drink.
Grill skewers of vegetables and meat.
Put in the dried apricots or golden raisins for rice pilaf.
Roasting vegetables at the weekend and include to salads all week.
Put in frozen vegetables and canned beans and spaghetti sauce.
Rule # 5: Stop grazing
A few years ago, “grazing” was well-liked in the circles of the regime. The idea was that in its place of eating three meals a day, or if you eat six small meals. The reason seemed reasonable: You never get too hungry, then do not eat too much at each meal one. But a study published in 2010 in the journal Obesity found that people who consume low-calorie diets are more pleased and less hungry when they eat three times a day, compared to six times a day, suggesting that mini-meals not are beneficial for appetite control. People also be inclined to graze on unhealthy foods such as crackers or cookies. Most people do not eat vegetables or chicken. Eat constantly throughout the day increases the secretion of saliva, and the production of digestive enzymes that stimulate the bowel. Appetite switches still on, he said. I really cannot tell if he is hungry or full if they are constantly exposed to food. As he says “Cows graze People should not.
Divide your calories into three meals and two snacks or one that will at least three hours and up to four or five without eating. The goal is to eat when you are hungry but not hungry, which reduces the risk of overeating. It will take several weeks to find the timing that works best for you, but here are two ways to start.
Scenario 1
Breakfast at 8 am
12:00 Lunch
Sixteen Snack
7:00 Dinner
Scenario 2
7:00 a.m. Breakfast
10:00 snack
13:30 Lunch
17:30 Dinner
9:30 Snack

Rule # 6: Always have a plan
Like the other finalists, problems happen when there is something healthy at home. What’s for dinner? Nothing? Might as well do away. You can slam a lot of calories by creating a menu and make a meal plan, and then shopping early for the ingredients you need to carry out that plan. This does not mean you have to be inflexible about your menu, if you said you accepted to work. But you should get an idea of ??what you eat over the next seven days. Aside an hour every weekend to get their meal plan next week. Then make a shopping list for ingredients you require. Take swift and healthy staples like tomato sauce and whole wheat pasta for busy days. You will become aware of when you take the time to plan meals, one thing missing from your junk food grocery basket. If you produce, dairy products, lean meats and whole grains out there, then the Cheetos, cookies, sodas and become the top off in its place of the main components. There is just no place for things wrong.

A week of meal ideas
Sunday: Broil steak marinated skirt. Serve with grilled asparagus and brown rice (Stir in raisins and pecans).
Monday: leftover steak Slice tortilla strips and wrap around the corn and pepper sauce and irritating.
Tuesday: Roast chicken (or buy an already cooked). Eat half of a baked sweet potato and steamed broccoli.
Wednesday: Cook macaroni and a bag of frozen vegetables Italian. Combine spaghetti sauce, chicken and leftovers.
Thursday: Cook halibut with onions and a can of seasoned tomatoes. Serve with quinoa and salad.
Friday: instant cooking whole grain brown rice. Garnish with green, shrimp, pineapple and sesame vinaigrette.
Saturday: Grill beef kebabs and vegetables. Shred potatoes for baking, mix the olive oil and salt. Aluminum grid.
Rule # 7: Slow Down
Here’s one more time to try the food for you. Check your watch when you take the first bite dinner. Look again, when you have finished eating. How long is it? Five minutes? Ten? The longer the better. Scientists know that it takes at least 15 to 20 minutes for the nerve endings in the gut to send signals to the brain that says, “Yeah, I’m sick: You can stop eating now!” Swallow a meal faster than can lead to overuse that can pack on the pounds seriously. In fact, a study published in 2008 in the British Medical Journal that people who eat quickly and eat until they feel full more than three times as likely to be obese than people who take their time and eat slowly.
You must be trained to eat slowly, as simple as that. It may be a gradual process of increasing the amount of time you have for lunch. If you are used to taking three minutes for breakfast, slow down and take five, then 10. If you eat a sandwich for lunch in front of the computer in five minutes, slice. Eat half, wait a few minutes, have an only some sips of water. Then eat the other half. The other advantage to slow down and concentrate on what you eat? You might even enjoy the experience.”Chew your food, taste and flavor rather than inspiration and get what’s coming. Try more instructions to stop your next meal. Sit down. Do not eat standing at the counter, making it easier to be distracted or quickly fill your plate. Sit at your kitchen or dining table.
Keep away from the style of the family. When food is at arm’s length, you are tempted to plug your plate and eat more than essential. Keep it on the stove or toward and away from the table. Do not eat alone. It takes more time to eat and more fun when you talk to other people.
Beware of the TV. If you get hungry while watching TV, to measure a limited amount of food and put the bag away before sitting down. Do not leave the bag open so you can come together to handle modules. Eat like you’re eating out. Mimicking the restaurant to eat at home. Put the salad buffet, eat, and then serve as a main course. It extends the time to eat. Run not hungry. Try going a week without consuming anything in your car. You cannot concentrate on the road and your food.
Rule # 8: Do not rush weight loss
In the experiment, he is helping clients lose weight, realized self-education is 12 weeks. It takes three months to train your brain to make a habit of drinking behavior. It takes three months to get used to reading labels at the supermarket, learning to plan meals and shop, how to put in more fruits and vegetables.
Diets quick fix or a fad, like those based on an ingredient too (remember the diet of cabbage soup?) Or exclude foods (fats or carbohydrates) are doomed to failure because they are just that, a solution quickly. Want to habits that are sustainable for years, not days. And it takes time to expand these habits. Remember that you are a work in progress, as a dining room and an athlete.
The key to losing weight enduringly is to avoid some ordinary mistakes people when it comes to losing weight quickly. They are typically errors of deprivation: the limitation of choices for your bored palate, or keeping up with unfeasible standards. So when you fall, all the bad habits return quickly. So remember to be flexible, and not be too hard on yourself.
Make your flavor good food. When people pass mode power supply, everything they eat is grilled chicken salad days in and out. Very soon their eyes, tongue and the brain begin begging for something else, such as potato chips or salted ice cream sweet.” She suggests trying foods of different textures, spices and flavors. The greatest variation, the less you will have cravings for less healthy items.
Skip to improve the plan. Sometimes an injury is to his career with the window. Then, adjust and come back stronger. The same is true with your diet. A good way to revise its strategy is to resume your food diary. You can tell that they were hungrier in the days of stiff training and the need for an extra snack. Or you could see what was running through the food and is expected to slow.
Do not give up. Just because you had a cookie, not fall into the “I have flown” mood. “People set up these rigid guidelines.”So, uh-oh, I turned aside, so you might as well keep eating until I went to bed. Leave the” good “or” bad “mood. Maybe it was more than I wanted, but is not the end of the world. Go ahead. You will be much more victorious in their path to weight loss.

Chloasma (Melasma)

This is a blotchy darkening of the pigmentation in the skin that usually appears on the cheeks just below the eyes, above the lip, on the forehead, in the armpits, on the nipples, and around the genital area. It occurs in as many as one-third of all women on the pill and is not uncommon in the last three months of pregnancy. While it will fade in time, chloasma is aggravated and rendered more noticeably by exposure to bright sunlight. Keep out of the sun as much as possible, avoid sun lamps and use an efficient sunblock. You can sometimes counteract the darkening by bleaching the skin, but results are not always good and may even leave the skin looking botchier than before.
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Haemorrhoids (Piles)

Haemorrhoids are dilated veins in the anus the opening to the bowels, that may become inflaced and painful. They are caused by anything that increases blood volume in the abdomen, such as constipation or straining when opening the bowels, overweight and pregnancy. You do not get haemorrhoids from sitting on radiatiors. Symptoms of haemorrhoids are itching, bleeding, soreness and, often, intense pain on coughing, laughing or going to the lavatory. The best way of protecting against haemorrhoids is to make sure that you are getting enough fibre in your diet. This can also be an effective way of treating them in the early stages, when suppositories and hot baths tend only to offer temporary relief. More advanced cases, however, may require the application of elasticated bands to cut off circulation, injections as for varicose veins of surgery.