Monday 27 January 2020

Reasons of Tooth Discoloration

Even small children can experience tooth discoloration, yellowing and staining for many different reasons. Teeth, while durable, are also vulnerable to many different aspects of our diet and lifestyle which can lead to tooth decay, staining and discoloration. Some medications can cause discoloration of the teeth from the inside, while diet and health can also affect the health and appearance of your teeth.
Besides health conditions, medications and hereditary dental problems, most of what we do to our teeth to cause yellowing and discoloration is preventable! Do you smoke? Tar and nicotine from tobacco smoke can stain your teeth and turn them a dirty, dingy yellow color. This is often most noticeable on the front teeth where you inhale the smoke from the cigarette, cigar or pipe.
The effect of even heavy tobacco use can be removed from your teeth, and if you stop smoking you won’t ever have to deal with that particular type of stain again. Are you a wine drinker? Red wines can stain your teeth and give them a dark or reddish tint. If you must drink wine, try a white wine rather than a burgundy.
Wine stains can be removed from your teeth and once they are gone you can avoid making new ones by choosing not to drink red wines. Coffee and tea may give you the caffeine jolt you need to face your day but they can also stain and darken your teeth. The same goes for brown sodas too! Brushing may help, but the dark stains will need to be removed by a whitening agent.
Don’t worry though you can remove them naturally at home, no need to spend a fortune or go through painful procedures for white teeth! Red and dark foods can also cause discoloration on your teeth. So avoiding marinara sauce, soy and other rich dark foods will help avoid the effect of yellowing and discoloration on your teeth.
Berries and berry based foods can cause your teeth to become discolored as well. While berries are supposed to be healthy they aren’t always the best choice for your teeth; with the exception of strawberries, that is! Keep in mind that while discoloration and staining are unsightly, they can be corrected and removed by using natural items and treating your teeth with those items regularly.
Simply put there are many options in your diet and health that you can choose to make in order to prevent discoloration and staining of your teeth. If you must eat and drink things that will affect your teeth then you can choose to whiten your teeth naturally, from the comfort of your home.
Each of the methods described in this report will remove food and drink stains, leaving your teeth whiter. When you have ‘bad’ diet and drink habits you will want to make natural tooth whitening part of your oral hygiene routine.

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Thursday 16 January 2020

7 Steps to Solve Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Follow these seven steps to decrease any Obsessive Compulsive Disorder you may have and increase your levels of happiness.
Step 1
Explore where your obsessive-compulsive habits come from. Are they fueled by some sort of fear or anxiety? Perhaps your parents or parents had OCD and you learned that life’s frightening and you must ‘control’ the fear with certain behaviors.
Or you might have experienced a trauma, and obsessive-compulsive habits became your way of ‘coping’ in the aftermath. Maybe it’s the way you react when demands mount at work or at home. Understanding this gives you more power and a springboard for action.
Step 2
Begin by keeping an obsessive-compulsive habits diary for one week. Make it simple – mark a tick for each obsessive thought that you have and a cross for each compulsive behavior. Briefly note any ‘trigger’ that sets off the thought or behavior.
Step 3
Examine your diary for patterns. Can you determine what sets you off? For example, is it stress when you’re rushing around and getting ready for work? that leaves you fretful so that you return to recheck the locks on your front door a couple of times after leaving for work?
On a separate sheet write down: your main ‘triggers’ for obsessive-compulsive habits (say, getting stressed by your morning routine before work), your obsessive or compulsive responses, and relevant goals, for example, to stop re-checking locks.
Step 4
Before implementing any strategy, begin to ‘reframe’ you’re thinking. Accept that obsessive-compulsive habits are NOT a positive and happy coping strategy. Up until now, you may have seen them as your coping mechanism, your savior even!
But they are the opposite, preventing you from learning positive coping strategies. Headline your piece of paper from Step 3 with the fact ‘My obsessive-compulsive habits are not coping strategies!’ Hold this thought.
Step 5
Now you should enlist loved ones to help you with your action plan. If you share your life with a partner, close friends or family members, their support can be vital in resisting your obsessive-compulsive habits.
Explain clearly to them what you’ve identified through your diary and how you’re planning to change this. Tell them you need support in moving forward.
Step 6
Acting requires several elements. Select your first goal. For example, if you wash your hands twice whenever you touch food, the goal is to resist and wash once only. As you struggle the urge to wash again, use deep breathing to relax your entire body.
Moreover, you also use continual communication with a loved one about your inside feelings of fear. Report to them out loud how you’re feeling while you resist that extra handwashing. Now affirm to yourself that nothing bad has happened and that you’ve coped despite not carrying out your compulsive behavior.
Give yourself loads of praise for your resistance and acknowledge that setting goals and good communication are a positive coping strategy.
Step 7
Continue to monitor your goals and stress levels. Let’s say that you have three key rituals to tackle – one at a time – building your coping-confidence. Priorities them and perhaps start by challenging yourself over the simplest one first.
Keep an open dialogue with loved ones about your successes and your failures. Don’t become secretive about obsessive-compulsive habits when it comes to the thoughts and behaviors that you fail to resist. Carry on being open-minded to implementing real coping strategies like talking about difficulties and looking for solutions to the stresses we all face.
When you start to challenge and conquer these sorts of destructive habitual responses, you’ll feel your well-being and happiness increase. It’s a wonderful thing to rise to such challenges.
we’ve now highlighted several ways in which habitual responses, whether practical or emotional, can either ease you through life or diminish your enjoyment of life.
It’s wise to remember that these are often habits of a lifetime and don’t change overnight. Simply increasing your awareness of the way, you habitually respond in your life can be a massive benefit.
When you go on to act to improve certain behaviors, or prevent others, you’ll feel a sense of relief and release. Now we’d like to explore the final Happiness Principle that has a frequently much under-estimated impact on your well-being, profoundly affecting your sense of unhappiness or happiness.

Monday 13 January 2020

The Herbal Treatment of Depression

Depression is a disorder marked particularly by sadness, inactivity, difficulty with thinking and concentration. A noteworthy increase or decrease in appetite and time spent sleeping, feelings of dejection and desperateness. And sometimes very serious suicidal thoughts or an attempt to commit suicide.
Depression is a state of mind familiar to almost everyone in one form or another. In ordinary usage, the word mentions to a mood state that in medicine is called dysthymia. In contrast with the normal state of euthymia and the opposite state, elation.
In psychiatric usage, disorders of mood are called affective disorders. Depression is either a disorder or can be a symptom of another disorder, either mental or physical. Normal human responses to some situations may include transient depression. But in medicine, these transient states are distinguished from the condition known as clinical depression.
Major depression occurs in 10% to 20% of the world's population in the course of a lifetime. Women are more often affected than men are, by a 2:1 ratio, and they seem to be at particular risk just before menstruation or immediately after childbirth. Relatives of people with major depression also seem to be at higher risk of developing depression, and about 2% of the population may have a chronic the disorder is known as depressive personality.
The Herbal Alternatives to Prozac." most of the talk challenging the assumptions underlying the title! By phrasing the topic in this way, we are forced to respond to the underlying issue in terms of the efficacy of Prozac for depression, rather than by highlighting the strengths of phototherapy when used in a holistic context.
In short, comparing the efficacy of herbs and Prozac begs the fundamental question about the underlying cause of depression. When it comes to the clinical use of herbs in major depressive illness, to make it clear that she does not believe there is an herbal alternative. For most people with less severe depression, however, herbal alternatives will be discussed below.
That would also suggest that depression may be a rational and sane response to our society's initial manifestation of 21st-century culture! As such, is a chemical "smiley face," whether synthetic or botanical, an ethical response? We don't suppress the inflammatory response simply because it occurs, so why suppress the emotions that accompany depression?
Depression can represent an opportunity for self-exploration for the patient, and many lessons maybe learned. Of course, this will entail a great challenge for both the patient and the practitioner. Depression is defined by a standard set of symptoms described in the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM):
• A mediocre appetite and noteworthy weight loss, or improved appetite and significant weight gain
• Insomnia or increased sleep
• Agitation or retardation of movement and thought
• Loss of interest or pleasure in usual activities, and decrease in sexual drive
• Loss of energy and fatigue
• Self-reproach and feelings of worthlessness, or excessive or inappropriate guilt
• Decrease inability to think or concentrate; indecisiveness
• Negative thoughts of death or suicide, or suicide attempts
Not all these characteristics will occur in everyone who becomes depressed. For determinations of psychiatric treatment, a person is considered to have experienced a foremost depressive episode. If he or she shows a loss of interest or pleasure in all or almost all normal activities. That shows at least four of the above symptoms almost every day for a period of at least two weeks.
The term depression is frequently modified by words that simply either some precise factor or some the chemical mechanism as the cause of the state. For example, depression that is considered a reaction to some loss of or separation from a valued person or thing is called reactive or exogenous depression.
In contrast, the usually, a more severe form of depression without apparent cause is called endogenous depression. Melancholia, a term once used to designate all depressive states is now applied only to these most difficult forms of depression.
Treatment of Depression
In terms of the herbal component of treatment protocols for depression, the nervous system must be the focus for toning. But associated symptoms may be a clue that more deep-seated issues have begun to manifest. Attention to the liver and the digestive system, in general, is usually a good idea.
Actions Indicated
Nervine tonics are fundamental to any long-term change in the individual's ability to cope and transform what must be changed.
Nervine relaxants may be indicated in the short term, or if the depression has an agitated or hyperactive aspect. These should not be strong herbs, which could trigger a more entrenched depression.
Nervine stimulants might help, but not predictably. If the therapist concludes that stimulation is appropriate, it is better to use bitter metabolic stimulants.
Bitters often bring about dramatic changes in patients' perceptions of themselves and of their lives. This highlights the need for a holistic perspective in such conditions.
Antispasmodics will alleviate muscular tension that might manifest as a bodily expression of psychological depression. Care should be taken not to use strong relaxants.
Adaptogens support the adrenals in coping with the stress that the whole body is experiencing.
Hepatics are indicated to support the liver's detoxification work, especially if the patient has been using prescription psychotropic drugs.
Specific Remedies
As far as this concerned, there are no clear-cut specifics for depression. Hypericum perforatum. It has a long tradition of use in Europe, and while it sometimes achieves remarkable results, it also sometimes does nothing. This herb requires time to work, and so must be taken for at least a month.
Of numerous clinical trials performed to investigate the antidepressant effects of St. John's wort extract, a double-blind clinical trial conducted in 1993 concluded that 67% of patients experienced a positive improvement after four weeks of therapy. The study involved 105 outpatients with depressions of short duration who received either 300 mg of St. John's wort extract three times a day or placebo three times a day.
A Prescription for Moderate Depression
·         Hypericum perforatum 2 parts
·         Avena sativa 1 part
·         Artemisia vulgaris 1 part
Dosage: up to 5 ml of tincture three times a day for at least 1-month.
Actions Supplied by Prescription for Depression
·         Nervine tonic - Hypericum perforatum, Avena sativa
·         Nervine relaxant Hypericum perforatum, Avena sativa, Artemisia vulgaris
·         Bitter Artemisia vulgaris
Broader Context of Treatment
The whole gamut of issues touched upon from green salads to relaxation, spinal adjustments to changing the music one listens to—the list of factors to consider is endless. Exercise is especially important.
In Textbook of Natural Medicine, Drs. Pizzorno and Murray suggest the following nutritional supplements:4 B vitamin complex: 50 times the recommended daily dose each day Vitamin C: 1 g three times daily Folic acid: 400 mg/day Vitamin Bu: 250 meg/day Magnesium: 500 mg/day.

Wednesday 8 January 2020

Herbal Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa

A disorder characterized by a disturbed sense of body image and marked anxiety about weight gain. And manifested by abnormal patterns of handling food, marked weight loss, and amenorrhea in women. Anorexia nervosa is a problem typified by self-starvation. It occurs most commonly among young women but is also observed in older women and men.
For unknown reasons, anorexia nervosa has become more common in recent years. And the incidence among young women in the United States may be as high as 1% to 2% (0.1% to 0.2% in males). The disorder may appear when the individual first leaves home or may develop in connection with mental depression, peer pressure to lose weight, sexual temptation, or the discontinuation of oral contraceptives.
At the outset, the patient either stops menstruating or simply refuses to eat. In the first case, the patient later stops eating; in the second, her menstrual periods eventually cease. In either case, she may lose weight to the point of life-threatening exhaustion.
In general, the patient will sleep poorly but, despite weight loss, will remain physically active, believing herself to be much fatter than she is. Body temperature may have to be very low. These symptoms suggest that anorexia nervosa may be associated with a disorder of the hypothalamus, a region of the brain that regulates menstruation, eating, body temperature, and sleep.
Herbal Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa
The herbal treatment must focus on toning the nervous system. But in addition, the digestive and reproductive systems will need aid. Bitters and hepatics are especially useful in supporting the liver and digestion.

Actions Indicated

Bitters are indicated because they stimulate both appetite and general metabolism. Nervine tonics are fundamental to any long-term change in the individual's ability to cope with life and transform what must be changed.

Nervine relaxants will alleviate associated anxiety. Hepatics will support the detoxification process and generally benefit the body. System tonics must be used to support any part of the body weakened by the condition or history of illness. In women, anorexia nervosa places the reproductive system under much strain.

Digestive support will be indicated if abdominal symptoms exist. Please refer to the sections on indigestion and irritable bowel syndrome. Immune support may be necessary.  

Specific Remedies

Bitters are considered specifics here, but especially Verbena officinalis (vervain), a relaxing nervine with marked hepatic properties. Because it is strictly a problem
of modern culture. The herbal traditions provide no information about the treatment of anorexia nervosa.

A Prescription for Anorexia Nervosa
·         Gentiana lutea 1 part
·         Avena sativa 1 part
·         Hypericum perforatum 1 part
·         Verbena officinalis 1 part
Dosage: 5 ml of tincture 10 to 15 minutes before eating, three times a day.

Actions Supplied by Prescription for Anorexia Nervosa

·         Nervine tonic - Avena sativa, Hypericum perforatum, Verbena officinalis
·         Nervine relaxant - Hypericum perforatum, Verbena officinalis
·         Bitter - Gentiana lutea
·         Hepatic - Gentiana lutea, Verbena officinalis

Emmenagogues might be indicated if the menstrual cycle has been disrupted. If you feel sleep difficulties, please look to the treatment of Insomnia.

Broader Context of Treatment
As with depression, the whole gamut of issues must be addressed. As with depression, herbal therapy (or drug therapy) does not replace the fundamental need for competent and appropriate psychotherapy.

Tuesday 7 January 2020

Laryngitis Treatment

What is Laryngitis?

Laryngitis is an acute inflammation of the larynx, or voice box. It is normally associated with a common cold or overuse of your voice. It is characterized by swelling, hoarseness, pain, dryness in the throat, coughing, and inability to speak above a whisper, if at all.
It is usually caused by a bacterial or viral infection, either restricted to the larynx or part of a more general infection of the upper respiratory tract. Where no clear-cut cause is found, such as infection or overuse, skilled diagnosis is required.

Treatment of Laryngitis

Hence, How to Treat Laryngitis? The lymphatic system should be the focus of tonic support. But if there is a pattern of recurrent infection, attention must also be given to strengthening the immune system.

Actions Indicated

  • Demulcents will soothe the mucous lining and ease discomfort.
  • Anti-inflammatories will reduce the immediate cause of distress.
  • Antimicrobials are indicated if there is a causal microorganism involved. However, they are not indicated if inflammation is due to some other cause.
  • Astringents are often effective as a local gargle, especially if the problem was precipitated by overuse of the vocal cords.
  • Bitters have a toning and stimulating effect on the mucosal lining.

Specific Remedies

The various herbal traditions of the world abound with herbs effective for conditions of the mouth, larynx, and pharynx. Osha (Ligusticum porteri) is an excellent specific. A small piece of the root can be chewed to ameliorate symptoms and promote the body's immune response.
In Europe, gargling with astringent herbs is the traditional approach. They should not be drunk, as they will probably also promote constipation—an unnecessary and unfortunate complication.

Astringent Herbs Relevant to Laryngitis

  • Achillea millefolium (yarrow)
  • Geranium, maculatum (cranesbill)
  • Polygonum bistortum (bistort root)
  • Potentilla to'rmentosa (tormentil)
  • Quercus spp. (oak bark)
  • Rubus idaeus (raspberry leaf)
  • R. villosus (blackberry leaf)
  • Salvia officinalis var. rubia (red sage)
  • Sambucus nigra (black elder flower)

A Prescription for Laryngitis

  • Echinacea spp. 2 parts
  • Ligusticum porteri 2 parts
  • Hydrastis canadensis 1 part
Dosage: up to 1 ml of tincture every hour

A Gargle for Laryngitis

  • Salvia officinalis var. rubia 1 part
  • Matricaria recutita 1 part
Make a strong infusion with dried herbs. Gargle often until symptoms subside.

Gargle II for Laryngitis

  • Malva neglecta or Malva sylvestris
Infuse Malva flowers and leaves in lukewarm water overnight to ensure optimum extraction of mucilage. Gargle as needed.

Self Care Methods:

  • You need to avoid whispering
  • You need to avoid decongestants
  • You need to moisten your throat
  • You need to take plenty of water or fluids to prevent dehydration
  • You need to give rest your voice
  • You need to breathe moist air

Monday 6 January 2020

The Purpose of Skeleton in Human Body

This is very interesting thoughts of why do we have a skeleton? There are two main jobs that the skeleton does it supports the body, and it protects delicate organs. The skeleton is the frame that holds man erect. It is made mostly of bones.
A baby is born with as many as 270 small, rather sot bones in his framework. A fully grown person usually has 206, because some bones become fused, or grow together. Bones it together at joints and are held fast by ligaments, which are like tough cords or straps. Some joints can be moved freely. For example, when you run, you move your legs at the hip and knee joints.
When you throw a ball, you move your arm at the shoulder and elbow joints. Moreover, some joints cannot be moved at all. At the base of the spine the bones are fused, forming one bony plate that fits into another.
Neither move, the joints in your skull are very solid, too, except for those in the jaws. The protection that the skeleton provides includes the hard, bony cap o the skull. This protects the brain. The rib cage protects the heart and lungs. And the backbone, or hollow spinal column, protects the spinal cord, the body trunk line of nerve cables. The backbone is actually a string of small bones.
It is very hard for us to think of bone as living tissue, but it is. It grows when a person is young. For example the thigh bone may triple in length between the time a person is born and the time he is fully grown.
Bones grows in length and thickness as calcium and other minerals are added to them. And since bone is living tissue, it must be fed. The outside of the bone is covered with a thin, tough skin. The skin holds many tiny blood vessels that carry food to the bone cells.
The middle of a bone is spongy and filled with marrow. Some of the marrow is a storehouse for fat, and other marrow makes red blood cells. There are six major skeleton purposes, movement, and protection, storage of minerals, endocrine regulation and production of blood cells. Also, men and women have an average 12 pairs of ribs, in some special cases; few have 13 or 11 pairs of ribs.
A human bone grows and changes over the whole life. Furthermore, a healthy skeleton needs daily exercise, walking, jumping, skipping; support the human bones to grow strong. Also, a healthy bone mass in the skeleton reaches utmost density around the age of thirty. Our lungs can collapse without rib cage, and intercostals muscle. 

Saturday 4 January 2020

The Natural Tooth Whitening

Now that you’ve seen the cost of both over the counter and professional teeth whitening procedures! That is get ready to see the wonderful comparison for the price of the natural products you can use to whiten your teeth. For Natural Tooth Whitening prepare yourself - this may shock you after seeing some of the prices. ‘Inexpensive’ doesn’t start to describe the low cost of natural products you can use to whiten your teeth at home.
·         Baking soda, lemon, orange, strawberries- typically less than $1each
·         Apple cider vinegar is usually a couple of dollars for a gallon! Imagine how long a gallon would last when you use it to whiten your teeth.
·         Ash or charcoal - virtually free!
·         Extra virgin olive oil can be found in a grocery store for just $3-$5 dollars per bottle.
·         Salt, you probably already have at home but if not, a container is normally about $1.
So for less than what you’d spend on professional or over the counter treatments to whiten your teeth. You could try all of these natural treatments to see what whitens your teeth the best. Being able to try different methods of whitening your teeth means that you can determine which treatments are best and meeting your whitening needs.
Some stains and discolorations respond better to certain items than others. This way you can find which items work best for your stains and discoloration. Hence, that you can achieve the best whitening effects. And you should continue to use the most effective treatment to maintain your bright, white smile.
Moreover, the repeat applications and touch up whitening can be done as needed at home, with natural products. But without the worry of the side effects that professional bleaching can have. Some side effects of bleaching include:
·         Sensitivity of the teeth to hot and cold once the tooth is damaged to the point where the nerves are extra sensitive to heat and cold you’re stuck with the results. You will then have to eat and drink very carefully for the rest of your life to avoid the shooting pain of sensitive teeth.
·         Gum irritation can be caused by the bleaching solution and can even leave “burns” or sores. Who wants their beautifying treatment to leave sores on their gums or lips?
·         Headache is a common side effect of bleaching treatments. Chemical bleaching is introducing harsh chemicals to your body through breathing, swallowing and absorbing them into your body. Headaches aren’t what you want after you’ve just spent a small fortune to look great. You want to feel like showing off that bright white smile!
·         Tingling, numbness and irritation of the tissues in your mouth! Sometimes these side effects last for several days after a professional tooth bleaching treatment. ·
·         Over-bleaching can cause blue teeth. The bleaching process takes your teeth beyond a nice healthy white to a thin and bluish look. Learn when enough is enough.
·         Bleaching treatments can also cause a sore throat.
When you look at the cost comparison as well as the side effects it is easy to see that natural tooth whitening is easier on your mouth and your wallet! Some people will want to consult a dentist to get a treatment program cost and schedule before deciding to try natural tooth whitening at home.
Therefore, this is a good idea because it will allow you to see what you would have to spend. Also how many visits you would need based on the staining and discoloration of your teeth. And the schedule to maintain your newly white teeth once you achieve the desired effect!
Then, when you do it at home with natural products you will know how much money, hassle and effort you’ve saved. Again no one can make the decision for you. But it’s important to know that you do have options that cost less and are less chemically harmful than professional whitening treatments.
The best option for Natural Tooth Whitening for you is the one that works for your schedule, your budget and your teeth whitening needs. No matter whether you decide to use a natural tooth whitening plan or visit a professional for a bleaching treatment.

For removing stains and discoloration from your teeth is an important part of improving your smile. There’s no need to hide your teeth behind closed lips, go ahead and smile big, your newly whitened teeth will sparkle and shine gleaming white.

How Do Our Teeth Grow?

How Do Our Teeth Grow? Healthy teeth are most prominent part of your personality. That helps us to smile at any place, take bite, can speak, or even have your favorite food without any problem. Everybody tooth has the same two parts; a root, or roots; to anchor it in the jaw bone, and a crown. That part can be seen in the mouth.
There are four different materials in a tooth. The “enamel” is hard and shiny and covers the crown. The “”cementum” is a bone like material that covers the root. The “dentine” is an ivory like material that forms the body of the tooth. The dental pulp is made up of tissue that contains nerves, arteries, and veins. These are entering the tooth through an opening at or near the root end.
Lack of calcium or vitamin D in the diet will result in poor enamel which will encourage early decay. The process of dental decay is also aggravated by the collection of sugary or starchy foods around the teeth, especially during the night.
As they decompose in the mouth, these foods produce acids that will act on the calcium of the teeth and make them soluble, causing the teeth to soften, and thus allow bacteria to attack them. Moreover, why do teeth sometimes grow “crooked”? The reason varies with each person, but scientists say that the way the jaws have developed in modern man can cause this problem.
It seems that man’s jaws today do not always provide enough room for his teeth. So, they appear in a crooked position or become shifted during the period of growth. If this happens to a tooth in a lower aw, the opposing tooth in the upper jaw also becomes crooked in position.
This is sometimes causes teeth to stick out, or pushes the lips out, or makes the chin recede, and spoils the appearance of the mouth. The tooth development process is normally separated into five stages:
  1. The initiation stage,
  2. The bud stage,
  3. The cap stage,
  4. The bell stage,
  5. The maturation stage,
However, the tooth development stage is very difficult to decide at which stage should be assigned to a particular developing tooth. Also, an average person hold only 28 teeth, but it is really painful when thirty-two teeth try to fit in a mouth.
Hence, the extra four teeth are called third molars and also famous as wisdom teeth. At the age of 13, all 28th teeth fit in their place. By the age of 21, a person has 16 permanent teeth at upper jaw and 16 teeth at lower jaw. So it is very important to understand How Do Our Teeth Grow?

Wednesday 1 January 2020

Garlic - Food and Medicine

The use of garlic is supported by both an ancient history and a wealth of modern research. More than 3,000 scientific papers cover its chemistry, pharmacology, and clinical uses. The therapeutic uses of garlic are extensive. But those specific to the cardiovascular system include reducing elevated cholesterol, preventing atherosclerosis and hypertension, treating poor circulation to the legs, and improving overall blood flow through antiplatelet actions.

One study involved two groups of subjects: one of 20 healthy volunteers and the other of 62 patients with coronary heart disease and elevated serum cholesterol. Both study groups ate garlic for six months. All involved experienced beneficial changes, which reached a peak at the end of eight months.

The improvement in cholesterol levels persisted throughout the two months of clinical follow-up. The clinicians concluded that garlic essential oil possesses a distinct hypolipidemic (fat-reducing) action in both healthy people and patients with coronary heart disease.

Great attention is being given by research workers to the value of such findings in humans. Several clinical comparisons of the influence of garlic have been published. In one example, a group of volunteers consumed a high-fat diet for seven days.

On day eight of the study, fasting blood was analyzed for the content of cholesterol and other fats. The subjects then received a high-fat a diet supplemented with garlic for seven days; on day fifteen, fasting blood was analyzed again. Results showed that the fat-rich diet significantly increased cholesterol levels, compared with a normal diet.

However, adding garlic to the high-fat diet significantly reduced serum cholesterol levels.15 Based on research investigating the effect of raw garlic on normal blood cholesterol levels in men, Indian research scientists advocated its daily use as a means of lowering blood cholesterol.

Garlic also possesses antiplatelet effects, or an ability to inhibit unnecessary clotting within the blood vessels. It appears to work by reducing the "stickiness" of blood platelets, decreasing platelet aggregation and inhibiting the release of clotting factors in the blood. The garlic constituent thought to be responsible for
this effect is allicin, unique thiosulfate well known for its strong antibiotic and antifungal properties.

An exciting finding indicates that garlic works selectively, inhibiting the synthesis of enzymes involved in plaque formation while sparing the vascular synthesis of important prostaglandins. This finding suggests that garlic would make a safe and effective antithrombotic agent. The traditional use of both garlic and onion in the treatment of hypertension is supported by research.

A study revealed that onion oil contains a blood pressure-lowering prostaglandin. Interestingly, while garlic's antimicrobial effects are lost during cooking, its blood pressure-normalizing and cholesterol-lowering actions appear to be unaffected.