Showing posts with label Corn and Calluses. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Corn and Calluses. Show all posts

Saturday 11 August 2012

Corn and Calluses

Corns are caused by an over-growth of the top layers of the skin on the foot in response to pressure or friction, and can be considerably uncomfortable even painful. Do not attempt to treat corns yourself beyond applying a dressing or un-medicated corn plaster to relieve the pressure. Paring away at the layers of accumulated skin may lead to septic infection and will most certainly increase the soreness. Medicated corn plasters should be avoided too, particularly if you have poor circulation or are diabetic seeks the help of a chiropodist, who will be able to treat it and to advice on ways of avoiding a recurrence.  Calluses are more general patches of hard rough skin that build up on areas of the body, usually the foot. Guard against getting them by looking after your feet well, by wearing comfortable shoes, by combating dryness with a daily application of moisturizer and by using a pumice stone to rub away dry sports with a little soap and warm water.