Sunday 17 August 2014

Good and Healthful Eating

Good and Healthful Eating,
Health claims, enhance your health
Barriers to Better Eating
Good Nutrition Advice

Saturday 28 June 2014

Simple Health Benefits of Warm Lemon Water

Adopting healthy habits like eating healthful foods and daily exercising can seem difficult, but sometimes it can be quite easy. There’re some health tips and wellness habits we can easily change in our routine life to improve our health absolutely. Things like drinking water with lemon are so easy to implement and can deliver many health benefits.
Moreover to offering mind-boosting hydration, lemon water delivers immune-boosting vitamin C & antioxidants. In fact it is a notable way to wake up and an excellent way to wind down your day. However; it’s low in calories and is a good source of potassium and pectin. Maybe best of all, lemon water is easy to make and lemons are easy to obtain.
Here I’d like to mention some benefits of drinking warm lemon water which include:
  • Lemon is an excellent and rich source of vitamin C and it helps in Immune-boosting benefits of vitamin C support ensure your body can fight off illness.
  • It helps in to kill bacteria in the mouth and can be used as a natural teeth whitening home remedy.
  • Supports replenish the body after a hectic workout.
  • It can decrease the occurrence and aid in the treatment of urinary tract infections.
  • Pectin fiber is a great for your colon and digestive health.
  • It helps in the reduction of phlegm (mucus) produced by the body
  • It helps control the spreading of unhealthy bacteria in the gut.
  • Dissolving uric acid, lemon water can support in to decrease pain and inflammation of the joints.
  • Lemon water is so good for your skin.
  • Aids in detoxify the liver and kidneys.
  • In case of a heart burn, taking a glass of concentrated lemon juice can give relief.
  • It helps purify the blood.
  • Regardless of lemons being acidic, they can support in to keeping your pH balance in check.
  • Supports to maintain eye health and protects against eye disease and damage.
  • It supports in to reduce the weight loss.
  • It helps in clenches the liver.
  • It aids in to cure the common cold
  • It can treat a sore throat. Gargle with warm lemon water to help ease a sore throat.
  • The potassium content in lemon helps nourish brain and nerve cells
  • It strengthens the liver by providing energy to the liver enzymes when they’re too dilute.

Though several people consider of ice cold lemon water as the best refreshment, but warming the water is actually better. When you drink warm water, your body doesn’t have to work to rise the temperature and it can calm you like a cup of tea or wake you like a cup of coffee. By adding warm lemon water to your daily routine is a small and simple step towards better health. It doesn’t need any lavish additions or restrictions, just adding a flavorsome fruit to your daily hydration.

Friday 6 June 2014

Food Tips to Live a Longer Life

Every human being love to live long life with their best of health. In fact you may not be able to control your genetic factors or your surrounding environment, but you can control what you eat. Of all the things you do to stay healthy and live a long life, paying attention to what you eat can give the surest results. Here’re 15 simple tips to change your diet to live out your years the healthiest way as you can. There is a baffling array of diets out there, but try out a few of these easy ideas to change your diet and your life for the better. Yes we knew a balanced diet is the best not too much of anything though it’s difficult when it comes to favorite foods. 

Take Nutrient-Rich Foods instead of worrying over calories, worry about the nutritional density of your food. Before I changed my diet, I had this idea that I had to have some sides and a big entrée-looking thing and now I have very simple meals that have much more calories in them and much more nutrients. So per item I am getting much more nutrients per calorie than I used to and find food more satisfying and pleasing because of that.

You must pick fermented foods by starting your meal with a fermented, raw food, such as raw sauerkraut or kimchee, is a great way to get your digestive fire going naturally. Chow down a couple of tablespoons for a nice dose of enzymes before you start eating.

Make sure your water is purified as we’ve this assumption that is a give-in that our water is of good quality and the reality is that our water is actually one of the culprits reintroducing toxins into our diet right now. We need to pay attention to that as a potential source of contamination. The level of contaminants, such as pharmaceuticals, hormones, metals and fluoride, is worrisome. The only way to get clean water is to pass it through a filtration system. Get informed about the water supply where you live.

Choose berries as your go-to fruit, because bursting with antioxidants; fruits are Boyd’s best friends. The best fruits for your health are berries. Since they are seasonal, try organic frozen berries, probably to cool down oatmeal or blended up raw with coconut milk.

Steer clear of processed foods as you’ll never get (high levels of nutrients) with something that has an actually catchy name and is in a very colorful box. So it is generally the first hint. Everybody wants food that looks as close as possible to its original form in which it grows in the world at any costs try to avoid the chemical-laden, big agriculture foods that have an ingredient list you can’t pronounce or understand.
Get your fill of veggies, especially cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts and kale. People who’re used to counting their calories: Go hog wild. Eat as many well-prepared vegetables as you can get.” Green vegetables in general are powerhouses of nutrients and have cancer-fighting properties. “My general advice to people is every time you are opening your pie hole, you should be putting in as many vegetables as you can get in first and foremost. And after you feel you have done God’s work in getting all of that down, then you can focus on other things on plate.
Keep your animal products to a condiment-sized amount with our factory farms, animals are not fed their ideal diet, plus many animal products are full of saturated fat and cholesterol. We pay for it when the animals we eat suffer from abnormalities and are treated with hormones. Plants are the best sources for protein, but if you need familiar animal foods as part of your diet, go with a small serving.

Dress your veggies the right way and cook them only in olive oil or coconut oil and pair with a healthy fat like avocado. For flavor, try coating in sesame seeds or dousing with herbs and garlic. Remember that the first step of digestion occurs before your food enters your body. You don’t have that first phase of digestion in head. Imagining your food, planning, and thinking about what you will be eating, being in contact with your food, and chopping it up, releasing the odors all of those things get your enzymes going, your salivary gland, and your digestive enzymes going. In saliva you have all these antibacterial properties.

It is very imperative to keep track of your water intake and buy a large refillable container, preferably stainless steel, and carry it around with you. Boyd has a 40 oz. bottle that she drains at least one and a half times a day. Be careful of disposable water bottles, because the plastic can leach chemicals into the water.
Spice it up as we forget that spices can be really valuable and high in antioxidants. They pack a powerful punch for their size. Jazz up your meals with liberal amounts of curry, oregano, turmeric and basil, maybe grown in your own garden or windowsill. The allium family, such as garlic and onions, comprises loads of powerful antioxidants and can prevent infection and lower blood pressure.

Connect with your food because all of the books that discuss about great diets for longevity the thing they’ve in common are that they’ve lots of great practices around the culture of eating. They’re cooking, they’re relaxing, they’re coming in contact with their food, they’re eating socially with other people, they’re praying over their food. All of those things, when done correctly, can be relaxing.

Add lentils to your diet, because Lentils are a good choice as they’re high in protein and fiber, plus contain a great deal of vitamins and minerals. Boyd suggests combining lentils with a healthy fat such as coconut oil to make them more digestible and absorb all the nutrients. You can get all the protein you need without touching animal products with a quick sauté.

Work around your busy schedule because not all packaged food is processed food. If you don’t like to cook, there’re several foods with quality ingredients that are premade. Or try cutting up your week’s veggies Sunday night to be able to throw meals together fast.

Try to be creative and mixing up your vegetables and sample new things, new foods, fresh cooking techniques, new spices and flavorings. Don’t be a slave to the same foods all the time. Go for different colors and try things that are new to you. Go for your staples in new ways. Probably freeze some berries into an ice cube tray to pop in your drinks. Whatever you do, don’t pressurize yourself out so much you do not relish your food. The motivation is on living well and healthily for as long as you can. Take a few small steps a day and in no time your body will thank you for your new health.

Monday 12 May 2014

Seven Foods That Helps in To Burn Fat in Summer

In most part of world’s summer has arrived and if you have been feeling wistful over not being able to wear smart clothing it's not too late. A magazine quoted dietician Dr. Carrie Ruxton saying, "Metabolism converts food into energy and slow rate calories are more likely to be converted into fat. Although exercise helps a lot, and so does portion control, here are some handy foods that act as the biggest metabolism boosters.
1. Apples: Apples contains rich nutrient and have enough fiber to keep the digestion healthy. Eating an apple just 20 minutes before your meal will make you eat lesser calories in your main meal. And even an early morning apple will help your hunger in control.
2. Turkey: This is regarded as a best alternative to chicken as it is lower in calories and higher in proteins and nutrients. So 5 ounces of turkey comprises just 175 calories and 10 grams of fat.
3. Broccoli: It is highly suggested to add more broccolis in your diet which can help you to lose that weight as it is low-calorie foods that can assist you fill up quickly. A single cup of steamed broccoli gives you almost twice the amount of vitamins C and K normally required in a day. It also is a very rich source of vitamins B6 and B2, phosphorus, magnesium, protein and omega-3 fatty acids.
4. Almonds: Almonds can speed up metabolism like no other. They are also associated with plummeting cholesterol and lowering blood sugar.
5. Peppers: Bell peppers are great food for reducing the weight loss. They can fill out any dish without adding the calories and have a small amount of fat burning capsaicin in them.
6. Pulses: Legumes or pulses like soya beans and kidney beans have key nutrients like iron, vitamins of B group and dietary fiber. Pulses assist in maintaining regular bowel movement since the texture of the fiber supports it move through the digestive system quickly.
7. GreenTea: It is another substance that can be added to the diet that can upsurge the metabolic rate. Green tea has EGCG in its composition. This substance supports to increase the body and the rate that the nervous system functions. It in turn increases the metabolism.

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Five Foods to Avoid From Cancer

Who isn’t afraid of the word “cancer”? We all know a family member or a friend who had it. And indeed, according to the American Cancer Society, more than one million people in the United States get cancer each year. The American Cancer Society lists many possible causes to cancer disease, including genetic factors, lifestyle factors such as tobacco use, diet, and physical activity, certain types of infections and environmental exposures to different types of chemicals and radiation. Since I’m very interested in healthy nutrition, and foods that are protect against cancer development, but it won’t help if we eat those foods while consuming large amounts of other foods that can increase the risk of cancer. So let’s have a look at these cancer promoting foods so we all know not only what to eat, but what NOT to eat (or at least reduce their intake).

1.      High intake of processed foods
Many diverse substances are adjoined to commercially prepared foods, such as artificial colors, chemical flavors, salt, sugar or artificial sweeteners. These additives are frequently investigated by researchers to check if any of them is thought to be a real risk. Sometimes there is a scare about a particular additive and some additives are thought to be a cancer risk. Heavily salted, smoked and pickled foods, for example, may increase the risk of stomach cancer. This may well explain why there is high rate of stomach cancer in Japan, because salty and pickled foods are very popular. Also an epidemiological study published in June 2010 in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition observed that a high salt food can increase in 10% risk of stomach cancer. Furthermore artificial food coloring are noticed numerous health risks and research has been is limited to animal studies, including mice and rats, but some claim that these dyes are possibly toxic enough to cause the cancer in the humans.

2. High intakes of red meat, processed meat or charred food
It has been observed the peoples who eat lots of red processed meat can cause bowel and stomach cancer. Red meat includes all fresh, minced and frozen beef, pork, lamb or veal, particularly pork is so injurious for health and leads to cancer.  Therefore processed meats possess a risk of cancer, and these have been preserved in some way other than freezing and include bacon, ham, salami, sausages, corned beef, black pudding, pâté and tinned meat. When you eat processed meats, you are exactly assure consuming sodium nitrite or sodium nitrate, which are added to processed and cured meats to preserve color and extend shelf life. Unluckily, these compounds can be converted to nitrosamine, which is very much famous to cause cancer in laboratory rats (though again, the connection in people is unclear). Also hot dogs, bacon and the like may also be preserved by methods involving smoke or salt, which also increases the exposure to potentially carcinogenic chemicals. Charred food creates chemicals which can damage human cells, and making them more likely to become cancerous. However; it is highly depend on the way you cook your meat can potentially make a big difference in the cancer risk it poses to you. The char-grilled meats that are somewhat burnt on the outside are among the worst foods that increase the risk for cancer.

3. Sugar
There are a number of websites that encourage the idea of sugar “feeds” cancer. They suggest that eating foods with sugar makes cancer breed faster. Due to this some cancer patients avoid eating any sugar, and rejecting beneficial foods, i.e. fruits, that contains vital nutrients. Therefore no decisive research on human subjects to verify that sugar makes cancerous cells grow. Avoiding foods with processed sugar is a decent idea in general, but disregarding foods with natural sugar won’t stop cancer cells from dividing. As per Mayo clinic, sugar doesn’t make cancer grow faster. All cells (including cancer cells) depend on blood sugar (glucose) for instant energy. But giving extra sugar to cancer cells doesn’t speed their growth. Similarly, depriving cancer cells of sugar doesn’t slow their growth. According to Canadian Cancer Society the connection between sugar and cancer is different, eating abundance of sugary foods can cause of rapid gaining weight. Research shows that obese habit or being overweight can increase risk of cancer. Normally obesity may cause changes in hormone levels or insulin that might increase the risk of developing breast, colon or uterine cancer. Thus limiting the sugar level in your diet is really important. High sugar in your diets sugar and refined carbohydrates can lead to overweight and obesity, which indirectly increases cancer risk over time. Sugar can be found several foods such as cookies, sodas, cakes, soft drinks and other sweets even in pasta sauce, salad dressing and canned vegetables. So you’ve to read out food labels carefully, look for sugar e first ingredient and be aware of hidden sugar names: fructose, lactose, sucrose, maltose, glucose, dextrose. Natural sugars such as molasses, honey and maple syrup contain beneficial antioxidants but those, too, should be consumed in moderation. If you tend to have sugar cravings, you may want to read my article 13 effective ways to quit sugar.

4.  Fried food, French fries, potato chips and snack food
It is highly important that French fries, potato chips and other snacks you eat, actually may have high levels of acrylamide, another carcinogenic substance that forms when foods are heated at high temperatures, such as during baking or frying. Acrylamide may be gotten in any food heated to a temperature above 250° F, but potato chips & French fries have been observed highest levels of among foods tested. Therefore cooking methods i.e. frying, baking or roasting are more likely to produce acrylamide, whereas boiling, steaming, and microwaving appear less likely to do so. Longer cooking times and cooking at higher temperatures can raise the amount of acrylamide in foods further. It is most important to mentioned here, that the prolonged exposure to acrylamide has caused a range of tumors in animal tests (rats and mice), whereas most of the human studies published so far have failed to find any connection between acrylamide and several types of cancers. Therefore many believe it has a potential to be a human carcinogen because of those animal studies. If you are still worried, the FDA and other public health groups suggest the best way is to follow the general advice on healthy eating, including limiting the consumption of fried and fatty foods. Another component found in these types of foods that may increase the risk for cancers are Trans fats or trans fatty acids. These are formed when manufacturers turn liquid oils into solid fats via a process called hydrogenation.  And indeed, Tran’s fats can be found in many foods including vegetable shortening, margarine, crackers, cereals, candies, baked goods, cookies, granola bars, chips, snack foods, salad dressings, fried foods, fats and many other processed foods. Tran’s fats cannot only increase your risk of cardiovascular disease and two types of diabetes, but the high intake of trans-fatty acids may have a direct association with prostate cancer in men, which ranks number one among the most common malignant cancers in American men. Chronic inflammation plays an important role to the development of prostate cancer and the association of trans-fats and chronic inflammation may explain the link between prostate cancer and trans-fatty acid ingestion. However, further studies and clinical trials are needed to establish this fact.

5. Excess alcohol
Scientific and researchers have strong consensus of the linking between alcohols drinking causing several types of cancer. The peoples who drink alcohol regularly could be high risk of developing an alcohol-related cancer. According to Cancer Research UK and American Cancer society, alcohol can increase the risk of cancers, like as mouth cancer, liver cancer, breast cancer, bowel cancer and throat cancer.  You have perhaps heard about other studies that have found that certain substances in red wine, such as resveratrol, have anti-cancer properties, but like several things in life moderation is the key. The nutrition guidelines suggest physical activity plays a key role for cancer prevention; the people, who drink alcohol, have high risk of cancer.