Monday 28 March 2022

RT, PDT, and Surgical Cytoreduction

Definitive approaches to managing patients with MPM typically involve combinations of multiple standard treatment modalities and must address both widespread local disease and the high risk of systemic disease. This is made more challenging because the potential morbidity of highly aggressive local treatment strategies can limit the implementation of aggressive systemic treatment strategies and vice versa. Nevertheless, in patients with good performance status and few comorbidities, therapy with definitive intention (and higher RT doses) can lead to significantly higher median survivals than have been reported with palliative therapies. 

In this context, it is important to note that no single modality, including surgery, is highly effective in the treatment of MPM and that the strategy in any surgery-based multimodal treatment plan is to use surgery to achieve a macroscopic complete resection and to then employ other modalities in an attempt to control the inevitably present residual microscopic disease. RT has been used definitively in the absence of surgical resection in selected patients to treat bulky areas of disease or even all glycolytically active (FDG-avid) disease (Feigen et al. 2011), but current RT techniques are not sufficient to allow high dose RT to all pleural surfaces without unacceptable toxicity. Accordingly, definitive radiotherapy is frequently associated with surgical therapy, and this section will discuss the role of PDT and RT in the surgically based multimodality therapy of patients with MPM.

In the overwhelming majority of MPM patients, even the most aggressive surgical resection results in high rates of local relapse. For this reason, both RT and PDT have been used to treat microscopic residual disease following surgery that was performed with the goal of achieving a macroscopically complete resection (MCR). One strategy for MCR involves an extrapleural pneumonectomy (EPP), in which the parietal pleura, diaphragm, pericardium, and lung are resected en bloc. The other commonly used strategy is the lung-sparing pleurectomy/decortication (P/D), which when performed with the intent of achieving an MCR is often referred to as an extended P/D (eP/D) or radical pleurectomy. As there is no surgical procedure accepted as the standard of care for pleural malignancies, there is certainly no procedure acknowledged as the standard cytoreductive operation, and both EPP and eP/D are performed at high-volume MPM surgical centers (see chapter Surgery Approaches in Mesothelioma of this volume by Wolf and Flores).

Thursday 24 March 2022

Types of Chiropractors:

 There are many types of chiropractors:

• Chiropractors who focus on primary care and wellness

• Chiropractic neurologists who work with the nervous system

• Chiropractic orthopedic physicians who work with the bones and joints

• Chiropractics who practice physical therapy and rehabilitation

• Chiropractices who specialize in sports medicine

• Chiropractists who focus on pediatric care

• Chiropractic nurses

• Chiropracticians who work in hospitals

• Chiropractorst who work in schools

• Chiropracting doctors who work with seniors

• Chiropractologists who work in geriatric clinics

• Chiropractic surgeons who perform spinal surgeries

• Chiropracters who work with cancer patients

• Chiropractical physiotherapists who work with people recovering from injuries

• Chiropractically trained massage therapists

• Chiropractic dentists

• Chiropractical psychologists

• Chiropracticular nutritionists

• Chiropractorst who work with pregnant women

• Chiropracterst who work with infants

• Chiropracteres who work with children

• Chiropractisrts who work with adolescents

• Chiropractistst who work with adults

• Chiropractoars who work with senior citizens

• Chiropractorsts who work with athletes

• Chiropractors who work with animals

• Chiropractorst who work with babies

• Chiropractortst who work with cancer patients and survivors

• Chiropractosts who work with children with special needs

• Chiropractors who treat back pain

• Chiropractorst who treat headaches

• Chiropractoryst who treat neck pain

• Chiropractorst who treat shoulder pain

• Chiroproctologistst who treat digestive disorders

• Chiropractorst who treat ear infections

• Chiropractorgastroenterologistst who treat gastrointestinal problems

• Chiropractormedical technitians who work with x-rays

• Chiropractornursing technitians who work in hospital settings

• Chiropractorst who work with pregnant women and newborns

• Chiropractoresearch scientists who work to find new ways to help people

• Chiropractorcure practitioners who use hands-on techniques

• Chiropractorcure teachers who teach others how to do it

• Chiropractorst who work with the elderly

• Chiropractotrist who works with people with developmental disabilities

• Chiropractors who practice acupuncture

• Chiropractorst who work with autism

• Chiropractorkinesiology (chiropractic)

• Chiropractordentistry

• Chiropractosurgery

• Chiropractors who have a background in osteopathy

• Chiropractorst who work with cancer

• Chiropractorest who work with diabetes

• Chiropractores who work with eating disorders

• Chiropractorst who work with fibromyalgia

• Chiropractorst who work with heart disease

• Chiropractorset who work with HIV/AIDS

• Chiropractoret who work with kidney stones

• Chiropractories who work with migraines

• Chiropractorst who work with multiple sclerosis

• Chiropractiorst who work with Parkinson’s Disease

• Chiropractioarst who work with rheumatoid arthritis

• Chiropractiors who work with stroke victims

• Chiropractorst who work with thyroid conditions

• Chiropractics who work with urinary tract infections

• Chiropractorst who work with weight loss

• Chiropracts who work with women's health issues

• Chiropractorst who work with whiplash injuries

• Chiropractorst who work with workers' compensation claims

• Chiropractorse who work with yoga

• Chiropractorshipst who work with sports medicine

• Chiropractorst who work with spinal cord injury

• Chiropractorth who work with sleep apnea

• Chiropractords who work with temporomandibular joint disorder

• Chiropracters who work with TMJ

• Chiropractorst who work with total body wellness

• Chiropractorts who work with vaccines

• Chiropractists who work with vitamin supplements

• Chiropracticst who work with vision care

Saturday 19 March 2022

Benefits of Heat therapy

Heat therapy has become very popular over the years. Many people claim that heat therapy helps them relax and relieve stress. Is it really true?

Heat therapy is a form of treatment where hot water or steam is applied to the body. The idea behind heat therapy is to increase blood flow to the skin and stimulate the release of endorphins. This leads to relaxation and pain relief.

There are several benefits of heat therapy. It can be used to treat muscle soreness, arthritis, and other conditions. In addition, heat therapy can also be used to reduce inflammation and promote healing.

What Are the Different Types of Heat Therapy?. There are different types of heat therapy. They include:

1) Steam Baths

A steam bath is a great way to relax after a long day or week. It's also a good way to get rid of some stress and tension. In addition, steam baths help improve circulation and increase blood flow. They're also a great way to detoxify your body.

2) Hot Water Massage

Hot water massage is another type of heat therapy. It involves applying warm water directly on the muscles. You can use a shower head for this purpose. However, you can also use a tub filled with hot water.

3) Warm Saunas

Warm saunas are one of the most relaxing forms of heat therapy. They involve sitting in a heated room filled with smoke. The smoke contains aromatic oils which make you feel relaxed.

4) Deep Tissue Massages

Deep tissue massages are done by trained therapists who knead your muscles using their hands. These massages are meant to loosen up tight muscles and knots. They're also effective at relieving chronic pain.

5) Infrared Sauna

Infrared sauna uses infrared rays instead of heat. It delivers an even heating effect throughout the entire body. This makes it more effective than regular saunas.

6) Dry Needling

Please write an article about dry needling. This is a treatment for muscle pain or injury. It involves inserting fine needles into the skin to stimulate the release of endorphins and other chemicals that reduce pain.

7) Electrotherapy

Electrotherapy is the use of electricity to treat medical conditions. It includes a wide range of treatments such as electro-acupuncture, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), and low-frequency ultrasound.

Here are a number of benefits of heat therapy. 

- It Can Improve Your Immune System

- It Can Reduce Stress Levels

- It Can Make You Feel Happier

- It Can Help With Depression

- It Can Help with Anxiety

- It Can Help Prevent Cancer

- It Can Help Treat Diabetes

- It Can Help to Heal Wounds

- It Can Help To Boost Energy Levels

- It Can Help Get Rid Of Acne

- It Can Help Fight Off Infections

- It Can Help Keep You Healthy

- It Can Help Increase Blood Circulation

- It Can Help Lower Cholesterol

- It Can Help Reduce The Risk Of Heart Disease

- It Can Help Slow Down Aging Process

- It Can Help Strengthen Bones

- It Can Help To Maintain A Healthy Body

- It Can Help In Regulating Body Temperature

- It Can Help in Healing Burns, Scars, And Skin Ulcers

- It Can Help Stop Hair Loss

- It Can Help Repair Damaged







Tuesday 15 February 2022

Enlarge Hair Pores on Breast

 Enlarged hair follicles on breasts are a common condition that affects many. In this blog post, we will discuss what causes enlarged hair follicles on breasts and how to treat them. We will also provide some tips for preventing them from occurring in the first place.

There are many reasons why someone can develop enlarged hair follicles. Some people have them naturally, while others may experience them due to aging or hormonal changes. It could also be caused by an underlying medical problem such as diabetes mellitus type II (DMII) if left untreated over time without treatment these problems will lead to complications such as gangrene and amputation of limbs that require immediate attention from a doctor. 

The most common cause is genetics; this issue runs in families so it’s important for parents who have the condition themselves not to pass along those genes onto their children through a marriage where there might already exist another family member with this condition at some point during their lives. Another common cause is hormonal changes; this happens during puberty when estrogen levels rise and testosterone decreases in both sexes which leads to increased production of sebum from the skin’s oil glands leading to large amounts of hair growing around our bodies.

There are many ways that people can treat their enlarged hair follicles on breasts, and it all depends on what caused them in the first place. For example, if genetics were responsible then there isn’t much to be done except accept yourself or perhaps consider plastic surgery later down life if things get too uncomfortable; however, if hormones were involved due hormone therapy may lessen these effects over time as estrogen levels decline. 

If it’s an underlying medical problem such as DMII, then the treatment for that will need to be addressed in order to stop the hair follicles from enlarging. In general, some ways to treat enlarged hair follicles include: using topical treatments like creams or ointments; using prescription medications such as minoxidil (Rogaine) or finasteride (Propecia); undergoing laser therapy; and/or having surgery.

Friday 24 December 2021


Congenital muscular torticollis (CMT) is an idiopathic postural deformity evident shortly after birth, typically characterized by lateral flexion of the head to one side and cervical rotation to the opposite side due to unilateral shortening of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. CMT may be accompanied by other neurological or musculoskeletal conditions. Key Points: Infants with CMT are frequently referred to physical therapists (PTs) to treat their asymmetries. 

This evidence-based clinical practice guideline (CPG) provides guidance on which infants should be monitored, treated, and/or referred, and when and what PTs should treat. Based upon critical appraisal of literature and expert opinion, 16 action statements for screening, examination, intervention, and follow-up are linked with explicit levels of evidence. 

The CPG addresses referral, screening, examination and evaluation, prognosis, first-choice, and supplemental interventions, consultation, discharge, follow-up, suggestions for implementation and compliance audits, flow sheets for referral paths and classification of CMT severity, and research recommendations. All surgical procedures carry the risk of producing excessive weakness or paralysis, causing infection or internal bleeding, complications of anesthesia, or simply not being effective. 

In light of these considerations, how are candidates for surgery selected from among ST patients? Simply put, all nonsurgical treatments are attempted first. Surgery is never considered as a first-line or early treatment, even in fairly severe cases of dystonia, because some cases may resolve spontaneously, given time. Additionally, the specific muscles involved at the beginning may change over time. Some muscles may stop contracting and new ones may become involved. 

The proper muscles to target may not become obvious until the disorder stabilizes. Chemodenervation with botulinum toxin remains the mainstay of treatment for ST, supplemented by oral medications and pain management. As discussed previously, some patients may develop resistance to botulinum toxin after years of repeated injections. Those patients for whom chemodenervation is no longer effective may be considered for surgery. 

Among those patients, surgery works best for those with rotational torticollis, and less well for those who predominantly have retrocollis or anterocollis. Other factors may influence a patient’s suitability for surgery. The coexistence of medical conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, lung or breathing problems, or blood clotting abnormalities will add to the risk of adverse outcomes from surgery. 

Selective peripheral denervation is becoming the procedure of choice for those patients who are appropriate candidates for surgery. Note that, as opposed to surgical denervation, the injection of phenol or botulinum toxin achieves chemical denervation. Chemodenervation is not permanent, but destructive surgery is. Also, surgery of any kind rarely completely cures ST. 

Peripheral surgeries on the nerves and muscles do not alter the abnormality in the extrapyramidal system of the brain. The brain may recruit adjacent muscles, usually smaller and often not previously involved in the ST, into activity in order to bring the head back to its abnormal set point. Patients who undergo surgery do not usually become free from the need for continued treatment. Many of them must continue receiving botulinum toxin injections and/or medications. All of the factors discussed above must be considered together in selecting any one patient for surgery.

If available, physical therapy by an experienced therapist may improve pain symptoms. The goals of physical therapy include bringing the head position back toward normal, increasing the range of motion, and decreasing pain, thereby increasing functional ability. The physical therapist may employ a variety of techniques to achieve these goals. 

Primarily, he will gently move the neck through its range of motion, stretching the spasming agonist muscles. He may take advantage of the effect of geste antagoniste, stimulating the skin by gentle stroking or by applying ice to decrease the contraction of agonists during neck maneuvers. For some patients, gentle neck traction using a mechanical device may alleviate pain. Physical therapy techniques such as ultrasound or diathermy also may help with the pain.

While it is used extensively by some of our patients and is a fairly effective treatment for tension cervicalgia, local massage tends to have mixed results in ST. While it almost always feels good while being performed, pain control is very short-lived. In some patients, massage, especially deep massage, aggravates the spasms and contractions of agonist muscles. As a result, pain may actually increase the following a massage. 

However, we have found that an acupressure type treatment, in which the point of an elbow is applied to a spasming trapezius muscle, or to muscles in the back of the neck, is often beneficial. Pressure should not be applied to the sternocleidomastoid muscle, which runs along the front and side of the neck, since doing so is ineffective and may even cause injury. Overall, we have found that properly applied acupressure is a most economical and effective pain relief measure with very low risk or side effects, and it may be performed at home by a spouse or family member.

Thursday 30 September 2021

Lack of Sleep

Getting Them to SLEEP! “LACK OF SLEEP” is probably every nonparent’s biggest fear. Certainly, your sleep schedule requires the biggest adjustment during the first few months of parenthood. Those first few weeks? It is what it is. Your baby needs to eat every few hours (maybe even every 90 minutes), and if you’re breastfeeding, that’s going to be your new around-the-clock alarm clock. 

With Honor, I was just about at my breaking point (especially because I couldn’t drink coffee while nursing), when my girlfriend Kelly Sawyer said the magic word: “Schedule!” She had successfully transitioned both of her kids to a consistent 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. sleep schedule. It totally changed her life and then mine. Caveat: This is a (kinder, gentler) form of sleep training, and that’s not for everyone. 

Definitely discuss this strategy with your partner and your pediatrician many experts have written about this subject and there is a wide variety of opinion. I’m simply sharing what worked for us in the hopes that it can help you and your little ones get a better night’s sleep. That being said, here’s what Kelly’s Genius Sleep Schedule looks like you can start it with a child as young as a few months old, then phase out the daytime naps when your baby stops needing to sleep as much. “It may take your baby a week or so to get used to the new routine, so be patient,” Kelly warns. “The key is to wake them up at the end of each naptime right on schedule as hard as that seems! 

If they sleep too much during the day, they won’t sleep at night. It’s that simple.” Kelly says she implemented the schedule at four months with her first daughter, and “as soon as humanly possible” with number two. With Honor, we were able to get her on this schedule by about three months. By four weeks old, she was big enough to sleep for 6 hours at a stretch, and at that point, we started letting her be awake and fussing a bit before we’d go in to get her gradually, we were able to stretch this from 6 to 8 to 10 to 12 hours. 

Amazing! With Haven, it took a little longer maybe four or five months before she had the full 12 hours down. But we got there, and I added my own twist to Kelly’s schedule: a midnight feeding (right before I went to bed) that would help her sleep through until 7:00 or 8:00 a.m. (The key was to make sure it was at least 4 hours since her last feeding of the day, so it didn’t make her sick and to keep it very low key; lights off, no talking, just feed, change, back to bed.) 

Gradually, since she was sleeping less during the day, Haven started eating more and wanted to go for longer and longer stretches of sleep at night. Of course, we aren’t militant about this. Some nights, it’s closer to 7:30, and when we travel, all bets are off. But we do our best to be as consistent as possible, and it really does work most of the time. You might feel selfish at first, trying to get your baby on a schedule that lets you have 12 uninterrupted hours to yourself every night don’t. 

That big chunk of “you time” is actually just a side benefit. Babies and little kids crave routine and stability plus all of the health benefits that come with eating at regular intervals and getting a good night’s sleep. Babies learn self-soothing more quickly this way, which I think translates to having more confidence and self-reliance as they grow. 

Both of my girls are pretty independent, and I think a lot of that has to do with our strategy of letting them figure themselves out as much as possible. Plus, a happier, less-sleep-deprived mommy means happier kids, too! I had almost no baby blues with either of my kids, and I think the schedule was a big part of it; it helped me wrap my head around a day and a night. This is not to knock co-sleeping or less scheduled parenting whatsoever again, this is all about figuring out the best approach for you and your baby.

Diabetes and Oxidative Stress

Most researchers are in basic agreement that the theory of oxidative stress is central to explaining the cause of diabetes. To understand the theory, one must first conceptualize that a "free radical" is any atom or molecule which has an "unpaired electron" in its outer ring. Because it is lacking an electron, it is unstable and very much wants to find one electron to fill its need. 

This "free radical" will steal an electron from any other molecule it encounters that is more willing to give one up and thus it becomes satisfied. but now the victim molecule has become a free radical itself and so it now will look for another victim molecule to steal its much-desired electron from thus propagating this cycle over and over again. 

This cycle is called "the chain reaction of free radicals". The chief danger of free radicals comes from the damage they can do when they react with important cellular components such as DNA, or the cell membrane. Cells may function To prevent free radical damage the body has a defense system of antioxidants. Antioxidants are molecules that can safely interact with free radicals and terminate the chain reaction before vital molecules are damaged. 

Although there are several enzyme systems within the body that scavenge free radicals, the principle antioxidants are glutathione, SOD (superoxide dismutase), beta carotene, vitamin E, vitamin C, CoQ10, melatonin, and alpha-lipoic acid. According to the theory of oxidative stress, free radicals run rampant through the body wreaking havoc. 

In the case of type 1 diabetes damaging beta cells in the pancreas, negatively impacting their ability to produce insulin in the case of type 2 diabetes damaging cell membranes, leading to a breakdown in intercellular signaling. And if that were not bad enough free radicals deplete our body's reserve of antioxidants further contributing to the problem. 

This is why it is so important to lower oxidative stress with a better diet, more exercise, an improved lifestyle; and to take all the antioxidant supplements known to neutralize the excess free radicals. There is still a lot to learn about the causes of diabetes, but what is known, is that our bodies may begin to malfunction five to seven years before we are ever diagnosed with diabetes. 

That is why researchers believe that nearly 30-50% of the people who have diabetes don't even know it. It is vital for the person with diabetes to measure his blood sugar and get to KNOW not to GUESS about his body. he needs to know how stress affects him, how carbs affect him, and how everything affects his blood sugar. Knowledge is power. Sometimes we find that just certain foods, just certain stresses just certain times of the month make the diabetes work.

Sunday 27 June 2021

How to Remove Kidney Stone without Surgery?


How to get rid of Kidney Stones without Surgery? Kidney stones are caused when the urine in the kidney becomes high in certain minerals, like calcium and uric acid. These minerals form crystals that can grow until they become full stone. There are many ways to prevent kidney stones, but there isn’t a way to get rid of them without surgery.
Kidney stones show up on an x-ray as small spikes of minerals on the side of your kidneys. They can also show up as a line or multiple lines on your x-ray with other places where they could be hiding out. There is no known prevention for these painful occurrences, but there are some things you can do to help prevent them from happening again.
Reduce or eliminate animal protein intake and increase fluids. Learn how to get rid of kidney stones without surgery, very useful information. Dehydration can lead to the formation of kidney stones. Kidney stones are usually removed by surgery but there are some effective ways that you can remove kidney stones from the body at home. The kidneys are one of the most important organs in the human body. The function of the kidneys is to remove harmful toxins from the human body and to maintain the levels of water, other fluids, chemicals, and minerals.
Proper functioning of the kidneys in the human body is essential for a healthy life. Useful Foods for Kidney Patients Dehydration can lead to the formation of kidney stones; these stones can be small to large in size. The formation of kidney stones can lead to weight loss, fever, nausea, and severe pain in the lower abdomen with difficulty urinating. Which spices are useful for the liver? Kidney stones are mostly removed by surgery but there are some effective and natural ways to help here are some ways to get rid of kidney stones from your system at home.
Here are some ways to get rid of kidney stones without surgery: Drink plenty of water: How to get rid of kidney stones without surgery? Is considered a basic and important component of It helps maintain hydration levels. Water helps the kidneys dissolve minerals and nutrients and also speeds up the digestive process. What foods are needed to lower cholesterol levels? Water helps the kidneys remove unnecessary toxins from the body.

Maybe further damaged people who have kidney stones should use more water to remove these stones through urine. It is generally recommended to drink 7 to 8 glasses of water a day. Apple cider vinegar: How to get rid of kidney stones without surgery? Apple cider vinegar contains citric acid, which is said to help break down kidney stones and dissolve them into smaller particles.
It helps to remove kidney stones through the urethra. The use of fennel tea for better digestion and the use of apple cider vinegar also helps in removing toxic water and cleansing the kidneys. Two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar can be taken daily with warm water until the kidney stones are completely removed. Corn or kiln hair: How to get rid of kidney stones without surgery?
Corn hair is very effective in removing kidney stones from the body. Corn hair can be boiled with water and drunk. It also prevents new stones from forming in the kidneys. Corn hair also helps to reduce the pain caused by kidney stones. Pomegranate: How to get rid of kidney stones without surgery? Pomegranate is rich in many nutrients and it is excellent.
It is a healthy fruit. Pomegranate juice is one of the best natural drinks that help keep the body hydrated. Lemon juice and olive oil: How to get rid of kidney stones without surgery? Lemon juice and olive oil is a very effective home remedy to get rid of kidney stones from the body. People who want to get rid of kidney stones naturally should drink this liquid daily. Lemon juice helps break down kidney stones while olive oil contains good antioxidants that help boost the immune system.
That’s why kidney health needs to be taken care of. The health of the kidneys depends on the health of the whole life, so it is just as important to take care of it as it is to take care of your physical beauty. In this article, you will know Foods that Keep the Kidneys Clean. Click here to know some foods that will help protect your kidneys and your immune system.
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Tuesday 8 June 2021

Egg Diet - How to lose 5kg weight in 3 days?

Gaining weight is a very common and easy thing to do. However, it is very difficult to get rid of extra weight gain and look slim and smart again. Hence before starting this difficult task, there are a few simple ways to lose weight. How you can set your mind for this difficult task.

When a person starts dieting or exercising with the idea of losing weight, there is often no weight loss in the beginning and if a person does not lose weight, he becomes frustrated and disheartens. ۔

If at the same time follow a diet plan that will support you in losing 5 kg in just 3 days, then those who want to lose weight run a wave of happiness and prepare themselves for a better way for this task.

The diet for losing 5 kg weight in 3 days is called 'Egg Diet'. During this diet plan, only eggs can be eaten for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. All other foods are strictly forbidden. While this diet can be done in 3 different ways.

Who can do the egg diet, who is harmful to it, what are the benefits, how to prevent weight gain again, the answer to all of them is as follows:

Egg diet

During the first type of egg diet, 6 to 7 eggs can be eaten per day. In addition, it is forbidden to take any food. Boil 2 to 3 eggs for breakfast or fry them in a tablespoon of oil in a non-stick pan. In addition to plain water, only green tea can be used during the day.

The second type is to take 4 to 6 eggs throughout the day and add two glasses of milk to the diet in the evening. ۔

Consumption of milk during the egg diet does not give significant results. But it is better to replace one meal of the day with another food than milk, such as a large bowl of salad in the afternoon or a complete breakfast in the morning. The condition is also called the third type of egg diet. 

The third form of egg diet is to replace one meal of the day with another diet and add 2 to 3 eggs to your diet in a day. The third type of egg diet is many times better and healthier than the first type.

Sudden weight gain after skipping a diet

According to experts, do not repeat a diet for more than 3 days or 6 days. It can also be harmful. After touching the egg diet, you may suddenly gain weight. Eat only rice, mostly yogurt, eggs, salads, protein and fiber-rich foods, pulses, and fish and poultry stacks.

For whom is the egg diet strictly forbidden?

According to dietitian Ayesha Nasir, egg yolks contain good fats, but it is high in cholesterol, so heart patients should not use this diet at all, those who have any heart-related complaints should avoid this diet. Patients with constipation, high blood pressure, and diabetes are also strictly prohibited from using the Egg Diet.

Lose Fat of Your Body Quickly -

Saturday 5 June 2021

Worst Foods for Body Fat


Do you know, which are the Worst Foods for Body Fat? Do you face big problems of how it difficult to get rid of belly and waist fat or, in simple words, bloating? If so, then don't worry, because you are not alone in this world. Millions of people around the world have this problem. From hard dieting to joining the gym? There are a number of ways people trying to get rid of bloating so that this extra fat can be dissolved as soon as possible.
According to health experts, a balanced diet and regular exercise is the most effective way to reduce the body fat. However, there are some foods that increase this fat, and often it is difficult to stop yourself to eat them. Here are below some of the worst foods for body fat that are highly caused to acute diseases as well.
Do you know, which are the Worst Foods for Body Fat? How it is difficult to get rid of belly and waist fat or, in simple words, bloating? Do you know, which are the Worst Foods for Body Fat? How it is difficult to get rid of belly and waist fat or, in simple words, bloating? Image Credit - Men's Health

Cookies and Donuts

Well, if you’re a donuts lover, then if you find it difficult to stop looking at donuts. And you know very well, that eating more of them will increase the volume of fat. A donut usually has 260 calories, which requires a lot of brisk walking or extra time gym every day to burn donuts calories.

Ice Cream

Who wouldn't want to eat ice cream? People are crazy about ice cream? They can’t stop themselves by having ice cream. But half a cup has 230 calories in plain and vanilla ice cream.


You should know that 15 pieces of chips contain 160 calories, but the most important question is who fills the heart with such a large amount of chips? Also, you should know, how to maintain an ideal body weight?

Fatty Meat

If you’re a red meat lover in large quantities, then, you should know that it is not only has a lot of calories, but also a high amount of fat that is harmful to the body. Yes, you can take a small amount of red meat, but overeating can make you sick. Get in the habit of eating fat-free meat.


Pizza can be good up to some extent for your health, but if there are pieces of meat on top of it, one piece can have more than 300 calories. Eating a slice of pizza makes eventually enticing you to have one more piece. Therefore, more calories mean more body fat.


Burgers are a traditional food that attracts people to have them. Larger burgers also have a higher amount of calories. A big burger has more than a thousand calories, while up to 75 grams of fat, which results in a rash.

French Fries

If you go outside, and you take a burger, ultimately people prefer to order French fries are still better in small quantities. However, overeating can absorb almost as many calories as eating a large burger, the side effect of which has been noted above.

Too many drinks

Do you know how many calories are in a drink? A typical bottle of beverage can contain 250 calories and drinking too much of them makes more sugar in the body, which is a major cause of bloating.
Millions of people around the world have this problem. From hard dieting to joining the gym? Millions of people around the world have this problem. From hard dieting to joining the gym?

Frozen foods

In the modern era, the availability of frozen foods is a great convenience, but the amount of frozen meat dishes needs to be monitored. Moreover, few dishes are rich in calories, salt, and trans fats, which increase the risk of heartburn. So, control yourself and don’t eat too much-frozen food.


The buffet table keeps many out of control. Might be one of you is having difficulty controlling your desire. It is highly important to fill your plates, at least choose healthy foods, i.e., salads and vegetables, and avoid fatty food.
Well, if you’re unable to do the above things and can’t control your desires. Do you wanna reduce your fat quickly? There are a number of products available in the market that can reduce your body fat. Here is one of the products which are highly popular these days without having any side effects. This product may the solution to your problem in a rapid way.

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Sunday 30 May 2021

Wild Apple and Pear

These Technical Guidelines are intended to assist those who cherish the valuable wild apple and pear gene pool and its inheritance, through conserving valuable seed sources or use in practical forestry. The focus is on conserving the genetic diversity of the species at the European scale. 

The recommendations provided in this module should be regarded as a commonly agreed basis to be complemented and further developed in local, national, or regional conditions. The Guidelines are based on the available knowledge of the species and on widely-accepted methods for the conservation of forest genetic resources.

Biology and Ecology

Wild apple (Malussylvestris (L.) Mill.) and wild pear (Pyruspyraster(L.) Burgsd.) belong to the family Rosaceae. They’re insect-pollinated and are both quite rare species. Wild apple trees have expanded crowns and often look like bushes. They can grow up to 10m tall with trunk diameters of23-45 cm and can live 80-100years. 

Under good growing conditions, wild pear trees have a remarkably slender form with a characteristic rising crown. Unless favorable conditions they show other characteristic growth forms, such as one-sided or extremely low crowns. Trees can reach heights of 22 m with clean trunks up to 10 m, and diameters of 45-80 cm (maximum 130) at an age of 80-150 years (maximum 250). 

P. pyrasteris able to grow on very dry sites due to its taproots. Owing to its weak competitive ability, wild apple, and wild pear exist mostly at the edge of forests, in farmland hedges, or on very extreme, marginal sites. Without competition by other tree species, P. pyraster would have a wide physiological range and physiological optimum. Wild pear can grow on almost all soils, except the most acidic. 

Best growth occurs on fresh, calcareous soils. With competition, the species is often displaced to more extreme sites (very dry or wet). The preferred niches for wild pear are close to the dry or wet edges of the forest. P. pyraster favors South and West facing slopes. The ecology of M.sylvestrisis similar to that of P. pyraster, except that wild apple is more indifferent to soil type. The preferred niches are on the wet edge of the forest.


Both species have extremely high light requirements and do not tolerate competitive pressure well, especially by beech. There are well-known occurrences of wild fruit trees in river flood plain forests where both native species (apple and pear) are associated. Both species are native in most European countries, and they occur in a scattered distribution pattern as single individuals or in small groups.

Importance and Use

Hybridization with cultivars grown for fruit production is supposed to be very common, making it very difficult to identify pure wild fruit trees. In the past, only morphological characters were used for identification purposes. Two main traits to characterize M. sylvestrisare hairiness of the undersides of leaves and fruit width. Important traits to characterize P. pyrasterare fruit width and fruit and leaf form. Wild apple timber is of low economic value, whereas that of wild pear is highly valued and has many potential uses.

Threats to Genetic Diversity

Genetic resources of wild apple and wild pear are seriously endangered, for the following reasons: Rare occurrence and a narrow genetic base cause genetic drift due to small numbers of mother trees and large distances between adult trees; Natural regeneration is not guaranteed and, if it occurs, it is endangered by grazing; Hybridization with cultivated forms of apple and pear is considered to be a major obstacle. 

Recent investigations in apple indicate that hybridization has not been that rampant as expected. Useful identification keys have been developed but are not satisfactory (distinguishing characters may not be developed consistently on an individual tree level); and Uncontrolled seed transfer. In the EU countries, wild apple and wild pear are not included under national legislation for forest reproductive material. Therefore, the seed of unknown origin is used for afforestation purposes in the landscape and along highways.

Genetic Conversation and Use

The natural situation of these rare fruit tree species and their occurrence as single individuals or in small groups restricts the possibilities for implementing in sit conservation strategies. For both species, the establishment of exciting conservation seed orchards seems to be the most suitable and efficient conservation measure to undertake. Natural regeneration should be supplemented by the planting of seedlings originating from seed orchards. 

This method extends the genetic base of regeneration, which is important for future adaptability. Grafting is not difficult and seed orchards can be relatively easily established. A minimum of 50 clones per seed orchard and region should be selected. New breeding populations can be restored when individual specimens, scattered over a large, but ecologically similar area, are collected and planted together in the seed orchard.

Genetic Knowledge

The genetic variation and structure of M. Sylvestris and P.pyrasteris not yet known in detail and requires extensive study. The two species show great phenotypic variation and it is assumed that various ecological types can be distinguished due to the large natural distribution area. Genetic analyses have been undertaken mainly on domesticated varieties of apples. 

Malusisa genus of the northern temper-ate zone with 25-35 species that are difficult to identify due to the lack of distinguishing traits. This is supposed to be largely the result of introgression between cultivated varieties and wild species. Isoenzyme analyses at the species level in Malusare limited but are a common method in cultivar identification. 

Until recently, this method had failed to distinguish M. sylvestris(in the past represented only by a few single trees), M. pumila, M.orientalis, M. asiaticaand M.sieversii from each other or these closely related wild species from M. domestica. The level of genetic diversity was found to be very high in all these species and very similar to that found in the domesticated apple. It has been suggested that these are not distinct species but have formed one large population extending from western China to Europe. 

Recent research, investigating more than 100 individuals of M. sylvestrisfrom north-western regions of Germany, partially rejects this hypothesis since species-specific alleles have been identified. These alleles have been found at relatively high frequencies, indicating that the introgression of M. Sylvestris genes into the M. domestic a gene pool has rarely or not occurred in the past at all since M. ✕ domestic has been grown. 

Different gene pools have also been identified by analyzing native M. sylvestrisin Belgium.There is little genetic information known about P. pyraster. Working with isoenzymes in pear is more difficult than for apple. A comparison of 183clones of P. pyraster collected in northwestern Germany was made with wild pears growing on typical species sites and with cultivars. 

The comparison revealed differences between the three pear groups in phenotype frequencies of two isoenzymes. Genetic analyses based on DNA markers may provide better information regarding the immediate ancestor of cultivated apple and pear, and regarding the influence of hybridization, but the research using DNA markershas yet to be performed. Only a few experiences of applying PCR based methods to M. sylvestrisare available.

Tuesday 19 January 2021

A Journey Inside Your Body


Today I'm going on an epic journey through the human body. So, you want to watch. The trip starts as the human heads to the office lunchroom, opens his lunchbox, and finds me in there. What else has he got here? A turkey sandwich, some yogurt. I see he's taken a bite of his sandwich. Oh, now it's my turn. He's pumped me into his mouth. Oh, it's gone time. To be very honest is wet and warm in here. The mouth is the gateway to the digestive system. That system is design specifically to transform food into useful nutrients that keep you energized and help you grow and repair. So, once you grab the first bite of whatever you're eating, you turn on the digestion machine. As you chew, food is broken up into pieces to make the process easier. Saliva comes in handy as it mixes with food and breaks it down even more. That way your stomach doesn't have to digest whole chunks of food. By the way, here's a fun fact.
The amount of saliva you produce in a year could fill two medium-sized bathtubs. Almost a pool full of drool. Wow, it's really raining spit in here. Whoa, I better watch out for these teeth. Wouldn't want to end up like a Turkey boy over there. It's hard since this guy is using his tongue to roll the food around in his mouth and toward his deed. I really don't feel like becoming a jam today. So, I'm going to just bypass all this chewing down the chute we go. We're now heading into the throne. They also call it the pharynx Oh fork in the road. Which way do I go? We must go. Hang on. I think I took a wrong turn. Why is everything shaking? Oh, the poor human is coughing like crazy. Somebody gives them a nice slap on the back. There we go coming back up. Ooh, sorry, dude, who was close, almost ended up in his lungs.
That wouldn't be very good. All right, I'm back on the road. So, let's give it another try. I've correctly turned it into the swallowing tube that goes by the sophisticated name of the esophagus. I like to call it the food chute. But it's a lot less space than I imagined. I'm kind of getting squished in here. Oh, how do I keep going down? Oh, I see. The muscles in the walls of this guy's esophagus are squeezing behind me and relaxing in front of me. This is a process called peristalsis. And it's what moves me through your digestive system. A couple of seconds later, and we've now reached the end of the tunnel. There's a muscle here that opens the lead food into the stomach and keeps it from coming back out into the esophagus. It's kind of like the TSA in a way. Hey, I'm just a tourist here, sir.
Please let me in. Yay. I've passed through the valve and into the stomach. It reminds me of a sack and let me try those walls. Whoa, that's a struggle on it's all muscle. I'm not surprised. The stomach holds mixes and grinds the food up into a mush. So, it must be pretty strong. Quite honestly, this doesn't look too. Oh, my What's that? Oh, that bruise like crazy. I get to get out of this stomach acid or else I'll turn into a liquid or paste-like turkey sandwich over there. That's okay, I've come prepared. I brought this handy dandy little device that'll encase me in a protective bubble. Your food usually doesn't have this but hey, I got Connections is classified. I just must push this button. There. Now I can keep talking to you the whole way instead of turning into great jelly.
Next up the small intestine. This long coiled snaky organ is made up of three sections. When I say a long time meet it if you spread it out, which I don't recommend doing because you need it to be coiled and inside of you. You get a tube that's over 20 feet in length. Yeah, that's if a giraffe is tall, all stuffed into your insides. I must say it's warm in here. almost feels like a tropical resort. Except I'm in an ocean of bile. Oh yeah, I protected in my little bubble. No worries. bile is crucial to digest fat and take all the waste out of your blood. So be thankful your liver produces it. your pancreas also helps the process with some good enzymes. And that thing over there that looks like a pear. That's the gallbladder. It's located under the liver and keeps bile in it until the right moment comes. Man, this thing really is coiled. Hmm. I'm getting kind of dizzy from the twists and turns. But no going back now.
These contracting intestinal walls keep pushing me forward. Looks like I'm already in the final section of the small intestine. And on to the next leg of my journey. The large intestine, also known as the colon. It's a muscular tube that's five to six feet long. Hold the phone. Do you hear that? I'm not alone. I'm surrounded. are coming in closer. It's bacteria. Oh, there are tons of them in here. Oh, is this person sick with some intestinal parasite or something? Yeah, your intestines need good bacteria to help them break down food, vitamins, and nutrients so that your body can use that sub beat? Hey, what's that little dangly thing over there at the entrance? Ah, that must be the appendix. It doesn't do much besides house bacteria that might be released into the gut.
It's also got some issues that are useful for your immune system. But it's mostly a useless little thing. So, people can still live without it. Hey, if your appendix gets inflamed, a doctor will cut it out of you really looks like this guy still has his good for you. Anyway, we're now in the large intestine. And I'm glad it's a little roomier in here. Had I not grabbed my fancy top-secret protective bubble; I'd be talking to you now as a liquid yellowish mush of waste. As these muscle contractions pushed me through the colon, I'd have all the water sucked out of me. My final form stools. Yep, poo good number two, whatever you like to call it. It's formed in the large intestine. Still loads of bacteria all over the place. They're hard at work as well, there can't be too little or too many. Otherwise, you'd have digestive problems like food intolerances, they also play a major role in your immunity. And that's why you have trillions of them in your gut.
Hey, keep up the good work, guys. I'm on my way through the left colon. When it gets too full of stool, it decides to dump it all into the rectum because it can't hold it all by itself. It usually takes about 36 hours for what's left of your food. Not much now just waste to reach this point. But I've been speeding through this journey because I've got some other great stuff to do. So, let's head to the rectum already. Geronimo. The rectum is a straight chamber that's about eight inches long. It has special sensors like this one or that one there that lets you know and there's something you should get rid of. They send a signal to the brain when stool or gas want to make their exit. That's about the time when a thought pops up in your brain. Oh, gotta go to the bathroom.
If the moment is right for you, that is you find a toilet. The sphincter is relaxed, and your stool makes its exit. But buy pizza from yesterday's breakfast. What? No one else here has cold pizza for breakfast. All right, then let me know down in the comments what your typical breakfast looks like. Anyway, when the moment isn't exactly right to release stool just yet, your sphincters contract. Those rectum sensors help to so that the urge to release its contents disappears for a while. You should be happy when your rectum and stinkers are working hard to keep stuff in when the timing isn't good.
Like when you're driving to work on a date, getting groceries sleeping. But when you just can't resist the urge anymore. The external sphincter gives you a couple more minutes or however long you need until you make it to the bathroom. Well, not sure if the human is ready. But I'd really like to go now. Maybe I can hotwire these sensors to make my great escape. Oh, yeah, this guy is at work, isn't it? This is going to be awkward. Of course, normal food doesn't leave your body in such a graceful manner. You wouldn't even recognize what was what. But as for me, Gilbert, the grape, I still have important things to do today. So hey, Bob, let's hit the john. I'm out of here.
A Journey Inside Your Body 
A Journey Inside Your Body
Read More – Golden Chains of Laburnum / The Snapping Turtles (Chelydra serpentina)

Tuesday 7 July 2020

What is Travel Health?

Travel is part of most people’s lives these days. Whether for business or holidays and it’s easy to forget that, even with routine immunization, risks to health during travel are still very real. On top of that, obtaining health care in other countries can be much more complicated than it is in many countries. You can end up being extremely expensive if you travel without the proper level of insurance.

Find out if the country you're traveling to has reciprocal health facilities, which means you can be treated in their healthcare system free of charge or at a minimal cost. All European Economic Area countries (European Community countries plus Iceland, Lichtenstein, and Norway) have reciprocal agreements with the UK. You will need to fill out and travel with Form E111, which you need to apply for in advance of your travel.

Contact your GP or the Department of Health to find out how to apply. It's still advisable to have some insurance even when traveling to countries with reciprocal healthcare agreements; check with a travel agent for more details. Some other non-EEA countries have reciprocal agreements with the UK but note that most countries, including the US, Canada, Switzerland, India, Japan, and all African, Central, and South American and Middle Eastern countries do not.

You will need travel insurance to cover your medical expenses if you need to be treated in these countries; check with a reputable travel agent for advice about how much insurance you (and your family) will need. Check with your GP about whether you and your family will need immunizations for the countries you plan to visit. You should do this at least two months before you travel as some none at all. Be very careful in the sun. Overexposure to the sun can cause sunburn and heatstroke, and children are especially at risk. Don't go out in the sun at midday, stay in the shade when you can, and use a high-factor sunscreen at all times.

Make sure your children wear a high-factor sunscreen and headgear that also protects the back of the neck. Drink plenty of fluids, but make sure they're safe - canned and bottled drinks are usually best. • Be on guard against insect and animal bites. Even in areas where malaria is not a problem, ticks can be a carrier of the disease. If you go walking in areas of high grass or woodland, make sure you wear long trousers and socks and keep your arms covered too. Make sure that your children are also adequately dressed. Use insect repellents.

If you've been prescribed anti-malarial tablets, make sure you take them regularly. Bites from animals can cause very serious, and sometimes fatal, illness if they are not promptly treated. Be extremely cautious of all animals, even those that appear to be tame, and teach your children to be cautious too. If someone does get bitten by an animal, seek medical advice immediately. If the water at your destination may not be safe to drink, drink only bottled or canine drinks. Use disinfectant tablets if you need to use the water to wash food or clean your teeth.

Don't ask for ice in your drink or use ice to keep food cool, Make sure hot food is piping hot and cooked the way through. Avoid uncooked food such as raw fruits or vegetables, if you must eat them, pee them yourself. Avoid eating shelifion especially any shellfish that is eaten raw, such as oysters. Do not drink unpasteurized milk. Never swim alone, and always make sure that children are supervised by an adult who is a good swimmer. Don't leave children alone near any water-a young child can drown in a paddling pool or even a large puddle.

Be extra vigilant when driving, walking, or cycling on foreign roads. Make sure you know which direction the traffic is traveling, especially when crossing roads-most countries drive on the right instead of the left. Be aware of local traffic laws. •If you are taking a long-haul flight. Get up and walk around at least once an hour or so to keep your blood circulating freely-this This reduces the risk of developing deep vein thrombosis. You haven't been to the dentist recently, have a dental check-up before you travel, Dental care can be difficult to find, and very expensive.

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