Thursday 5 March 2020

Is the Keto Diet Good for You?

These days, the keto diet is very popular among fatty peoples. If you’re overweight and considering the weight loss through the keto diet, then you should know about the side effects before to kick in. Is the keto diet bad for you or right for you? It is an extremely strict diet plan that requires adhering to the low carb high-fat diet in order to put your body into a metabolic state called ketosis. Normally, people have difficulty staying in a severely restrictive diet plan.
Although, this is very effective and more efficient at burning extra fat. Some experts have the opinion that It can cause to drop the libido. When you start the ketogenic diet, it will be experiencing the symptoms of carb withdrawal and possibly the keto flu, says by California based Dr. Nancy P. Rahnama. So, once you go through flu-like symptoms, the dieter has adapted to the lower-carb lifestyle. Eventually, the libido perhaps reset and possibly improve as a result of weight loss from the keto diet.
Moreover, she said, the actual research confirming the side effect was hard to come by. Though media is presenting libido warning but needs more studies to fully understand all possible side effects of this diet. So far, ketogenic research is very limited. The actual purpose of this diet to aid people with epilepsy. One should know the aspiring side effects of keto dieters. Here are some other side effects of the keto diet can cause.
  • Keto Flu
  • Can cause kidney and heart damage
  • Bad Breath
  • Fatigue
  • Irregular menstrual cycles,
  • Constipation
  • Bone Density Decreased
Most of the peoples suffer keto flu, in the beginning as their body is not habitual of the body adapting low-crab state results in forces to burn fat instead of glucose. That can cause, weakness, headache, constipation, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, muscle soreness, and irritability. Sugar is the main source of energy for the body’s stored fat.
When the body decreasing fat, it produces ketones, removed with incessant urination, can cause dehydration and keto flu. The incessant urination process is an inevitable loss of electrolytes such as sodium, magnesium, and potassium, result in exacerbating these symptoms.
Further, carbohydrates are the major source of energy and stimulation, and removal of this kind of energy will enhance the sugar cravings, brain fog, and problem in concertation. So, in normal cases, keto flu lasts for a week. She also said dehydration is a severe problem in lightheadedness, kidney stones, etc. Also, there is a chance of cardiac arrhythmia, as electrolytes are important for the regular beating of the heart. Because a deficiency in Electrolyte results in an irregular heartbeat that could be serious at any time.
So, a restrictive diet plan is difficult and that has impacts on weight fluctuations and increased mortality risk said by Sharon Palmer a dietitian in California. It is also not confirming of effects on blood cholesterol, a few studies showing an increase, however, in some cases, it is showing a decrease.
So, nutrition is afraid of health issues due to increased intake of unhealthful fats. So long term negative effects yet to come. Moreover, weight loss can frequently complicate the data in the short term due to overweight people lose weight, irrespective of how they do it, they frequently end up with better blood lipids and blood glucose levels.
Also, the keto diet highly low in many fruits and vegetables, grains, and legumes which are normally considered healthy. Because if you miss these foods, you will miss out on many healthy things, i.e., certain minerals, vitamins, phytochemicals. These are significantly imperative for human health and for a longer period it can cause bone loss and increased the risk of chronic diseases, like osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s, heart disease, cancer, diabetes. So, why peoples want to risk their life just to lose weight more briskly.
So, the question comes in mind, is the keto diet for every human? The answer would be very simple that everyone is not suitable for Keto diet especially those have chronic disease i.e., heart problems, blood pressure, and diabetes. This diet plan changes metabolic of many peoples and even change the effectiveness of a person’s medication.
So, you should consult with your nutrition or Doctor when you start Keto Diet due to the level of dietary restriction. As you may in need of electrolyte supplementation or change in daily medication dosages. So, don’t be your own Doctor and keep in mind adverse effects. If you want to start a keto diet, then increase the water intake, as some people need a supplement with sodium, until unless they don’t have any blood pressure issue.
Also, in some cases, a patient needs potassium supplementation, and magnesium supplements, as its an electrolyte that can be taken with low risk of overdose. If the keto dieter has continued issues, then consult with your doctor or increase the carb intake as it is not a balanced diet for a long term plan.
Many fruits and vegetables are important for your health and without the long term micronutrient deficiencies can have serious consequences. Many nutrients believe, that Keto Diet used for short-term weight loss, not for permanent weight loss. Hence, keeping in mind all the above facts, the keto diet is a very successful way of quick weight loss if it is implemented in a safer way.
Also, you need to use top keto power boost supplements to balance the diet plan. Also, other vital minerals your body requires when burning off body fat like calcium and potassium.

Thursday 27 February 2020

Stress, Mental and Nervous Problems

Stress, Mental and Nervous Problems
Since the dawn of time man has understood that food and drink can have profound effects on mental and emotional states. When primitive tribes sought euphoria or oblivion, they had no manmade tranquilizers; instead, they fermented foodstuffs to make alcohol chewed the coca leaf or the betel nut, harvested the opium poppies and the magic mushrooms.
We have all experienced - at first or second hand the euphoria, the rage or the black gloom that can accompany too much alcohol. The depression that settles on us at the end of a long day's work or travel when there was no time for a meal. Therefore, the nervous jitters that often follow too many cups of coffee.
Poor diet undermines not only our physical wellbeing. It can also have a disastrous impact on the way we behave, on our ability to think, reason and concentrate, on our memory and powers of coordination, even our mood at the start of the day. In almost every study of essential nutrients – particularly of iron, magnesium and the B complex vitamins - mental disorders or malfunctions have been prominent among the symptoms of deficiency.
As one instance, Vitamin B12 deficiency causes pernicious anemia - but long before the acute physical symptoms appear, sufferers display all the signs of mental illness. This should not surprise us: like any other part of our bodies, the brain and nervous system can only function properly when well-nourished.
And there is growing evidence of the way in which improved nutrition can be used to enhance mental health, improve mental ability and performance, and even affect behavior for the better. For example, quite simple improvements in diet, together with small doses of zinc, magnesium and vitamin B6, produced dramatic reductions in the emotional and behavioral disturbances in women suffering from PMT.
If you think that your problems are all in the mind, don't feel that you have to limp through the rest of your life on the crutch of tranquilizers, anti-depressants or sleeping pills. Many of the answers lie in your own hands, the hands that purchase, prepare and put food on your plate. You have to be brave and stand up and take the following superfoods to overcome the stress, nervous and mental problems.
The Superfoods Help to improve Mental and Nervous System

  • 1.      Grapes
  • 2.      Millet
  • 3.      Wheat Germ
  • 4.      Brewer’s Yeast
  • 5.      Oats
  • 6.      Buck Wheat
  • 7.      Molasses

Moreover, you need to take the following fruits for your better mental health.

  • 1.      Apricots
  • 2.      Bananas
  • 3.      Dates
  • 4.      Oranges
  • 5.      Apples
  • 6.      Pears
  • 7.      Plums
  • 8.      Grapes
  • 9.      Black Currants
  • 10.  Lemons
  • 11.  Figs
  • 12.  Strawberries
  • 13.  Raspberries
These are important Vegetables.

  • 1.      Asparagus
  • 2.      Avocado
  • 3.      Aubergine
  • 4.      Beetroot
  • 5.      Cabbage
  • 6.      Carrots
  • 7.      Celery
  • 8.      Chicory
  • 9.      Watercress
  • 10.  French Beans
  • 11.  Lettuce
  • 12.  Turnip
  • 13.  Onion
  • 14.  Leeks

  • 1.      Oats
  • 2.      Barley
  • 3.      Rye
  • 4.      Whole wheat
  • 5.      Wheat germ
  • 6.      Brown Rice
  • 7.      Buck Wheat
Seeds and Nuts

  • 1.      Almonds
  • 2.      Pecans
  • 3.      Walnuts
  • 4.      Sunflower Seeds
  • 5.      Pumpkin Seeds
  • 6.      Sprouted Seeds

  • 1.      All Dried Beans
  • 2.      Soya Beans
  • 3.      Dried Peas
  • 4.      Sprouted Beans
Herbs and Species

  • 1.      Garlic
  • 2.      Parsley
  • 3.      Lemon Balm
  • 4.      Lemon Verbena
  • 5.      Basil
  • 6.      Rosemary
  • 7.      Camomile
  • 8.      Ginger Root
  • 9.      Marjoram
  • 10.  Thyme
  • 11.  Nutmeg
  • 12.  Juniper Berries
  • 13.  Licorice
1.      Cockles
2.      Winkles
3.      Shrimps
4.      Oysters
5.      Sardines
6.      Liver
7.      Kidney
8.      Lean Beef
9.      Egg Yolks
10.  Brewer’s Yeast
The Danger Foods
Refined carbohydrates White flour, white sugar, confectionery, and bakery products should be avoided. "In a diet that is high in refined carbohydrates," points out US Nutrition expert Alexander Schauss, "the body soon requires more vitamin B1 to metabolize all the carbohydrates. The body may have to borrow some from the central nervous system, and this borrowing may result in undesirable behavior patterns.”
Sugar contains no nutrients other than calories, and often causes extreme mood swings in otherwise stable people, as blood-sugar levels seesaw, affecting brain function.
Alcohol is extremely destructive of vital brain nutrients than any other commonly consumed substance: it breaks down the vitamin B complex, and has a devastating impact on your stores of magnesium, zinc, and calcium - all vital to normal brain function. Contrary to popular belief, what is more, alcohol is, in fact, a depressant and not a stimulant.
Tea and coffee Taken in excess, they can actually provoke anxiety, nervousness, depression, and insomnia. When taken within an hour of eating, they can diminish your body's uptake of iron and zinc by up to two-thirds. Chocolate also contains caffeine and should be avoided for the same reasons.
Sweetened commercial drinks even natural fruit juices, if taken in excess and undiluted, can destabilize blood-sugar levels to produce mood swings and anxiety.
Bran in excess especially in the form of sweetened breakfast cereals may interfere with the absorption of minerals such as iron and magnesium.
Aluminum is a highly toxic metal that accumulates in the body and is now being linked with the premature senility of Alzheimer's disease. Avoid using aluminum pans, kettles, teapots, and coffee percolators.
Make an Eating Plan
Food and chemical sensitivities are at the root of many mental and emotional problems. Depression, anxiety, forgetfulness inability to concentrate, insomnia, irritability, irrational behavior, violence, panic attacks, obsessions, mood swings, lethargy, apathy, and weepiness can all be triggered by sensitivity to foods we eat every day, as well as by the 3,000 permitted chemicals that go into our foods.
Thousands of desperate families with hyperactive children have found salvation in a diet that excludes all foods containing artificial colors, flavors, preservatives and other additives, together with some ordinary foods likely to be provocative. Iron deficiency is widespread – particularly among women and children - as dozens of studies have shown.
When iron is low in the diet, slowed mental ability and depression soon follow. Among the Superfoods listed above are good sources of easily-absorbed iron. There are also plenty of foods rich in vitamin C, which among its many functions assist iron absorption.
Tea, coffee and excess bran can all inhibit the uptake of iron, magnesium, and calcium, and should be avoided. When people feel low and depressed, they turn to tea and coffee to give them a bit of a lift - and become trapped in a vicious circa

So, consult with your nutrition and make an eating plan which will provide an abundance of the nutrient known to be crucial brain foods, since they influence intellectual and emotional function. Even where there seen is no direct link between food and mental or nervous problems, it is always worthwhile improving the quality of your nutrition. Like every other organ in your body, they function best on an optimum diet.

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Monday 17 February 2020

Anorexia Nervosa Treatment

All the signs suggest that anorexia nervosa - epidemic throughout the Western world today-is yet another disease of our civilization. It is a prime example of psychosomatic illness: stress aggravated by poor nutrition, in turn producing yet more stress. One consequence of the poor-quality nutrition that is so often a feature of these cases can be severely lowered levels of zinc.
The body's reserves of zinc are also depleted by stress, by adolescent development, and by vigorous physical exercise. Also, often characteristic of anorexics - as well as by smoking, and by high intakes of tea and coffee. Zinc deficiencies are common in the Western diet. With its refined foods, and the slimming diets which trigger the problem for so many anorexics make matters worse still.
The classic symptom of a deficiency in this vital nutrient is anorexia or loss of appetite, together with a reduced sense of taste. Professor Bryce-Smith of Reading University hypothesized some years ago that zinc deficiency might, therefore, be an important factor in some cases of anorexia nervosa.
In a high percentage of cases, anorexics given regular doses of zinc not only regained. Their appetite and sense of taste they also lost the distorted mental perception of themselves as fat. Zinc supplementation kits for deficiency-testing and treatment are now widely available.
The long-term answer for this problem, however, must be in a greatly improved diet, in which zinc is stressed, and which is also rich in B-complex vitamins, and in vitamin C which aids zinc absorption. A zinc-rich diet should also be used as prevention for teenagers just showing the early symptoms of this disease.

Super-Zinc Foods

These are listed in descending order of zinc content. The figures given here are for average zinc content - the actual zinc content of a steak or piece of crabmeat may vary wildly, from near-zero to very high.
1. Eggs.
2. Shellfish. Fresh oysters the most zinc-rich food with an average of 450mg per kilo. But heavy metal contamination - lead or cadmium - may outweigh this advantage, whelks, winkles, crab, clams, shrimps, cockles, mussels. Wheatgerm, All the wholegrain, cereals, Cheese, and fresh cream.
3. Muscle meats. Lean beef, the dark, meat of chicken, liver – particularly calf's and oxtail.
4. All nuts. Especially Brazil nuts, pecans, almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts.
5. Fish. Especially canned sardines, pilchards, herring roe, cod, mackerel

Other Superfoods

  • TEA

The Eating Plan

There is no point in planning menus or cooking elaborate meals for anorexics. In principle, they should be encouraged to eat the Superfoods. In practice, it's vital that they eat anything rather than nothing. The anorexic, like the alcoholic, becomes devious and dishonest. They will eat if enough pressure is put on them, and then either make themselves sick or consume dangerously high quantities of laxatives which further deplete their mineral reserves.
They have endless excuses for not dating: they lie - "I just ate with a friend", or "I had a meal before you came home", or "I grabbed a sandwich at work", or "I'm busy now, I'll eat later", Since emotional pressures are frequently at the root of eating disorders, trying to bully an anorexic into eating doesn't work, and is counter-productive, just adding to the stresses. Affection, security, love, and support are far better encouragement than threats and retribution.
It is a common misconception that only adolescent girls suffer from this problem. It is just as likely to occur in the 20- and 30-plus age-groups, and if you are a parent, watch out for it in your sons as well as your daughters. Recent studies show that as many as 25 percents of anorexics are young males. There are two rules. Don't have junk food in the house. Always have a readily available supply of easy-to-eat, high-nutrient-value snacks and nibbles.


Yogurt, enriched with a teaspoon of brewers' yeast, a teaspoon of wheat germ, and a teaspoon of honey. Low-calorie fromage frais treated in the same way. Home-made sugar-free muesli enriched with wheatgerm, soaked in fruit juice and served with low-fat yogurt and fresh fruit.
Home-made bread or muffins with extra wheat germ and sesame seeds. Home-made soups using lots of root vegetables and parsley, liquidized to a smooth cream that can be drunk out of a cup. Purées of carrots and other green vegetables, such as courgettes, broccoli, spinach.
Baked or stewed apple puréed with yogurt and ground almonds. Little dishes of dried fruits, fresh nuts and seeds should always be left lying around the house. Fish pâtés - specially made from oily fish like herrings, kippers, sardines. Oatcakes baked with extra oat-germ - available from health-stores. And if you can afford it - take them out to a seafood restaurant and tell them that half-a-dozen oysters are a mere 30 calories.
The vital need for an anorexic is calories. It may, therefore, seem strange that this list contains several low-calorie foods and dishes. The psychological reason is that you are more likely to persuade an anorexic to eat even a little if you can convince them that the calorie content is negligible. Anything is better than nothing.
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Monday 3 February 2020

How Can You Whiten Your Teeth?

How to Get Healthy Teeth Whitening Smile?
Everyone wants bright and shiny white teeth. Because of a beautiful smile with healthy white teeth can improve your appearance drastically. When you have white teeth and a healthy smile then you can feel confident that you look your best whether you’ve just woken up or are ready for a night on the town.
Over the years, and through bad habits and diet choices our teeth can become discolored, yellowed and dingy looking. Nothing ruins a great smile like discolored teeth. You want your teeth to be sparkling clean and shiny white. Getting and keeping a white smile is something that people have been attempting to do for centuries.
There are several old home remedies that have been passed down through the generations as well as many new discoveries of natural products that will whiten teeth. You could go to the dentist and pay a small fortune for a tooth whitening or bleaching procedure, or you can use all natural items that will give you the same benefit.
Yes, natural tooth whitening may take a bit longer to achieve than professional treatments. But it is also less expensive, easy to do and maintain and uses all-natural products. Using natural products to whiten your teeth means less exposure to chemicals. Which can affect not only your teeth but your health as well!
Whether you are looking for the effect of a whiter smile for a special event or want to eliminate tea, coffee and food stains from your pearly whites on a long term basis. There are several all-natural ways to go about doing so. Home remedies and natural products are usually time-tested, shared from friend to friend or from generation to generation.
Keep reading to learn more about the wonderful ways that natural tooth whitening can benefit you. There’s no need to suffer from a less than perfect smile due to the expense of professional whitening. You can create the same effect from the comfort of your home. So often with items you already have or which can be purchased for just a few dollars.
It’s important that you realize that all the brushing and flossing in the world won’t prevent or remove tough food stains and discoloration from wine, tea, and coffee. If you want a truly white smile, you will have to make a little extra effort. The information and tips you’ll find here will help you achieve a perfectly white and healthy smile without the outrageous expense and discomfort of professional whitening treatments.
There are many options and procedures for a beautiful smile. Your diet plays a part, your health plays a part and your dental hygiene also plays a part. When it comes to a white smile you can go with expensive professional chemical treatments or you can take steps at home to whiten your teeth naturally. By reading this information you will be equipping yourself to have a dazzling white smile without breaking the bank.
When you look in the mirror and realize that your teeth aren’t looking their best, you will certainly, be wondering how to fix the discolored look to restore a white smile. Luckily tooth whitening is something that people have been seeking for many years and there are several options to help you improve your smile. Dentists can check your teeth for damage and make sure that they are in good condition for whitening treatments.
Once you’ve got the go-ahead you can start looking into the various options for whitening your teeth. There are dietary choices you can make to improve the appearance of your teeth as well as some foods and natural household items that will work to whiten your teeth without harsh chemicals or the expense of professional tooth bleaching.
On the other hand, if you prefer to have a professional handle the whitening treatments for your teeth, you can choose bleaching, laser whitening, and other treatments to remove discoloration and staining from your teeth. There is no right or wrong that anyone can tell you, the choice is a personal one and must be made by you. Some people prefer to use only natural products while others have no problems with chemicals.
Some of the people who suffer from discolored teeth feel that no matter what the expense they should have beautiful white teeth, while others are looking for the least expensive method to achieve a pearly white smile. The main thing to remember is that you CAN have bright white teeth with no stains or yellowing. Your only problem is choosing which tooth whitening method to use.
When you look in the mirror and realize that your teeth aren’t looking their best, you will certainly, be wondering how to fix the discolored look to restore a white smile. Luckily tooth whitening is something that people have been seeking for many years and there are several options to help you improve your smile. Dentists can check your teeth for damage and make sure that they are in good condition for whitening treatments.
Once you’ve got the go-ahead you can start looking into the various options for whitening your teeth. There are dietary choices you can make to improve the appearance of your teeth as well as some foods and natural household items that will work to whiten your teeth without harsh chemicals or the expense of professional tooth bleaching.
On the other hand if you prefer to have a professional handle the whitening treatments for your teeth, you can choose bleaching, laser whitening and other treatments to remove discoloration and staining from your teeth. There is no right or wrong that anyone can tell you, the choice is a personal one and must be made by you.
Some people prefer to use only natural products while others have no problems with chemicals. Some of the people who suffer from discolored teeth feel that no matter what the expense they should have beautiful white teeth, while others are looking for the least expensive method to achieve a pearly white smile. The main thing to remember is that you CAN have bright white teeth with no stains or yellowing. Your only problem is choosing which tooth whitening method to use.
When you look in the mirror and realize that your teeth aren’t looking their best, you will certainly, be wondering how to fix the discolored look to restore a white smile. Luckily tooth whitening is something that people have been seeking for many years and there are several options to help you improve your smile. Dentists can check your teeth for damage and make sure that they are in good condition for whitening treatments.
Once you’ve got the go ahead you can start looking into the various options for whitening your teeth. There are dietary choices you can make to improve the appearance of your teeth as well as some foods and natural household items that will work to whiten your teeth without harsh chemicals or the expense of professional tooth bleaching.
On the other hand, if you prefer to have a professional handle the whitening treatments for your teeth, you can choose bleaching, laser whitening, and other treatments to remove discoloration and staining from your teeth. There is no right or wrong that anyone can tell you, the choice is a personal one and must be made by you. Some people prefer to use only natural products while others have no problems with chemicals.
Some of the people who suffer from discolored teeth feel that no matter what the expense they should have beautiful white teeth, while others are looking for the least expensive method to achieve a pearly white smile. The main thing to remember is that you can have bright white teeth with no stains or yellowing. Your only problem is choosing which tooth whitening method to use.
Your diet and your eating habits, as well as your basic dental hygiene habits, play a large part in how white and healthy your teeth will be. Just as all the brushing in the world won’t prevent discoloration if you don’t use the right products, all the whitening in the world won’t ensure that you have healthy teeth; you still have to brush and floss and watch what you eat and drink.
Even if you haven’t been very conscientious about keeping your teeth white, you can easily remedy the discoloration and staining that makes your smile less than white and perfect. Natural items that you more than likely have at home are perfect to restore your gleaming smile. You may not be a celebrity but you can have a smile to rival all those famous pearly whites!
Repeat applications and touch up whitening can be done as needed at home, with natural products, without the worry of side effects that professional bleaching can have. Some side effects of bleaching include · Sensitivity of the teeth to hot and cold.
Once the tooth is damaged to the point where the nerves are extra sensitive to heat and cold you’re stuck with the results. You will then have to eat and drink very carefully for the rest of your life to avoid the shooting pain of sensitive teeth. · Gum irritation can be caused by the bleaching solution and can even leave “burns” or sores.
Who wants their beautifying treatment to leave sores on their gums or lips? · Headache is a common side effect of bleaching treatments. Chemical bleaching is introducing harsh chemicals to your body through breathing, swallowing and absorbing them into your body. Headaches aren’t what you want after you’ve just spent a small fortune to look great. You want to feel like showing off that bright white smile! Tingling, numbness, and irritation of the tissues in your mouth!
Sometimes these side effects last for several days after a professional tooth bleaching treatment. Over-bleaching can cause blue teeth. The bleaching process takes your teeth beyond a nice healthy white to a thin and bluish look. Learn when enough is enough.
Bleaching treatments can also cause a sore throat. When you look at the cost comparison as well as the side effects it is easy to see that natural tooth whitening is easier on your mouth and your wallet! Some people will want to consult a dentist to get a treatment program cost and schedule before deciding to try natural tooth whitening at home.
This is a good idea because it will allow you to see what you would have to spend, how many visits you would need based on the staining and discoloration of your teeth, and the schedule to maintain your newly white teeth once you achieve the desired effect. Then, when you do it at home with natural products you will know how much money, hassle, and effort you’ve saved.
Again no one can make the decision for you, but it’s important to know that you do have options that cost less and are less chemically harmful than professional whitening treatments. The best option for you is the one that works for your schedule, your budget and your teeth whitening needs.
No matter whether you decide to use a natural tooth whitening plan or visit a professional for a bleaching treatment removing stains and discoloration from your teeth is an important part of improving your smile. There’s no need to hide your teeth behind closed lips, go ahead and smile big, your newly whitened teeth will sparkle and shine gleaming white.
Nearly everyone begins life with healthy white teeth. Over time discoloration and staining can occur. Good oral hygiene including brushing and flossing can help keep your teeth healthy, but you may need to look at other options for removing stains and eliminating discoloration.
That is probably why you’ve read this report! Not only have you learned about the existence of natural items that will whiten your teeth but you’ve also learned about the other options you may look into to achieve beautiful white teeth. Now you can make an informed decision on what the best choice is for your teeth!
When you want a dazzling white smile you can either visit a professional and pay a small fortune for a whitening treatment that you’ll probably have to endure several times to achieve the desired whiteness; then follow up with touch up treatments every few months.
If you’re budget conscious, prefer natural products and want to avoid the hassle of multiple dentist visits you can whiten your teeth at home using natural products that you probably already have in your home! Each of the items listed as natural whitening items are common household items.
They are inexpensive, effective and can be used repeatedly without causing the dreaded “over-white” blue tooth problem, sensitivity or pain! Again, there is a reason why home remedies are so popular for a variety of health and beauty applications. They are affordable and they work. When you’re weighing the pros and cons of natural tooth whitening it’s easy to see why natural beats chemical every time!

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