In an ideal world, the food we eat would be organically grown in soil uncontaminated by heavy metals and acid rain. The vegetables we eat freshly picked from our own gardens. The water we drink spring-pure and the air we breathe mountain fresh. For the vast majority of us, this ideal is as remote as the Garden of Eden. So we need super Foods that Build Body’s Resistance.
Our bodies suffer the daily insult of pollutants, and the stress of food that is often deficient in essential micro nutrient. The fact that the human race has evolved at all is remarkable. That we survive on our polluted planet is miraculous. We do survive, but at what cost?
We are seeing today a dramatic increase in diseases which are linked directly to the failure of the body’s immune defense mechanisms. We are seeing diseases never before encountered such as Aids, different cancers types.
For which we appear to have no immunity. Many workers in the field of environmental medicine believe that our new vulnerability is a consequence of our diet of devitalized foods and the products of agribusiness and global contamination.
Even if you eat the healthy diet all the experts’ advice, vegetables, fresh fruits, salads, wholegrain, nuts and seeds you may be short of the vital nutrients that you think you are getting in abundance.
Some nutrition expert went shopping for oranges and found that while an orange bought from the grower and freshly picked contained as much as 180 mg of vitamin C, and orange bought in a supermarket, which looked just as fresh and glowing, contained not a single milligram.
A survey indicated that 35 percent of all men and 67 percent of all women had an intake of zinc that fell alarmingly short of the 11 mg per day recommended by the WHO. These figures were based on the food intake of the subjects, and assumed that these foods contained the levels of zinc set out in every nutritionist’s calculating tables.
A study by the Food and Agriculture Organization reported that severe zinc deficiencies in a wide range of soils in Europe and United States. Fruit and vegetables grown on depleted soils are often low in vital minerals and trace elements. Especially Zinc, magnesium and selenium, and there is no sign of an general improvement in farming methods.

To ensure super resistance, you must know how to supplement your diet. Not with pills and capsules, but with the Super Foods which are extra rich sources of the natural goodness we all need.
Together they will supply the vital bricks that build your body’s resistance to stress, disease and infection. Treat these foods as extra insurance at time of need, physical, mental or emotional. During pregnancy, Flu epidemics, periods of overwork or unusually high stress, or after an indulgent holiday.
Use them at times of illness to hasten your recovery. Above all make sure that these foods feature regularly in your everyday eating. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.