Sunday 31 May 2020

Why Soybeans are Beneficial?

Soybeans belong to the pea family. It is a type of legume plant that is widely grown around the world. The North and South American regions are the most famous for soybean cultivation, but its main area is South Asia. Although the process of growing soybeans is very simple, more importantly, soybeans are one of the healthiest foods for human health.

Research on the benefits of soybeans is ongoing, but so far, based on the facts gathered, experts recommend including soybeans in the diet would be great benefits to the human body. According to him, the use of soybean-based food is a solution to health problems, especially heart disease. After all, what are the benefits of soybeans that medical experts recommend using, let’s take a look at what are soybeans used for.

Nutrients in Soybeans

Soybeans are high in quality nutrients, and rich in protein. It is one of the two most popular plant foods (the other plant is called the seed of Gul Ashrafi), which contains the essential nutrient amino acids. There are also some soybeans that contain calcium and iron, such as Chinese tofu or calcium-fortified soy drinks. Soybeans are high in fiber, protein, vitamin K, vitamin C, foliate, low fat, cholesterol-free, lactose-free, and omega 3 fatty acids.

Improves Metabolic Activity

Soybeans are considered to be the most important and special source of protein. Plenty of protein in the body helps in improving the efficiency of metabolism and the overall physical system. Protein is an excellent ingredient for the human body, which is said to be essential for weight loss, building and repairing muscles, and blood cells. It is difficult for people who follow a vegetarian or vegan diet to get the right amount of protein. Soybeans provide plenty of protein as an alternative to meat, chicken, eggs, dairy products, and fish.

Cancer Resistance

Soybeans contain high levels of antioxidants, says Dan Pratt, a researcher of an American university. According to the American Institute of Cancer Research, soybeans are high in fiber, which reduces the risk of colorectal and colon cancer in the human body. On the other hand, experts say that the flavones (a type of phytoestrogen) and polyphenol compounds found in soybeans also protect against cancer.

Improves Heart Health

Soybeans are recognized as an important source of healthy and unsaturated fats, which help lower total cholesterol in the body. Unsaturated fats protect you from atherosclerosis (a heart disease in which a rigid substance accumulates in the heart and its arteries). It is a disease that can easily lead to life-threatening diseases such as heart attack and stroke. 25 grams of soy protein per day reduces the risk of heart disease.

Controlling Diabetes

Soybean consumption is considered the best for diabetics. The use of soybeans in a variety of ways is important in preventing or managing diabetes. Soybeans contain a significant amount of carbohydrates because they do not contain starch. Its carbohydrate rates provide energy without increasing the amount of sugar.

Useful for Bones

Soybeans contain significant amounts of vitamins and minerals (calcium, magnesium, selenium, copper, and zinc), which are essential for bone growth and repair. All of these elements are essential for osteotropic activity, which is considered necessary. These nutrients are important in building new bones and activating existing bone function. In addition, soy contains certain fatty acids that are considered essential for a healthy body system.

Essential for pregnant women

The world is progressing day by day, but the rising rate of disease is alarming. In this case, the use of soybeans is considered best for pregnant women. High levels of vitamin B and folic acid in soybeans are good for the life of a pregnant woman and baby. Folic acid protects newborns from mental illness after birth. So, there are numerous benefits of soybeans for women and men. You should use it on a regular basis.

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Saturday 30 May 2020

Fruits in Diabetes?

Diabetics need to be very careful in eating and drinking, but often they are reckless in seeking sweets, which can be harmful to them. However, nature has given us a sweet alternative to fruit. The American Diabetes Association (ADA) recommends that diabetics can eat any type of fruit, except those that cause allergies.

The British Medical Journal found that the more fruit you eat, the lower your risk of developing type-2 diabetes. In this regard, fresh fruits and their juices are beneficial, it is necessary to avoid processed fruits or artificial fruit drinks. Let's see what fruits diabetics can enjoy.


According to the ADA, berries (juice berries, blueberries, and strawberries) are diabetic super-foods because they contain a variety of vitamins and fiber that have a positive effect on the health of diabetics. Experts consider berries to be an excellent antioxidant, so diabetics may be allowed to consume three-quarters of a cup of berries a day, which contains 62 calories and 16 grams of carbohydrates. Put berries in yogurt and eat it for breakfast, it will be a great dessert.


Cherries are a great addition to a diabetic-friendly diet for diabetics. One cup of cherries contains 78 calories and 19 grams of carbohydrates. Rich in antioxidants, cherries can help fight heart disease, cancer, and other ailments. Cherries can be bought fresh, in cans, frozen and dried, but many canned and dried fruits contain extra sugar, which can raise your blood sugar level, so be sure to read the labels before using them.


Summer fragrant and juicy peaches can also be included in the diabetic diet. Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Potassium, and Fiber in it along with its usefulness also make you familiar with the taste of this fruit. Its use keeps the sugar level low and it also helps in melting the excess body fat. However, using the peach with ice tea in the summer can double the taste. To make this smoothie you will need low-fat buttermilk with peach slices, ice cubes, and a little ginger or cinnamon.


In hot weather, you get apricots, which have 17 calories and 4 grams of carbohydrates in one grain. A fresh apricot provides 50% of the vitamin A your body needs in a day, while it is also an excellent source of fiber. It can also be eaten as a salad and mixed with a cold or hot porridge.


Eating an apple rich in vitamin C daily can really keep the doctor away from you, so be sure to eat it in your bag or car and peel it whenever you want. An apple has 77 calories and 21 grams of carbohydrates. It contains vitamin C as well as fiber. Do not peel an apple because it is rich in antioxidants. Wash apples thoroughly before eating.


Pears are an excellent source of fiber and vitamin K, so be sure to include them in your diet. In addition, after getting off the tree, its texture and taste improve. A pear contains only one gram of sugar, it also helps in weight loss. Keep it at room temperature until well cooked, eat like this and add flavor to salads.


If you haven't eaten kiwi yet, you haven't eaten anything. This delicious fruit is rich in potassium, fiber, and vitamin C. A large kiwi fruit contains 56 calories and 13 grams of carbohydrates, which will be a great addition to your diet. Kiwi is available all year round and can stay in your refrigerator in good condition for up to three weeks.


Orange season is no more, but whenever the season comes, eat a canoe and get a day's supply of vitamin C. A canoe contains only 15 grams of carbohydrates and 62 calories. It also contains folate and potassium which helps in normalizing blood pressure. Don't forget grapefruit, which is probably for diabetics, if you enjoy the fruit juice of the Orange family.

Note: This article is intended to enhance readers' knowledge. Diabetics must also consult their physician before using these fruit. 
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What Fruits Should be Eaten in Diabetes need to be very careful in eating and drinking, but often they are reckless in seeking sweets.

What Fruits Should be Eaten in Diabetes need to be very careful in eating and drinking, but often they are reckless in seeking sweets.

Black Tea is also Good for Health

Black tea, also called coffee in Urdu, is famous all over the world. In South Asian countries, milk is added to black tea and is drunk with great relish. To obtain this tea, the leaves and buds of a special plant, Camellia sinensis, are subjected to various processes.

If you also think that different teas are made from different plants, then this idea is wrong because in fact tea is green or black is made from the same plant. We often hear about the benefits of green tea, but today we are going to tell our readers about the miraculous benefits of black tea, which have extremely beneficial effects on human health.

Full of antioxidants

Antioxidants are considered to be very useful for health. They prevent the release of free radicals from the body, damage to the cellular surface and damage to DNA, as well as the removal of cells that have a negative effect on health. Ultimately, this process reduces the risk of chronic diseases in the human body.

Polyphenols are a type of antioxidant found in a variety of beverages, foods, and especially black tea. Black tea contains polyphenol group (The flione, Ketchin, Therbang). Research has shown that theophylline reduces the risks of obesity, diabetes, and high cholesterol.

Useful for heart health

Tea contains flavonoids, a group of antioxidants that are found not only in tea but also in dark chocolate, a variety of vegetables and fruits. This group is considered to be extremely beneficial for heart health. Regular use of flavonoids reduces the risk of heart disease in humans such as heart attack, stroke, obesity, and high cholesterol. A study of the benefits of black tea shows that consuming 3 cups of coffee a day reduces the risk of heart disease in humans by 11%.

Decreasing the level of bad cholesterol

We know that there are many types of cholesterol in the human body, two of which are more popular. There is a type of LDL, also called bad cholesterol. It should be less than 100 mg/dl in the body. HDL is also a type of cholesterol, called good cholesterol. The amount should be 60 mg/dl or more in the blood. A study has shown that daily consumption of tea reduces the amount of LDL in the blood. In one study, a specific group was given 5 cups of black tea a day, followed by an 11% reduction in individual LDL in the study.

Helps reduce the risk of cancer

There are many types of cancer, some of which are considered incurable. The polyphenols found in black tea cause cancer cells to grow and inhibit their movement. A test-tube study looked at the effects of polyphenols in tea on cancer cells. Studies have shown that this ingredient, found in green and black tea, resists the growth of cancer cells and inhibits the process of new cell formation.

Improving esophageal health

Studies have shown that the types of bacteria found in the intestinal tract plays a very important role in keeping you healthy. Some of these bacteria are good for your health while some are harmful. In fact, various studies have shown that certain types of these bacteria also play an important role in preventing various diseases, including inflammatory bowel disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and cancer.

The polyphenols found in black tea also play an important role in improving the health of the esophagus, especially the growth of good bacteria while resisting harmful health bacteria. On the other hand, black tea is also rich in antibacterial properties. These properties help to improve the health of the esophagus and also help to alleviate digestive problems.

Reducing the risk of diabetes

Diabetes is a metabolic disease from which the bioactive compound found in black tea is very useful. In this regard, experts recommend the use of 2 to 3 cups of black tea daily. According to him, regular consumption of black tea reduces the risk of diabetes by 42%.

Tuesday 26 May 2020

Foods that Keep the Kidneys Clean

Everyone knows that the kidneys work to cleanse our body of waste but have you ever wondered what it is like to keep your kidneys clean? If you have high blood pressure, diabetes, or arterial stenosis, you may also be at risk for kidney disease. That's why kidney health needs to be taken care of. The health of the kidneys depends on the health of the whole life, so it is just as important to take care of it as it is to take care of your physical beauty. In this article, you will know Foods that Keep the Kidneys Clean. Here are some foods that will help protect your kidneys and your immune system.

Leafy Vegetables

Our mothers cook green leafy vegetables for us with so much love and desire, but we frown but don't know how rich these green leafy vegetables are in vitamin C and K. These vitamins control our blood sugar, which lowers the pressure on the kidneys. Green leafy vegetables are widely available in the market. Try to cook leafy vegetables daily or eat them as a salad. Green leafy vegetables are very imperative for our body's immune system.


Cranberry or cranberry juice can be beneficial in preventing urinary tract infections, as well as clearing the calcium oxalate that accumulates in the kidneys, which can lead to stones. However, for this you need to drink natural cranberry juice. This is not only beneficial but also delicious. It cleans your kidneys and refreshes it like a system reboot.


Inflammation is the body causes many diseases, one of which is kidney disease. To keep the body free from inflammation and the kidneys clean, you need to include the right amount of turmeric in your diet. Turmeric contains curcumin, which has the ability to work against inflammation. Add turmeric to rice, curry, pulses, vegetables, and even smoothies and relax your kidneys. Make your habit to put in adequate Turmeric in your daily diet.


An apple a day not only keeps the doctor away but also keeps the kidneys free from harmful ingredients. The fiber in apples absorbs toxins, so the kidneys do not have to work very hard. In addition, apples reduce inflammation in the digestive tract. There are a number of other benefits of apple a day.


The biggest enemies of your kidney health are toxins and inflammation, garlic helps to keep them both away. Garlic contains Allicin, which has strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Both of these properties are very beneficial for the kidneys and blood pressure. That's why prepare any food at home, add garlic in it

Olive Oil

Olive oil also plays an important role in keeping your kidneys healthy along with your overall health. Olive oil lowers your cholesterol, relieves the pain caused by stones, and reduces inflammation. Most importantly, olive oil is readily available. It is better if you use extra virgin oil (unrefined olive oil

Lemon juice

If you want your kidneys to be safe from stones then you have to make friends with lemons. Lemon juice increases your Citrate Level (the process of repairing calcium deficiency and kidney damage by increasing the amount of phosphorus in the blood), which stops the formation of kidney stones. Daily consumption of lemon juice is second to none in keeping your kidneys healthy


You may not realize it, but ginger is also very helpful in clearing your kidneys. Whether ginger is crushed, crushed, added to juice, or added to food, it cleans your kidneys in every way. In addition, ginger keeps you away from problems like nausea, pain, loss of appetite and inflammation

Other Beneficial Foods

First of all, make it a habit to drink as much water as possible. If your urine is yellow or brown, it is a sign that you are not drinking enough water. Beans are also excellent food, which is shaped like a kidney. If one is feeling kidney stones, he should boil the beans for six hours and then filter the water and drink it every two hours. The best results will come in one to two days. In addition, basil, celery, grapes, and pomegranate also protect you from kidney stones.

Important Note

In case of any kind of pain or the complaint, do not rely only on food but consult a doctor immediately.

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Monday 25 May 2020

How to Treat the Hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are a painful disease in which the tissues of the anus become swollen. In fact, there are some veins in the anus internally. Whose work is to draw blood back, but sometimes these veins become swollen due to any pressure and then this causes the problem of hemorrhoids. Constipation usually puts pressure on these veins, causing them to swell or become infected. In fact, they perform a gentle regurgitation, so that there is no difficulty in expelling the bowel.

Hemorrhoids are a very common disease, but most people are reluctant to consult a doctor for treatment. A conservative estimate is that about 75% of people suffer from hemorrhoids. Common causes of the disease include constipation, diarrhea, prolonged sedentary work, unbalanced diet, excessive consumption of heavy, poultry, sour and greasy foods, and overeating.

In addition, people who sit for long periods of time or lose a lot of weight for defecation also often suffer from this disease. If treated in time, the disease can be easily controlled. In addition, the disease is hereditary, which can be passed from parents to children.

Hemorrhoids during pregnancy are a common medical problem in women. In fact, as the baby grows in the mother's womb, the uterine pressure builds up on the surrounding blood vessels. That is causing the blood to stop flowing, and this blockage of the blood pressure puts pressure on the veins to cause hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids go away on their own after childbirth, but in some cases can become a permanent illness.

Hemorrhoids are usually divided into two types, one called internal and the other external. Internal hemorrhoids spread to the inside of the anus, while the outer hemisphere is limited to the edges of the anus. Sometimes in hemorrhoids, the ducts also come out through the rectum. If there is bleeding from them, it is usually called bloody hemorrhoids and if there is no bleeding, it is called hemorrhoids.

When the ducts come out, it is called "prolapsed" in medical terms. However, the common symptoms of hemorrhoids are stiffness around the anus, pain, irritation, itching, with or after bowel movements. Come out in a bunch and so on. Sometimes the patient feels heaviness in the anus all the time despite the bowel movement.

In hemorrhoids, the ducts become dark blue and there is no pain, but more or less bleeding occurs before or after the discharge, while external hemorrhoids are painful. However, in internal hemorrhoids, when blood clots form in the arteries, there is severe pain and surgery is inevitable.

Note that the pain is usually caused by Fissure and Fistula Anal. Hemorrhoids are diagnosed with a small instrument. Most patients with hemorrhoids use home remedies, such as vegetables and fruits, which prevent constipation but are a temporary treatment.

In addition, frequent use of plain water keeps the waste soft. However, in modern times an "elastic band" treatment is used for hemorrhoids, in which the patient does not have any discomfort or needs to be anesthetized. In addition, different types of injections are given to cure the disease.

However, the elastic band treatment is much easier and longer-lasting. Also, there are several precautions to take to prevent hemorrhoids. For example, use a balanced diet and water, do not sit for long periods of time, be careful with spicy foods, fried foods, and do light exercise daily. Hence, any hesitation to see a doctor can make the disease worse.

Saturday 23 May 2020

Macular Degeneration Treatment

Maybe you aren't fond of spinach. Maybe you're even less fond of its cousin, collard greens. Well, maybe you'll want to rethink your dinner options and find a way to like these humble these foods can help protect your vision. B. Randy Hammond, Ph.D., who studies eye disease, is certainly convinced. He eats spinach two or three times a week.

Meet Your Macula

Research suggests that you will probably never know to have a macula until something goes wrong with it. It's the small light-sensitive area in the middle of your retina at the back of your eyeball. These cells take in the image received by the lens and send it to your brain to interpret. Over the years, light can eventually damage the macula, causing small deposits of cellular waste matter to accumulate or small blood vessels under the retina to leak or swell.
The early result of this macular degeneration is difficulty seeing small print and distant objects, and gradual loss of central vision. Macular degeneration is the leading cause of blindness in older Americans, affecting one of three people older than 75. There are two types of macular degeneration-one with leaking blood vessels that can be treated with laser surgery. Ninety percent of people with macular degeneration, however, have the "dry" type that currently has no effective treatment.

Foods That May Help

Enter the carotenoids. These are the yellow, orange, and red pigments that abound in many fruits and vegetables, giving them their bright colors. Carotenoids supply a number of health benefits. Carrots, are packed with beta-carotene. Researchers are now finding that vegetables such as spinach and collard greens may help protect the macula, possibly partly because of two carotenoids in these foods, lutein, and zeaxanthin.
The natural pigment found in the macula protects the macula from light damage by filtering out harmful light rays, points out Dr. Hammond, a professor at Arizona State University in Tempe. "The thicker it is, the less light gets through to harm the macula," he says. Because macular pigment is made up of lutein and zeaxanthin, the very same stuff found in spinach and collard greens, it was logical for scientists to investigate whether eating more of these vegetable pigments would thicken the macular pigment.
The Eye Disease Case-Control Study Group at five ophthalmology centers studied 876 people between the ages of 55 and 80. Of this group, 356 had macular degeneration. Researchers found that those who ate the most carotenoids were 43 percent less likely to get macular degeneration-and those who ate spinach and collard greens had the least chance of getting the disease.

Learn to Love Greens

A leading researcher of the Eye Disease Case-Control Study Group, Johanna M. Seddon, M.D., of the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary in Boston, concluded that increasing the carotenoid-containing foods you eat, particularly dark green, leafy vegetables, may decrease the risk of serious age-related macular degeneration.
Dr. Hammond's studies also support this theory. In one of Dr. Hammond's studies, 13 people ate spinach daily for 15 weeks. Macular pigment density increased in four weeks for most of them and remained high several months after they stopped eating the spinach.

Get More Zinc

Some studies suggest that zinc intake may also be related to macular degeneration. When Julie Mares- Perlman, Ph D., assistant professor of ophthalmology and visual sciences at University of Wisconsin Medical School, in Madison, studied nearly 2,000 people ranging in age from 43 to 86, she found that people with the highest intake of zinc from food had the lowest risk for early macular degeneration. (You can find zinc in beef, crab, oysters, poultry, and milk.)

Eat More Fruits and Vegetables

Researchers have long suspected that antioxidants, nutrients found in many fruits and vegetables-which combat damage done by unstable "free radical" molecules-may help protect your eyes. A two-year study at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland, involving 976 people found that those with high blood levels of vitamins C and E and beta-carotene were least likely to have macular degeneration.

Stay Away From Fatty Foods

There's also a possibility that the more saturated fat you eat, the higher the risk for macular degeneration. In the Wisconsin survey, signs of macular degeneration were 80 percent more common in the people who ate the most saturated fat and cholesterol. How could dietary fat affect your eyesight?
It could clog arteries or collect in the retina and slow nutrient supply, explains Dr. Mares-Perlman, the study's lead author. She stresses, however, that more research is needed before any definitive link is established. We don't know whether it was the saturated fat content diet, or other aspects of high-fat diets-perhaps low in antioxidants-that was responsible," she says.
However, because decreasing fat and cholesterol intake has plenty of known benefits, its best, in any case, to cut back on the butter, cheese, cream sauces, fatty meats, chips, and dips.

To Supplement or Not to Supplement

Maybe you truly hate greens or don't like to take time to cook. Supplements under the "Eye" in your local vitamin store instead? Supplements offer several problems, says Dr. Hammond. When a study shows that spinach or collard greens help prevent macular degeneration. It's a good guess that the lutein and zeaxanthin are helping, but they could be working with something else in the food.
The food contains many beneficial compounds that we cannot measure that may actually be the compound of importance," says Sheila West, Ph.D., associate professor of ophthalmology at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore, Maryland. There are two other points to keep in mind. First, studies show that vitamins and minerals alone don't do the job:
  • In the Eye Disease Case-Control Study. Which showed the benefit of spinach and collard greens, supplementing with vitamin A, E, or C didn't have a significant effect.
  • The Johns Hopkins study that linked high blood levels of certain vitamins to less risk of macular degeneration found that using vitamin supplements showed no benefit. And, second, the results of the effects of many nutrients aren't definitive.
A Japanese study showed that 35 people with macular degeneration had lower zinc and vitamin E blood levels than 66 people without eye damage, suggesting that low levels of these nutrients are linked with macular degeneration. Conversely, however, a study of 312 people at the Australian National University showed no relation between levels of vitamin E and beta-carotene in the blood and macular degeneration.
Another Australian study, from Sydney University, found no link between levels of vitamin E in the blood and rates of macular degeneration, and only a weak suggestion that selenium levels in smokers might be linked to the disease. What does all this mean? It means no one knows yet exactly what nutrients may help your eyes.
Experts agree that many of us are low in specific nutrients. A large ongoing study at the DVA Medical Center in Chicago showed that people with macular degeneration have a low intake of vitamin E, magnesium, zinc, vitamin B6, and folic acid. But most experts say that the answer is a diet high in fruits and vegetables-not supplements.
There are lots of other food components that have health benefits," says Dr. Mares-Perlman."And some nutrients in the form of a supplement aren't very usable by your body." Dr. Hammond advises people to increase their intake of lutein- and zeaxanthin-containing foods such as spinach and other dark green leafy vegetables.
If despite your best efforts to pack in nutrients, you're concerned that you're not getting enough, experts agree that it's generally safe to add a multivitamin and mineral supplement. You should never, however, take any other supplement without checking with your doctor.

Healing Diets

If you have macular degeneration, you should be under the care of your doctor. Do eat a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables and low in fatty foods and cholesterol.
Problems Foods
  • Fatty Foods
  • Foods high in cholesterol
Good Foods
  • Beef
  • Carrots
  • Collard greens
  • Crab
  • Milk
  • Oysters
  • Poultry
  • Spinach


Wednesday 20 May 2020

Cancer and Biopsy

Cancer and Biopsy

Cancer is a deadly disease in which cells of any body part begin to grow abnormally, harmfully and randomly, until these extra cells take the form of acne, or tumors. The main cause of cancer is the DNA in the cells, which naturally changes and divides the cells in a continuous and abnormal way. This change is called mutation in medical terms. That is, one to two, two to four, four to eight. And in the same order, the growth of unnecessary cells continues. There could be several reasons for this change in DNA.

For example, smoking, alcohol, blisters, gutka use, exposure to too much sun, drinking hot tea or coffee, canned foods or frozen foods, and the use of chemical preservatives. In general, the immune system eliminates invading germs. But cancer cells combine with the body's own cells. Therefore, the immune system does not recognize these cells and thus they begin to grow in the body. Cancer can affect people of any age.

Symptoms of Cancer

Common symptoms include tumors, pain, and weight loss, as well as symptoms related to the part of the body where it appears. For example, if you have esophageal cancer, you may find it difficult to eat or drink anything. Similarly, lung cancer includes coughing or shortness of breath, blood cancer, bruising or abnormal bleeding, fatigue and fever.

Types of Caner

Cancer is divided into two types. One type is called benign and the other is called malignant. The growth of benign cancer stops after a certain period of time and does not spread to other parts of the body. However, some benign cancers can also be dangerous. The Malignant tumors are dangerous and have the potential to grow. They can spread to any part of the body.

How Caner Spread?

The process by which cancer spreads from one place to another is called metastasis in medical terms. It is a Greek word meaning to emigrate. The part of the body where the cancer develops is called the primary tumor. For example, if the breast cancer enters any part of the body from its place, but the primary tumor will be called where it has spread from. There are many sources of cancer in the body, such as arteries.

Whether it's clean blood vessels that contain the "oxgyenated" blood or dirty blood vessels that contain "deoxygenated" blood. For example, if colon cancer develops, it first spreads to the liver. This is because one of the blood vessels in the intestine drains into the blood vessels of the liver, through which the cancer reaches the liver. Another source of cancer spread is lymphatic’s.

Lymphatics are actually the body's ducts, which contain water-like material, also called lymph. The function of this lymph is to carry the body's proteins and the substance found between the cells to the blood vessels. These lymph nodes enter the bloodstream through glands in the body and these glands are called lymph nodes. These glands are found at small distances in the body and act as a soldier.

That is, if there are any germs in the lymph, then the white blood cells in these glands are helpful in killing them. Whichever part of the gland appears, the volume of the glands there first begins to increase, which grows into a gland-like shape. As the cancer cells begin to spread throughout the body through the lymphatics, so when they enter the glands, they begin to grow there too and form a lump.

A third source of cancer spread may be that the cancer may spread to other parts of the body to such an extent that it may enter another organ and infect it. As the cancer of the leaf progresses and enters the liver, it also affects it. In addition, cancer cells can spread through the veins (Perineural Invasion).

Cancer and Biopsy

Biopsy is essential for the final diagnosis of any type of cancer. Several methods of biopsy are used. One procedure involves go through to the affected area and examining it with a small tissue microscope. This process is completed in 15 to 20 minutes and the patient does not even need to be admitted to the hospital. Sometimes an incision is made in the gland near the cancer and the entire tumor is removed and examined. This procedure is called Excisional Biopsy.

The second method is punch out, which is done with a special type of needle cut. A small piece of tissue is also removed in a punch-out biopsy. Such a biopsy can be performed with local anesthesia without hospitalization and even after admission to the hospital. And sometimes the patient needs to be completely anesthetized.

However, only a surgeon can decide what will be best for the patient. If the cancer is in the esophagus, stomach or intestines, biopsy is done through endoscopy. Similarly fine needle aspiration cytology (Fine needle). In aspiration cytology, a thin needle is inserted into the affected area to remove the contents, which are usually cans of Thai rye. R is used.

With the help of each type of biopsy tissue, pathologists usually determine the type, and origin of the cancer and how far it has spread in the body. It takes 12 days. A biopsy also makes the final diagnosis of whether it is cancer or a benign tumor. Oncologists recommend treatment methods only after the biopsy report has been given. Keep in mind that biopsy plays a very important role in the treatment of cancer.

Unfortunately, in our society, it is a common misconception that cancer spreads rapidly in the body after biopsy. There is no doubt that cancer cells are very loosely connected to each other, which can spread at the slightest provocation. But the chances of this happening are very low, because according to researchers, thanks to modern technology.

The chances of an outbreak are slim. In 2014, researchers at Raja Rajeshwari Dental College and Hospital, India, after conducting research on cases related to biopsy-related cancer cell seeding from 1983 to 2012, concluded that the risk of cancer spread through biopsy depends on two factors. The first is that some very specific types of cancer are more likely to spread and the second depends on the biopsy method.

However, in most cases, the symptoms of cancer appear only after the cancer has spread in the body. Sometimes, after a biopsy, the report shows that the cancer is not from the place where the tissue was taken, but it has spread to another part of the body. During this time the cancer spreads throughout the body and by the time the biopsy is done, the symptoms start appearing in other parts of the body.

Then it is believed that the cancer has spread after the biopsy. Research done all over the world. It has been proven that cancer does not spread at all through biopsy. According to Dr. Jonathan Appstein, Professor of Pathology, Urology and Oncology at Johns Hopkins Hospital and Director of Surgical Pathology, biopsies do not cause any spread in most types of cancer.

In January 2015, according to a study by researchers in Jacksonville, Florida, patients who underwent biopsy had better outcomes and longer lives than those who did not undergo biopsy. So it is wrong to say that biopsy can spread cancer. It is very difficult for doctors all over the world to treat a cancer patient without a biopsy, but unfortunately most people do not understand this.

That's all there is to it. In addition, the treatment of cancer should not be delayed, because the cancer continues to grow and the more it grows, the more difficult it will be to treat. So it is very imperative to start biopsy in timely manner to performed according to the doctor's instructions, treatment will be quicker. The onset of symptoms may be due to the fact that the cancer is not an incurable disease, provided it is diagnosed early.

Tuesday 19 May 2020

Coronavirus and Your Mental Health

From early January, when news of the rapid spread of the epidemic called Covid-19 spread in China, alarm bells rang all over the world. Every country was afraid that it might catch up with it. Many countries have been affected by this global epidemic and now the coronavirus has also taken root in the entire world. Every other person suffers from nervous tension. In such cases, people with two attitudes are more visible. One is those who are clearly terrified and the other is those who do not acknowledge this serious situation, but their attitude shows that they are also terrified.

People have taken precautions, but are still not satisfied, as most of their time is spent on getting the latest information about the coronavirus through TV or the Internet. In fact, they are taking all precautionary measures, but they do not realize that this attitude can lead to more problems. Because on the one hand, their nerves are under constant stress and on the other hand, the immune system is unnecessarily active as a result of following different tones. But they are unaware that the immune system is unnecessarily active. It makes him less stressed and then he doesn't have enough strength to fight any harmful attacker that enters the body.

At the same time, such people are very anxious for themselves and their families, so they are unable to get complete and restful sleep. Appetite has decreased and the invasions of unnecessary thoughts have increased. Some were not very keen on gossip, now they are anxious to get out of the house with their friends. In fact, both of these actions are symptoms of severe depression.

The question may arise in many minds that the first reaction is an expression of stress, but how can the second reaction be the result of stress? So look, while the human brain is a very intelligent, fast, and smart natural device or machine, the way it works sometimes shows strange results. As long as the stress and the level of courage or endurance of the nerves remain balanced, we also express nervousness and try to think of some solution to deal with it.

Even when we start to give up everything, in this way, when we cry, stress hormones are released through tears and us become relatively calm. And when the brain is calm, it can think of different solutions better, but when one's brain or if he subconsciously thinks that the situation, he is facing more than he can handle, he consciously refuses to accept the seriousness of the problem.

This does not necessarily have to be the case with everyone, sometimes security measures are not taken due to lack of information. But despite having complete information, it is more likely to deny its seriousness because the individual's nerves are unable to withstand its severity. For example, some people do not believe when they hear of the sudden death of a loved one, because their brain does not tolerate this severe trauma and strongly denies it.

However, at the moment many people are suffering from severe nervous tension, and they want everything around them to look as normal as before and when someone mentions the coronavirus in front of them, they are very upset. Deny the seriousness of the epidemic.


There is no denying that due to lack of education, the majority have no idea how the virus is transmitted from one person to another and how it preys on everyone without any discrimination. In other words, the lack of information and stress is making the situation worse. In such cases, it is very important to control stress, for which you should first avoid unnecessary and unverified information. Be sure to read the newspaper, watch the news, but make sure that the source of the information you are getting is reliable or not.

Anyway, it is enough to know the latest situation and statistics once in a day. At present, medical experts are urging people to stay at home and take precautionary measures issued by the World Health Organization. Try to use garlic, onion, or some other tricks; they should not be followed at all. So wherever you see someone promoting you, avoid it as much as possible.

It is believed that many natural products contain hidden remedies, but this does not mean that they should be used without expert advice. Remember, no cure for coronavirus has been discovered so far. When experts develop a vaccine, it will be reported to the public through authoritative sources.

Commonly, unreliable sources are spreading fake information on Facebook groups and pages that provide bizarre, shocking information to increase page likes or visits to your website. Later, people copy and share without verifying their wall, so people like that, Facebook and WhatsApp. Limit contact with groups and loved ones as much as possible, who have a reputation for spreading negative information or who do not lie in order to gain attention.

Also keep in mind that if you suffer from a chronic illness such as diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma, cancer, depression, etc., the general safety precautions will be relatively different for you, so follow your doctor's instructions. So, keep yourself busy with different things, for this you can read books, take admission in an online course, or fulfill an old unfulfilled desire and hobby. Participate in all possible charitable activities that can be done at home.

It will bring peace of mind and heart, less frustration, and despair. Tell the elders and children at home about the true nature of the coronavirus and try your best to keep them calm. Remember, very young children are not afraid of getting sick or dying, because the meaning of death is not clear to them. They are frightened by the fear of their families.

So if you feel that your child is in a state of intense fear, first review your attitudes. Also, make the children feel that you are with them. Listen to them calmly and satisfy them with appropriate words. Set aside a time each day with your children to practice deep breathing and meditation. This will calm the nerves.

The easiest way to do this is to take five to ten minutes of deep breaths while focusing on positive activities. Engage in various creative activities with the children. Tell them stories or listen to them. Exercise for fifteen minutes to half an hour every day. It is also important to avoid arguing with each other. Of course, it is important to have a good home environment, but at a time when everyone is at home and the majorities are nervous, it is important to reconsider your priorities.

Try to ignore the little things like the taste of food, more or less salt, which will do what. Rest assured, these conflicts are insignificant compared to the survival we are currently fighting. Rather, consider it is a good opportunity to improve your relationship with your family and loved ones. Ideological debate, by the way, is a healthy engagement, which keeps the mind active, but only when it is for learning, not to express hatred for one another.

Have a loving relationship with your spouse. Discipline children as little as possible. It is a common misconception that screaming reduces anger, when it is a temporary feeling, and when the intensity of anger decreases, the feeling of being mistreated by your loved ones. Embarrassment greatly increases nervous tension. Or the other person's reaction may cause more mental distress.

Under normal circumstances, housewives are usually accustomed to having children and housewives go to the office and school to take care of household chores as well as take some time for their leisure or relaxation. Living permanently at home is increasing their busyness. They are not getting a chance to get rid of mental fatigue. In such cases, it is better for the family members, including the children, to take care of the small chores, so that the women who take care of the house do not suffer from fatigue and further stress.

These are all steps that homeowners can take to keep themselves calm, but also keep in mind that coronavirus sufferers and those in quarantine are currently more stressed than the general population. There is also a fear among patients that they will not be able to recover or not, and they do not even have family members for emotional support. And this is the most difficult situation.

In such cases, first of all, special attention should be paid to keeping these patients calm. Because the more stressed they are, the sooner their immune system will stop resisting. If they give up hope, obviously, they will not even take precautions. This will further reduce their chances of recovery. It is also very likely that people who spend time in quarantine will suffer from post-traumatic stress for the rest of their lives, which may be due to not taking steps to keep them calm.

Living in quarantine is a difficult task. Instead of trying to recover, they wallow in their sadness and thus, experience more failure. They should feel special, not a prisoner. In this situation, it is important for physicians and paramedical staff to remain calm and not only keep patients informed about their health but also provide them with the emotional support that family members do not have.

In addition, a team of medical staff should be formed, who should be given regular training in one or two days of training sessions on how to remain calm, counsel patients and adopt behaviors. People who are already suffering from severe mental and nervous stress should avoid being included in the team as they may make the mistake of behaving harshly towards the patient and other people due to lack of control over their nerves. Also, along with this training, it is important for the entire nation's victims and the frontline team to fight the coronavirus to have a positive mindset.

Medical and non-medical personnel stationed at various hospitals and quarantine centers are currently performing their duties at the risk of their lives, so let us understand the importance of their sacrifice and not discuss color, race, creed, or political affiliation at all. Remember, this is not the time to spread political hatred, not religious bigotry nor to lie to anyone and prove oneself truthful. Support every positive step that is for the benefit of all of us.

Monday 18 May 2020

Qailulah (Midday Napping) is Good for Heart Health

Qailulah (Midday Napping)

Does taking a Qailulah (Midday Napping) increase a person's lifespan? That's exactly what happens, according to a new study. According to research, taking a Qailulah (Midday Napping) once or twice a week halves the risk of stroke and heart disease. However, researchers say that the benefits of daily nap have not been revealed.
According to Dr. Nadine Hazel, lead author of the study and a researcher at the University Of Leuven Hospital Switzerland, "In fact, we found that people who did not have heart disease before, if they take regular naps on a daily basis. I have a relatively high risk of heart disease. But when we took into account the socio-demographic data of the people involved in the research. The lifestyle and the 'risk factors' for heart problems, these additional risks began to disappear. "
In this study, the University of Leuven selected 3,500 people (no specific criteria were set in the selection of people) and observed their heart health for more than 5 years. About three out of every five people said they did not take a nap. One in five said he took a nap once or twice a week, while another one in five said he took a nap three or more times a week.
Regular Qailulah (Midday Napping) included older overweight and smokers. In addition, observations showed that such people slept longer at night (compared to those who said they did not take a nap), while they also said they felt more drowsy during the day.
According to researchers, such people also have a higher risk of recurrent sleep apnea due to shortness of breath while sleeping at night. During five years of observation, the 155 participants in the study experienced fatal and non-fatal heart accidents, including heart attacks, strokes, and blocked arteries. And for that surgery was needed.
In the light of this study, the researchers concluded that people who take a Qailulah (Midday Napping) once or twice a week have a 48% lower risk of heart attack, stroke, and other heart problems. Other experts agree with the findings of this study on the negative effects of regular daily naps on heart health. Dr. Martha Gulati, editor-in-chief of the American College of Cardiology Patient website, says, "I am concerned that a person who needs to take a nap every day is not getting a good night's sleep.
Someone who is taking a nap six or seven times a week, I want to ask him if he really can't get a good night's sleep. Are you taking a nap to make up for your lack of sleep? If so, such people need to change their lifestyle immediately. ”
How is taking a nap once or twice a week beneficial for heart health? Explaining this further, Dr. Nadine Hazel says, "Its mechanism is not so straightforward. We believe that occasional naps reduce the fatigue and stress caused by your lack of sleep at night, which has a positive effect on heart health.

A Qailulah (Midday Napping) is Good for Children's Health

American scientists say that one hour of sleep after lunch helps children between the ages of 3 and 5 to increase their mental strength. Researchers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, after researching 40 children, and said in a brief report that the benefits of a nap in 3 to 5-year-olds continue into the next day and that one hour of sleep, early learning, and memory is crucial.
According to the results of the research, the children who took a Qailulah (Midday Napping) performed well in the shape and size test. After a nap, children's memory improved by 10% compared to the day when children were not allowed to take a nap. Children's mental examination during sleep in the 'Sleep Laboratory' revealed that there was more activity in the learning parts of the children's brain.
According to Rebecca Spencer, the leader of the research team, her research team has for the first time presented evidence that taking a nap can help children learn and improve their mental strength. As children get older, they lose the habit of taking a nap, but younger children should be encouraged to do so," he said.

What is Qailulah in Islam?

Moreover, the Neuroscience reveals that Qailulah (Midday Napping) improves memory power, improve alertness, improve wakefulness and performance, and recovers positive qualities of lost night sleep. Thus, Interestingly, Islam, the religion of the Muslims, advocates midday napping primarily because it was a practice preferred by Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) almost 1430 years ago.

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