Saturday 28 March 2020

Urinary Problems

In the Urinary Problems, the older people suggest, the less dramatic problems are better treated in the kitchen than the surgery. The kidneys and bladder manufacture and store urine prior to passing it out of the body. This eliminative action is vital to our health.
Since it rids the body of surplus water and filters out the waste byproducts of metabolism - you can smell them after eating asparagus or drinking coffee. But a kidney is not like the oil filter in your car; you can't throw it away when it stops functioning.
If you constantly overload your personal filter system with unreasonable amounts of potentially damaging substances, you must expect problems. It is a mistake, too, to consider the urinary system merely as a bit of sophisticated plumbing. The kidneys also support the metabolism of vitamin D, and in the production of some necessary hormones, chiefly those responsible for the control of blood pressure.
There is a whole range of problems that can affect the urinary system - kidney and bladder stones, cystitis, prostate problems, thrush, urethritis and the much more common and hard to treat non-specific urethritis, kidney failure, nephritis, incontinence and conditions related to other serious illnesses.
Even apparently minor urinary problems may be a sign of more serious underlying illness. You must seek professional help if you are aware of any abnormality in the kidney and bladder function. This becomes urgent if you pass blood in your urine, if you have severe pain in the kidney region, or when passing urine, if you have difficulty passing urine, or if your ankles suddenly become obviously swollen.
But even the treatment of the more serious problems will be more effective when combined with healthy eating. And many of the less dramatic problems are much better treated in the kitchen than the surgery - all the more so as these can be chronic, debilitating, uncomfortable and embarrassing conditions, which often fail to respond to normal medical treatment.
Kidney stones, which tend to be a recurring problem, can be kept in check with the right diet. The misery of cystitis - the blight of so many women's lives can respond dramatically to the omission of the Danger foods and an abundance of Superfoods. And prostate conditions respond magically to a prescription for pumpkin seeds.

The Eating Plan

It has been observed the extent of the damage refined sugar has done to the kidneys," wrote famous Swiss naturopath Alfred Vogel. "Often a patient was relieved of all pain if he totally abstained from all foods containing sugar pain returned without fail when sugar was given to the patient again.
In experiments carried out at Queen Elizabeth College in London by Professor John Yudkin and Dr. R. G. Price, animals fed sugar-containing diets developed early signs of kidney damage, and the swollen kidneys seen in diabetic patients.
In the UK 15 percent and in the USA 25 percent of patients with kidney failure have developed the condition from diabetes. The exclusion of all refined sugars from the diet is good advice for everybody. For people with kidney problems, it is Rule Number One.
Salt is a major danger in the modern diet, and nowhere more an in problems of the urinary system. It encourages fluid retention, and this diametrically opposes the flushing action of the kidneys. High blood pressure causes kidney damage and kidney disorders can lead to high blood pressure.
A daily intake of salt in excess of 5g (1 level teaspoonful), can have a critical effect on blood day even without using the salt cellar. Processed foods can be horrendously salt-high: bran-based breakfast cereals may consist of around 4 percent salt; other breakfast cereals such as cornflakes come close behind, and potato crisps fairly glisten with the stuff.
Steam your vegetables without salt, and use lemon and herbs for seasoning. The herbs listed as Superfoods are antiseptic and anti-inflammatory. They will speed recovery and pressure; the average person consumes 5-10g to protect against recurrence, which is one of the worst features of urinary problems.
Increased fluid intake will improve and maintain the health of the urinary system. It is particularly important to dilute the concentration of the urine and to ensure a steady "Aushing-through" of the whole urinary tract. Aim at 11/3 pt a day, preferably in the form of bottled pure spring water.
If stones are your problem don't drink tap water in hard water areas. Meat in any form must be kept to a minimum and is best excluded altogether. Vegetarians only have 40-60 percent of the incidence of kidney stones of meat-eaters, so a meatless regime is strongly advised.
Because of their high calcium content, which can support the formation of kidney stones in susceptible humans. It's really very important to keep the consumption of dairy products as low as possible. Cottage cheese, soured cream and quark are all low in calcium.
The value of yogurt cannot be overemphasized, as it provides bacteria that aid elimination without harming the system.

The Danger Foods

Animal protein far fewer vegetarians than meat-eaters have kidney stones. The digestive breakdown of meat produces uric and oxalic acids and both of which may form stones.
Dairy products are high in calcium, so humans with a tendency to form stones should eat these sparingly; yogurt, however, is very important in the treatment of cystitis and thrush.
Sugar and all forms of honey, molasses, etc. encourage the proliferation of micro-organisms. Sugar should, therefore, be avoided particularly by those with recurrent infectious conditions such as thrush sugar including and cystitis. Moreover, the sugars may also add to the absorption of calcium during digestion which is not good news for stone-formers.
Salt normally encourages fluid retention and should be avoided by anyone with problems of the urinary system.
Coffee contains substances highly irritant and damaging to the kidneys.
Oxalic acid is found in coffee, tea, chocolate, rhubarb, peanuts, spinach, beetroot, and strawberries. However, in certain susceptible humans, the oxalic acid content of these foods will promote the formation of stones.
Citrus Juices and Vitamin C, Keep in mind Citrus juice drunk in excess and vitamin C supplements over 500mg a day will add to the acidity of the urine and put into inflammatory discomfort.
Vinegar, pickles, and tomatoes – Eat these sparingly for your own comfort, as they are very acid.
Alcohol should not be consumed by anyone with kidney or bladder disorders. Since it can increase the excretion of uric acid and - in excessive quantities - interfere with the normal function of the kidneys.

Super Foods for Urinary Problems

Thus, the patient looks in their surrounding for superfoods for all kinds of Urinary Problems. They are Cranberries, Barley, Pumpkin Seeds, Asparagus, Dandelion, Chicory, and Onions.
Moreover, these are fruits highly recommended, etc., Raspberries, Green and Red Gooseberries, Watermelon, Grapes, Apples, Figs, Redcurrants, and Blackcurrants.

Essential Vegetables

So, the patient should use vegetables, i.e. Cabbage, Pumpkin, Potatoes, Carrots, Aubergine, Globe Artichokes, Horseradish, Watercress, Cucumber, Celery, Lettuce, Runner Beans, Leeks, Purslane, and all Green Leafy Vegetables.

Grains and Herbs

Also use Barley, Soya Beans, Juniper Berries, Parsley, Thyme, Garlic, Sage, Rosemary, Celery Seeds, Chamomile, Dandelion.

Nuts and Seeds and others

Also use Pumpkin seeds, all nuts except peanuts, shrimps, Barley Water and Dandelion Coffee.
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Golden Rules of Eating

* Our bodies don't need balanced meals every time we cat, but eating a variety of different foods each day promotes good health. Don't get too worried about picky children who go through food fads - their diet usually balances out over a week.
* As long as you eat the right percent 08 hardly matters what you eat the things of the time it rests of the time.
* Eat an orange fruit or vegetable every day for the carotenoids, which help to protect against cancer.
* Drink at least 6-8 large glasses of fluid a day – any liquid will do. Vary water with fruit juice and low-fat milk. A few cups of tea can count too.
* No healthy person who eats a balanced diet needs vitamin supplements.
* For children of two and up, start to moderate fatty foods. Use semi-skimmed milk, cut the fat off meat, don't fry - grill.
* Always eat some breakfast. Research shows that breakfast eaters tend to be slimmer and have healthier diets. Don't Cát a heavy meal too late in the evening - it will stop you sleeping.
* Small changes in eating habits reap great rewards, So there's no need to go Printed at UTC 5804 overboard and make dietary changes you can't stick to. Make one or two small adjustments a week - change from white to wholemeal bread, full cream to semi-skimmed milk, and butter to an olive-oil spread.
* We really do all need at least five helpings of fruit and vegetables a day - fresh, frozen, canned, dried or juiced. There's no alternative.
* Eat oily fish at least once a week. It is very good for you because it helps to maintain a healthy heart. Have a little olive oil on your salad too.
* Drink tea for the flavonoids, which seem to help reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke and may even slow aging.
* Around half of our calories should come from unrefined - that is, carbohydrates – whole-wheat bread, oats in any form, rice in any form, pasta, wholegrain cereals, potatoes (in jackets especially good), peas, beans, and fruit. Printed at UTC 580
* Treat protein like a condiment -a little goes a long way. Eat some lean red meat a few times a week. Remember that red meat is an excellent source of protein, easily absorbed iron and zinc, and B vitamins.
* Start reading labels for food values, especially fat and sugar. Sugar adds variety, but is a non-essential food - don't give your children sugar-coated cereals as this may encourage a sweet tooth for life.
* Stop adding salt to food and keep your blood pressure at a healthy level. The healthy limit for salt is 6g (%oz) per day (equivalent to 2.4g (%oz) sodium – salt is usually listed as "sodium" on food labels). But your doctor reduces it even further. can advise you to reduce it even further.
* The labels for salt content, too, and never give foods with a high salt content to babies and young children; their kidneys can't handle it.
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Thursday 5 March 2020

Is the Keto Diet Good for You?

These days, the keto diet is very popular among fatty peoples. If you’re overweight and considering the weight loss through the keto diet, then you should know about the side effects before to kick in. Is the keto diet bad for you or right for you? It is an extremely strict diet plan that requires adhering to the low carb high-fat diet in order to put your body into a metabolic state called ketosis. Normally, people have difficulty staying in a severely restrictive diet plan.
Although, this is very effective and more efficient at burning extra fat. Some experts have the opinion that It can cause to drop the libido. When you start the ketogenic diet, it will be experiencing the symptoms of carb withdrawal and possibly the keto flu, says by California based Dr. Nancy P. Rahnama. So, once you go through flu-like symptoms, the dieter has adapted to the lower-carb lifestyle. Eventually, the libido perhaps reset and possibly improve as a result of weight loss from the keto diet.
Moreover, she said, the actual research confirming the side effect was hard to come by. Though media is presenting libido warning but needs more studies to fully understand all possible side effects of this diet. So far, ketogenic research is very limited. The actual purpose of this diet to aid people with epilepsy. One should know the aspiring side effects of keto dieters. Here are some other side effects of the keto diet can cause.
  • Keto Flu
  • Can cause kidney and heart damage
  • Bad Breath
  • Fatigue
  • Irregular menstrual cycles,
  • Constipation
  • Bone Density Decreased
Most of the peoples suffer keto flu, in the beginning as their body is not habitual of the body adapting low-crab state results in forces to burn fat instead of glucose. That can cause, weakness, headache, constipation, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, muscle soreness, and irritability. Sugar is the main source of energy for the body’s stored fat.
When the body decreasing fat, it produces ketones, removed with incessant urination, can cause dehydration and keto flu. The incessant urination process is an inevitable loss of electrolytes such as sodium, magnesium, and potassium, result in exacerbating these symptoms.
Further, carbohydrates are the major source of energy and stimulation, and removal of this kind of energy will enhance the sugar cravings, brain fog, and problem in concertation. So, in normal cases, keto flu lasts for a week. She also said dehydration is a severe problem in lightheadedness, kidney stones, etc. Also, there is a chance of cardiac arrhythmia, as electrolytes are important for the regular beating of the heart. Because a deficiency in Electrolyte results in an irregular heartbeat that could be serious at any time.
So, a restrictive diet plan is difficult and that has impacts on weight fluctuations and increased mortality risk said by Sharon Palmer a dietitian in California. It is also not confirming of effects on blood cholesterol, a few studies showing an increase, however, in some cases, it is showing a decrease.
So, nutrition is afraid of health issues due to increased intake of unhealthful fats. So long term negative effects yet to come. Moreover, weight loss can frequently complicate the data in the short term due to overweight people lose weight, irrespective of how they do it, they frequently end up with better blood lipids and blood glucose levels.
Also, the keto diet highly low in many fruits and vegetables, grains, and legumes which are normally considered healthy. Because if you miss these foods, you will miss out on many healthy things, i.e., certain minerals, vitamins, phytochemicals. These are significantly imperative for human health and for a longer period it can cause bone loss and increased the risk of chronic diseases, like osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s, heart disease, cancer, diabetes. So, why peoples want to risk their life just to lose weight more briskly.
So, the question comes in mind, is the keto diet for every human? The answer would be very simple that everyone is not suitable for Keto diet especially those have chronic disease i.e., heart problems, blood pressure, and diabetes. This diet plan changes metabolic of many peoples and even change the effectiveness of a person’s medication.
So, you should consult with your nutrition or Doctor when you start Keto Diet due to the level of dietary restriction. As you may in need of electrolyte supplementation or change in daily medication dosages. So, don’t be your own Doctor and keep in mind adverse effects. If you want to start a keto diet, then increase the water intake, as some people need a supplement with sodium, until unless they don’t have any blood pressure issue.
Also, in some cases, a patient needs potassium supplementation, and magnesium supplements, as its an electrolyte that can be taken with low risk of overdose. If the keto dieter has continued issues, then consult with your doctor or increase the carb intake as it is not a balanced diet for a long term plan.
Many fruits and vegetables are important for your health and without the long term micronutrient deficiencies can have serious consequences. Many nutrients believe, that Keto Diet used for short-term weight loss, not for permanent weight loss. Hence, keeping in mind all the above facts, the keto diet is a very successful way of quick weight loss if it is implemented in a safer way.
Also, you need to use top keto power boost supplements to balance the diet plan. Also, other vital minerals your body requires when burning off body fat like calcium and potassium.