Friday, 10 May 2019

Protection against the Flu

First, you need to protect yourself against the Flu Vaccine! Most of the vaccine industry insists that their vaccines against the flu help as the key to a healthy winter. Though there has not been a serious flu epidemic for 38 years. But their vaccines are prescribed to millions of people each year. You may wonder why perfectly healthy people are injected with a normally harmless bug whose strains mutate from year to year? Though flu vaccines can never be accurate, encouraged by their employers, millions of employees submit to a flu jab each year, trying to avoid the loss of working days.

Influenza always starts in the Far East, and then spreads to the West in early winter. Then it is reaching its peak during February and March. It may come in either of three types, A, B, or C. During the last several years, type A has been the dominant version. What makes vaccination against the flu so unsuccessful is that the strains of the flu virus are different every year and the so-called protection lasts for only six months. So, each autumn you require a new vaccination for a different virus. The trouble is, drug companies have no way of knowing in summer. Which new strain of the flu virus is going to hit the Western Hemisphere during the winter months.

The vaccine producers grow the vaccines, consisting of live viruses, in hen’s eggs, which when injected into the body can cause side effects such as redness and soreness at the injection site and a mild form of flu. Hence, very serious complications arise in people who are taking immune-suppressing drugs or who have a heart condition. If you are allergic to eggs, having a flu-shot may also endanger your health.

For the average healthy person, coming down with the flu is not serious at all. On the contrary, it can build up natural immunity even against future encounters with new strains of the flu virus. The very reason why nature creates these new forms of virus every year and spreads them with accurate timing is to ensure continued ecological balance and strong immunity in plants, animals, and humans alike.

Anyone prone to repeated infections is to be expected to have a toxic liver with many hundreds of stones accumulated in the liver and gallbladder. Gallstones, which harbor numerous types of infectious bacteria and viruses, are a continuous source of immune suppression. It is cleansing the liver of all gallstones is about the best prevention against any type of infection. Moreover, the people who have cleansed their liver in this way have reported that they never catch a cold or the flu anymore.

Flu virus vaccines used until 2002 contained live viruses and produced so many serious, adverse reactions that new vaccines had to be concocted. The new formula for flu vaccines is called the subvirion, which is basically a mutilated virus “blended, spliced and macerated” until just bits and pieces of the original virus are left. This in no way makes the virus less dangerous. In fact, the antigens or foreign proteins in the vaccine, for which the body is forced to produce antibodies against, are still as poisonous and harmful as live virus.

Besides the subvirion, there are plenty of other substances added to the flu vaccine, most of which you would never want to consciously ingest. These include:

  • ·         Hemagglutinin antigens that cause clumping of the red blood cells, leading to cardiovascular disease.
  • ·         The enzyme neuraminidase, which cuts out neuraminic acid from the cell membrane, weakening all the trillions of cell membranes in the body.
  • ·         White crystalline substance called allantoin, a toxic animal waste product. Due to its high nitrogen content, allantoin is used as fertilizer; leads to kidneys and bladder stones.
  • ·         Gentamicin, a broad-spectrum antibiotic, is added to each embryonated chicken egg to inhibit the growth of bacteria (vaccine is grown in chicken eggs).
  • ·         Formaldehyde (carcinogenic), used as a preservative and to inactivate the virus.
  • ·         The toxic chemicals, tri butylphosphate and Polysorbate 80, USP.
  • ·         Resin, to eliminate “substantial portions” of tri butylphosphate and Polysorbate 80
  • ·         Thimerosal, a mercury derivative, to preserve the vaccine cocktail.
  • ·         Polyethylene glycol, a relative of ethylene glycol (antifreeze); often used to poison dogs and other predators of sheep.
  • ·         Isocctylphenyl ether, a compound of ether; has anesthetic properties; a teratogen, causing abnormal prenatal development. It also induces testicular atrophy in animals.
The vaccine producers are unable to guarantee that the vaccine will shelter you against the flu. So, they carefully tell you that the vaccine “reduces the likelihood of infection; or if you do develop the disease it will be a milder case.” Some express the same uncertainly about their product in this way:

It is known certainly that influenza virus vaccine, as now constituted, is not effective against all possible strains of influenza virus. Why would you want to entrust your health to a cocktail of poisonous chemicals? When even a somewhat weakened immune system stands a far better chance to protect you against harm from a bout of influenza.

Our body’s sophisticated immune system, which has evolved over millions of years. It can certainly do a better job of protecting you against the flu than anything made-made. All it needs is some basic care taking on your part. With each new flu shot, on the other hand, your immune system becomes more exhausted and side-effects become more pronounced and severe. And, you may still get the flu anyway. The following list includes the possible consequences you can expect if you go down the road of vaccination:

The most frequent side effects of vaccination:

  • ·         Soreness at the site of the vaccination
  • ·         Pain or tenderness
  • ·         Skin discoloration
  • ·         Asthenia
  • ·         Angiopathy
  • ·         Erythema
  • ·         Induration
  • ·         A mass or lump
  • ·         Hypersensitivity reactions including
  • ·         puritus and urticaria
  • ·         Malaise
  • ·         Myalgia
  • ·         Arthralgia
  • ·         Headache
  • ·         Lymphadenopathy
  • ·         Rash
  • ·         Vomiting
  • ·         Diarrhea
  • ·         Pharyngitis
  • ·         Nausea
  • ·         Chills
  • ·         Fever
  • ·         Inflammation
  • ·         Dizziness
  • ·         Vasculiltis
  • ·         Anaphylaxis in asthmatics, with
  • ·         possible death
  • ·         Anaphylactic shock, with possible death
Vaccination are certainly does not create immunity. You cannot become immune by ingesting poisons that destroy the immune system. Studies by a group of Italian scientists showed that the flu vaccine reduced the occurrence of clinical episodes of influenza by only 6 percent in adults, and effectiveness tended to decrease with age. They concluded that universal immunization wasn't warranted. Stated simply, handwashing and other hygienic and nutritional measures are far superior to the flu vaccine in effectiveness.

When you cared for hygienically, and by eating nutritious foods and keeping one’s intestines and liver clean, influenza never becomes a deadly disease. Getting vaccinated against the flu, on the other hand, is an unquestionable way to sow the seeds for new illnesses in the body. All vaccines are poisonous, and as such act like time bombs that will explode in due time.

Why People Get the Flu

Flu jabs lower natural immunity by injecting alien and toxic substances directly into the blood stream. No other animal in the world takes recourse to such unnatural, superficial and crude means to defend itself against invading viruses. The normal route of contact with a viral particle is via the lungs. Most of the population has a normal, healthy immune system and is perfectly capable of dealing with the invaders without getting sick. But if the body’s infection fighters have temporarily gone “on strike” for reasons other than the lack of a vaccine, the flu virus can gain unrestricted access into the body and cause an infection. Regular vaccination (of any kind) is one of the major causes of depleted immunity.

The yearly administered flu jabs burden the immune system and cells of the body with foreign toxic material without giving them a chance to remove them again. The toxic viral particles can remain latent in the cells and gallstones for as long as 20 years; when they emerge, they can cause serious cell damage. With each new vaccination the immune system becomes more and more restricted in its effort to neutralize the live virus that suddenly appears in the blood. It may produce antibodies for the virus (although in many cases the immune system fails to do even that), which is finally subdued, but this encounter leaves the host’s immune system unnecessarily tired and weak.

Besides immune damage, vaccines of all kinds produce alterations in genetic material and thereby cause a whole range of malfunctions in the body. Vaccines may even be the cause of the increasing incidence of malignant diseases in children. Mass immunization programs have created such weak immune systems that they are even susceptible to such harmless viruses as the one causing the flu. We may have gone as far as to replace mumps and measles with cancer, leukemia, and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

Flu vaccinations are mainly targeted at the older generation and young children. In the United Kingdom, about 10,000 people, most of them are of very advanced age, (supposedly) die from flu-related illnesses. It may, therefore, sound reasonable to vaccinate the older people to protect them against the flu virus. But there is no total protection even among those vaccinated. Around 20 percent or more of the elderly people who get the vaccine still get a more virulent strain of flu, and many others get a lighter form of the flu.

The same is true for the people in the same age group who haven’t been immunized. The weak and elderly people are more likely among those who die from the flu, regardless whether they have been immunized or not. The bottom line is that there is no real advantage in having a flu jab. And certainly, given the frailty of so many of the oldest members of society, there is no reliable way of telling whether the flu or something else may have led to their death.

The death rate in and out of the flu season is about the same. But then, as we have seen with AIDS, statistics can be manipulated in ways that support theories which have only one objective, to keep the medical business going. When a person who is about to die anyway also catches the flu, he will be listed as a flu victim.

Instead of giving the elderly population vaccines, in the misguided belief that this would take care of them, we could help them much more by improving their general resistance to disease through good diet, social engagements and exercise programs. Many old people don’t have adequate nutrition and suffer from depression; both these factors work as powerful immune suppressants. Others don’t have a warm home or they live alone. Research has shown that these are the major risk factors for illness and death in the older generation. A series of liver cleanses alone can strengthen natural immunity, improve digestion, retard the aging process, restore health, and foremost of all, enhance mental functions. In developing countries, where the elderly play an important role in society, general illness is low, provided there is enough food available. In these countries, it is more likely that old people die from malnutrition than from a strain of virus.

There are a growing number of reports that designate a worsening of high blood pressure, diabetes, gout, and Parkinson’s disease as well as an increase in all kinds of allergic complaints in adults who regularly receive flu jabs. In 1976 an extensive flu vaccination program in America led to a massive outbreak of Guillain-Barre syndrome, a disease affecting the nervous system. The outbreak, known as the “Great Swine Flu Fiasco,” paralyzed 656 people and 30 elderly persons were found dead within hours after they were vaccinated. Compensation claims were enormous, which helped slowing down the program, but only for a while.

What about the other high-risk group, young children? Japanese researchers have shown that infants under one year of age fail to even generate a good antibody response following the vaccine. There are no point pumping children full of vaccine poisons, except enriching the pharmaceutical companies.

Seniors, of course, are one of the core target groups for the flu vaccine program. So, every year we're told how older people are particularly vulnerable to the flu. We're also told that government officials are holding their breath over their fear of a devastating flu pandemic. We're even told that about 36,000 people die of flu-related complications in the United States each year, and most of those deaths are elderly people. The reality of the matter is quite different, though.

How many people do you think died of the flu last year? Less than 175, according to Sherri J. Tenpenny, D.O., an internationally known leader in vaccine research! And yet, the official line propagated by media campaigns is to be prepared for another wave of deadly flu epidemic, killing thousands of people each new season.

In the Name of Prevention

The pharmaceutical companies producing the vaccines seem to have a more powerful effect on the population than the scientists have who invented them. As early as 1980, Dr. Albert Sabin, one of the world’s leading virologists and pioneer of the polio vaccine, spoke vehemently against the use of the flu vaccine, claiming that it was unnecessary for over 90 percent of the population. This, however, has not discouraged the vaccination industry to endorse vaccination for all in the name of health and protection against disease.

What makes matters worse is that there has never been a properly controlled clinical trial with the flu vaccine. Because we don’t know anything about it. Its long-term effects, we may be unknowingly producing generations of people with debilitated immune systems and chronic diseases. Flu vaccination is an unproven and unscientific practice and there is nothing in the scientific literature that can certify or guarantee its safety. The most effective way to fight infections, including the flu, is to prevent it. 

There is no substitute for a health-increasing regimen. Vaccination, on the other hand, offers no real protection. Injecting the body with foreign and poisonous viral material is counterproductive to improving our well-being. Dr. John Seal from the American National Institute for Allergies and Infectious Diseases warned that we must assume that every flu vaccination can cause Guillain-Barre Syndrome. In this sense, prevention is not better than cure.

Help from Mother Nature

For those who are concerned about the flu and its possible effects, there is a remarkable herbal extract (andrographis paniculata) that has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic (traditional Indian) therapies and traditional Chinese Medicine. It is used to treat everything from isolated cases of the sniffles to full-blown outbreaks of influenza. Apparently, Andrographis is believed to have halted the spread of the 1919 Indian flu pandemic.

There is scientific evidence to support that theory. Researchers at the Universities of Exeter and Plymouth in the UK conducted a survey of medical databases, herbal manufacturer information and the World Health Organization reports selecting seven studies that met the criteria for double-blind, controlled trials.

The combined studies tested the use of andrographis as a treatment for respiratory tract infection in nearly. In all seven of these studies, subjects who took andrographis after the onset of cold symptoms reported faster recovery, compared to subjects who took placeboes or medication.

Researchers concluded that andrographis may be effective in treating "uncomplicated" infection in the upper respiratory tract (throat, sinuses and ears). According to previous laboratory trials andrographis extract doesn't kill the organisms that make you sick – at least not directly. Instead, the herbal compound boosts your immune system and stimulates natural antibodies.

Animal research also showed that andrographis may help prevent myocardial ischemia (inadequate blood circulation in the heart caused by coronary artery disease), inhibit the formation of blood clots, lower blood sugar levels in diabetics, lowered systolic blood pressure, and protect the liver against damage.

Kan Jang is a brand of standardized extract of andrographis that has consistently outsold all other cold medications in Scandinavia for 13 years running. The Swedish Herbal Institute, the formulator of Kan Jang, recommends that you take one tablet four times daily to fight colds or the flu. Kan Jang can be purchased at dietary supplement stores and through Internet sites. Also Read: Ingrown Hairs

Sunday, 5 May 2019

Eating Disorder In Adolescence

The main question is how to spot an Eating Disorder In Adolescence. When you're the healthy body and happy life deal with these pressures and no one feel this. It seems that teens today a lot more pressure than ever to study more to enter the school of your dreams.

Sweat more to do with the team in high school, constantly texting to follow the lives of they're friends. Some of these kids do a wonderful job of handling everything. But some of them hit some obstacles. And others are not sure how best to deal with everything that happens in their lives.

According to Drs. Mehmet Oz, Michael F. Roizen, and Ellen Rome, the authors of YOU: Teens Manual: A Guide to a healthy body and happy life in a way that some kids not only to deal with these pressures. But they too can feel the pressure to be perfect through the body. How they treat their bodies, ie in the form of eating disorders. Substantial parts of the point where they're lives are controlled thoughts and actions, with food, weight and/or body.

There are several ways you can tell if the young person in you're life, showing signs of an Eating Disorder In Adolescence. Not every child has all the characters, and it is not exhaustive or exclusive. But there are signs to watch for include. Excessive concern about a body part.  If he or she speaks of a body part that seems perfectly fine for most other people around them.

Eating Disorder In Adolescence can be a sign of an obsession that can occur in the control of the adolescent diet in unhealthy ways. Although perceptions of each about what is normal is different, it is okay to use “reasonable standard”. Here is because those with eating disorders tend not to see they're bodies so that most others. A concern for the appearance or body weight that is on you're way every day is a good tip-off that has gone through more than just a health concern teen-like appearance.

Unusual Eating Rituals:

This can include the organization of food on a plate to chew on, too, eating in a certain order, or to measure all the food consumed. While a smart healthy food choice is essential to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, the ritual behavior too can be a a sign that someone is crossing the line between health-conscious, and dangerous.

Changes in Body Position:

Those with eating disorders often try to change their appearance (weight loss, sudden and extreme) by wearing clothing or bending over the plastic bag. They do this to cover they're tracks so that adults can not see these changes in the body and get a clue to they're behavior changes related to food.

Excessive Behavior Alone:

When someone makes a point of trying to feed himself or take after a meal can be a sign that she is really limit the amount you eat or bulimia and/or purging thereafter. It is important to remember that behaviors can help to define eating disorders, but the root of the problem has more to do with feelings and thoughts you have on you're body.
Increase Awareness of Himself

Eating disorders seem to sink into the brains of they're victims, to support they're ideas and get stronger every day. They build a “grease trap”, where every comment, every situation is filtered through the box and distorted, so it appears as a criticism or a demand. “You look great today” becomes “I usually look fat.” “You’re so healthy” becomes “You’re eating too much.” “I like you're hair” becomes “I can not find anything good to say about the rest of you.”
Other Signs to Watch Eating Disorder In Adolescence

·         Concern about appearance, body shape or weight can interfere with daily life.

·         According to the sadness, frustration or anger of body image.

·         Often self-deprecating comments.

·         Frequent comparisons with others on appearance, body shape or weight.

·         The secret related to dietary or exercise habits.

·         Dramatic weight loss or stability and/or extreme fluctuations in weight (big ups and downs).

·         Eating serious.

·         Binges.

·         Refusal to eat certain foods.

·         Monitor you're weight, calories, food, or to lose weight.

·         Making excuses to avoid meals and eating, including claims of food intolerance or allergy where none actually exists.

·         Often complain of feeling fat.

·         Excessive exercise, even in bad weather or illness, they need to get rid of calories.

·         Vomiting, diet pills, using laxatives, or other forms of cleaning.

·         Often the weight.

·         Refusal to eat in front of others.

·         According to the denial of hunger.

·         Attempts to conceal the look with clothes or posture.

·         Mood swings, depression, personality removed.

Read About - How Important Habit of Healthful Eating

The Liquid Assets

Nutritionists today know exactly what we need to eat for our bodies to stay fit and healthy. Although all individuals requirement may vary slightly depending on age, general health, and lifestyle. We should all eat a diet that gives us a balance of vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and fiber. We are what we eat. If we treat our bodies with little respect and fill them with empty calories that high energy but low nutrition, we are more likely to develop diseases and ailments that mar or shorten our lives. If we take greater care to eat the foods that help keep the body’s machinery running smoothly, we stand a far better chance of staying fit and of living longer.
One of the most important reasons for eating plenty of vitamins is the powerful antioxidant properties they have to protect our bodies against a long list of disease and illnesses that includes Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and rheumatoid arthritis. These and other ailments are caused by the oxidation of body cells as a result of aging. 
The absorption and oxidation of too much fat into the bloodstream, and the effects of ‘free radicals’ the oxidants we encounter in pollution, cigarette smoke, the sun’s harmful rays, industrial waste and toxins in our food. Scientists know that the oxidation process can be slowed and even reversed by eating large quantities of vitamins A, C, E and beta carotene (the precursor of vitamin A), which are powerful antioxidants.
Antioxidants are also found in ‘phytochemicals’ which are not actually classified as nutrients but help to maintain our immune systems, fight infections, reduce the risk of cancer and generally keep the body healthy. Our bodies need enzymes to digest and absorb the food we eat. In order to make those enzymes we need to consume certain nutrients. Many fruits and vegetables are packed full of those potent nutrients, phytochemicals and enzymes and so they make perfect ingredients for mixed juices that are health-promoting, energy-giving, satisfying, fun to concoct and easy to make.
To get the best form them, raw is nearly always better than cooked. More then half the nutrients in food are usually lost before it gets on to your plate. Some disappear during storage and more are destroyed by heat when the food is cooked. So the raw juice of freshly picked fruits or fresh organically grown vegetables is not just a refreshing drink it’s pure nutrition in a glass.
By pulping or juicing different combination, you can turn the ingredients into something much more palatable and interesting than when they are eaten separately. The blended fruits and vegetables can be mixed with other ready to use juices, yogurts, sorbets, dairy or non-dairy milk, soda or mineral water, honey or low-cal sweeteners to create a customized drink to suit individual tastes. And all sorts of other health-giving supplements, such as ground seeds and nuts, wheat-germ, herbal remedies, and protein powders, can be added to the colorful mixtures to make sure that you get your daily dose of all the essential nutrients.
Juices are ideal as cooling drinks or energy boosters at any time of the day and make an ideal healthy alternative to all those high-fat, high-sugar fast foods, snacks, and beverages that may give instant energy but offer very little nutrition. The following list of crucial nutrients gives the best sources available from among the fruits vegetables, seeds and nuts that are most suitable for juicing. Some of those dietary essentials are also found in other foods that are not listed here.


Our bodies need small amounts of various vitamins in order to function properly. Most of these come from the food and drinks we consume, although vitamin D is made by our skin’s reaction to sunlight.


Minerals are needed by our bodies to help form and maintain healthy bones and teeth, for nerve and brain function and as an essential part of body tissues and fluids. The juice ingredients that are the best source of the major minerals we need for optimum nutrition.


Protein is essential for the development and maintenance of healthy body tissue and to provide energy. Our main sources are milk, meat, fish, eggs, cheese, nuts, and pulses, plus a small amount from vegetables.


Carbohydrates come in the form of starch (rice, pasta, bread, and potatoes), sugar (fruit and vegetables) and fiber. The body digests the food and gradually releases the energy into the bloodstream along with the other nutrients contained in the food. It is much better for our health and general well being to eat the sugars in fruit and vegetables than to consume the refined sugar that is found in sweets, pastries, and fast food.
Refined sugar gives energy but very little nutrition. Fat is good for you, despite what some people thinking, but it must be the right sort of fat polyunsaturated. Whereas the types of fat known as saturated and monounsaturated provide energy but contain no nutrition, polyunsaturated fats protect the body against cancer, heart disease, skin disorders, tiredness, and depression.
The best sources for juicing and blending are seeds and nuts. Fiber is indigestible carbohydrate and helps protect against intestinal problems and bowel disorders. The best sources are seeds, grains, and raw fruit and vegetables.


Phytochemicals are thought to be as important as vitamins in protecting our bodies. They are found in many foods including garlic, citrus fruits, berries, broccoli, cherries, grapes, papaya, melon, plums, tomatoes, green peppers, pineapple, strawberries, carrots, raspberries, radishes, alfalfa, fennel, celery, and chlorophyll.
It’s a good idea to eat fruits and vegetables of varying colors, as each color group contains different phytochemicals. Select fruit, vegetables, and extra ingredients carefully and the juices you make at home or drink in the juice bar will fill you with new energy and boost your general health. Also, Read – Diabetes A Smart Self Care

Saturday, 19 January 2019

Most Convenient Way to Get Body Fat Tested?

There are two methods you are most likely to come across are skinfold calipers and bioelectrical impedance the technology behind body fat scales. Although these methods aren’t inherently the most accurate, you can take precautions to make the results more trustworthy.
What is Skinfold Calipers?
Skinfold calipers, commonly used by fitness trainers and registered dietitians, look something like spring-loaded lobster claws. The tester pinches three to seven spots on your body, and a gauge measures each hunk of flesh in millimeters. The tester then plugs the result into an equation.
Calipers can be accurate within 4 percentage points but only if the tester is skilled at separating fat from muscle and pinches precisely the right spots. Even experienced testers can have difficulty testing subjects who have taut skin, especially on the thighs; considerable excess fat, especially in the abdominal area or highly developed muscles.
Also, accuracy may depend on the equation used, as different racial groups tend to carry fat in different places. And it’s important that the tester uses a formula that takes age into consideration. Fat tends to move inward with age, but calipers pinch only fat near the skin; so unless the tester uses a formula designed for seniors, the amount of fat pinched by the caliper in an older person might underestimate the person’s total body fat.
You can purchase do it yourself calipers over the internet, but you won’t get as accurate a reading as a trained professional would, and some experts think they are too inaccurate to be of use.  
Bioelectrical Impedance is a quick painless method that comes in three varieties full body, lower body, and upper body. With full body impedance, offered by some trainers and nutritionists, you lie on your back while an electrical signal travels from an electrode on your foot to an electrode on your hand.
The faster the signal, the more muscular you are. This is because water conducts electricity, and muscle is 70 percent water fat contains a lot less water, so it impedes the signal.
When you step on a body fat scale, a signal travels through your lower body, from one foot to the other. When you hold the Omron, a plastic gizmo that looks like half of a car steering wheel, the signal shoots through our upper body, from hand to hand.
Even under optimal conditions, the margin of error for full body impedance is about 4 percent and perhaps 1 percent points more for the scale or upper body device. Since many people don’t experience changes in body fat of this magnitude, impedance methods may have a margin of error that’s too high to accurately detect body fat changes for the average person.
What’s more impedance gadgets are highly sensitive to hydration status. If you are dehydrated, the test can overestimate your body fat by as much as 10 percentage points. Also, impedance devices are typically less accurate for people who are obese or very lean.
For best results, get tested first thing the morning, before you have eaten or exercised but after you have normalized your hydration status with a glass of water. Women should avoid testing during menstruation because some retain water during the time.

Friday, 7 December 2018

Will i Gain Weight if i Quit Smoking

Will You Gain Weight if You Quit Smoking Well, this question comes in the mind of every smoker? The short answer: Maybe, about 80 percent of people who quit smoking see the scale creep up. It is commonly observed of 5 to 10 percent. The other 20 percent either maintain their weight or lose a small amount of weight. Among ex-smokers who do put on pounds, research suggests, the weight gain tends to subside. Even start to reverse itself after six months to a year.

While former smokers may not lose all of the weight they initially gained, ultimately they are likely to settle at the weight level of people who never smoked.  A lot of smokers are artificially under their ideal body weight, so when they quit they end up back at what a normal body weight would be? Studies suggest that nicotine gum and bupropion, an antidepressant shown to support with smoking cessation, may delay weight gain, but as soon as people quit using these aids. They typically experience the same weight gain as people who don’t use them.

Why do so many people gain weight after kicking the habit?

One reason is that they eat more. When you quit smoking your senses of taste and smell blossom. So those cinnamon rolls and bacon and eggs breakfast platters may suddenly seem more appealing. Women, in particular, may find themselves craving sweets, some research shows. However, the common withdrawal symptoms are anxiety, nervousness, and irritability. And may also because ex-smokers to raid the refrigerator. And some turn to food as a way to keep their hands and mouth busy in the absence of cigarettes.

But increased calorie consumption doesn’t appear to account for all of the weight gains that ex-smoker’s experience. The absence of nicotine also seems to play a role. Some studies suggest that nicotine lowers the body’s set point, the weight at which it intrinsically wants to settle. This may explain why smokers tend to weigh less than nonsmokers. Even though they don’t eat significantly fewer calories and tend to be more sedentary. As nicotine clears their system, their set point goes back to normal. Their basal metabolism slows down, and their bodies want to store more fat.

Moreover, Will You Gain Weight if You Quit Smoking by doing the regular exercise of 30 minutes or so. It can also help in minimizing weight gain after you quit smoking. So can eating more slowly. Many smokers hurry through dinner so they can smoke when they quit. They are still in the habit of speed eating. Hence increasing the odds that they will go back for the seconds. Just don’t go overboard with exercise and cutting calories. People who start strict diet and exercise programs at the same time they try to quit smoking tend to fail at all the changes.

Even though if you do gain some weight after kicking the habit. So be remembering that the dangers of continued smoking far outweigh the risks of putting on a few extra pounds. In fact, some experts estimate that it would take a weight gain of nearly 80 pounds to offset the health benefits. That an average smoker gains by quitting smoking. I hope after reading this article you would be clear about the question of Will You Gain Weight if You Quit Smoking? Source: CP

Sunday, 2 December 2018

To What Extent A Person Weight Influenced by Genes

On average, research suggests, a person’s weight is probably at it more than 50 person influenced by genetic factors. However, in certain populations the environment plays a larger role. When you see a family in which every member is slim. You may be wonder and question comes in your mind. Are they svelte because they are genetically programmed to be or because they go on family hikes and never set foot in a Burger King? The influence of genetics and the environment on weight is an issue that scientists have been trying to sort out for decades.
A wealth of knowledge has come from research on identical twins, who, of course, share all the same genes. In a classic Canadian study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, researchers sequestered 12 sets of identical male twins for 100 days at a college dorm. Six days a week, the twins were fed 1,000 calories per day more than they needed to maintain their weight. Other than walking for 30 minutes daily.
The subjects performed virtually no physical activity. At the end of study each subject had consumed 84,000 extra calories enough, theoretically to gain about 24 pound. Also since it generally takes an extra 3,500 calories to gain 1 pound of fats. But that’s not what happens to some men gained as little as 9.5 pounds, whereas others gained as much as 29 pounds. The difference in weight gain among the various twin pairs was three times greater than the average difference within the pairs.
The location of the extra fat deposited whether below the waist, deep in the belly, or beneath the skin the abdominal area also was similar within the pairs but varied greatly between pairs. Moreover, research comparing twins raised apart and twins raised together confirms the significant influence of genes on body dat. In a study of some 600 Swedish twins, the body mass index scores of identical twins raised apart were just as similar as BMI scores of identical twins raised together.
And the BMI scores within the identical twin pairs were far more similar than the BMI scores within the fraternal twin pairs. The researchers concluded that, at least in Western society, genetic factors may accounts for as much as 70 percent of weight difference among individuals. So does this mean your weight is essentially predetermined? So absolutely not! Sure, if you are genetically susceptible to obesity and your idea of a workout is lifting the lid off a bucket of KFC chicken, you will likely be heavier than a fellow ouch potatoes/KFC fiend who has a propensity to be lean. But if you take up cycling and switch from fried chicken drumsticks to skinless baked breasts, you are likely to stay at a healthy weight regardless of your genes.

Someone who has susceptibility toward obesity just has to be more careful. The rising obesity levels over the last generation show that eating habits and activity levels can drastically affect body weight. Our genes haven’t changed that fast, but our environment has. In certain regions, environmental influences are expressed more fully than in others. It is primarily lifestyle differences that explain why only 13.8 percent of Colorado residents are obese compared with 24.3 percent of Mississippians. However, it is largely genetic differences that explain why certain Native American populations have higher obesity rates than other Americans with similar habits. Source: CP

Tuesday, 27 November 2018

How to Figure Out Ideal Body Weight?

These days, every fat person wants to know How to Figure Out Ideal Body Weight? The whole concept of ideal weight isn’t very useful. What’s your dream weight? Since the number on the scale doesn’t tell you all that much about your health, and your fitness or even your svelteness. Most of peoples have some numbers tucked away in your brain. Then maybe you have started a program to achieve your goal. But the question is how did you come up with that numbers? For better clues about whether you need to slim down, consider your body fat percentage, body mass index, and waist circumference and health factors such as your blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Although each of these measures has its flaws, you can tell a lot about your weight and health by taking them all into consideration. Also new diet plan comes into your mind metabolism-boosting pill, exercise device and workout regimen you come across. In deed there’s no shortage of exaggerations and misconceptions floating around the media and the gym, and there are plenty of conflicting advice as well .

Most of us embark on weight loss plans without considering one key question. Is my goal weight realistic for my body? However, so knowing the right answer may save you a huge amount of frustration. You may have some weight that in your mind triggers thoughts like, Uh-oh I’m getting fat or Oh-no, I’m headed for a heart attack. But assessing our plumpness or your risk for obesity related diseases is not a simple as stepping on a scale. For one thing, your weight doesn’t reveal how much of your body consists of fat as opposed to say muscle, bones, blood, and organs. We dispel some persistent myths about cellulite and fat cells and offer up compelling statistics about obesity rates over the years and around the world

Its body fat not total body weight that plays a significant role in disease risk. Hence, a very rough way to estimate whether your have too much fat is to determine your body mass index. However, neither your BMI (Body Mass Index), nor your body fat parentage tells you anything about the location of your body fat a more important indicator of disease risk than total fat. Fat in the abdominal region, clumped around our internal organs, poses a more serious threat than fat in your hips and thighs. In fact research suggests saddlebags may even offer some protection against cardiovascular diseases.

If you are women, then a waist measurement over 35 inches puts you at greater health risk. For men the critical number is 40 inches. Thus, you need to consider other clues that may put your health at risk. Its includes high blood pressure, high levels of LDL Cholesterol (the bad cholesterol), low levels of HDL (The good cholesterol), high triglycerides (fat in your bloodstream), high blood glucose levels, physical inactivity, a family history of premature heart disease, and cigarette smoking.

So, your scale weight may give you a rough sense of whether you are heading in a healthy or unhealthy direction. But its important to consider the whole picture. If one measure is out of whack but the others are in the healthy range, you are perhaps okay. If several are on the high side, that’s an indication you need to make some lifestyle changes. Your physician can help you put each measure in perspective and assess your risk for developing obesity related diseases. So the more you know about your body the more equipped you are to improve it. Whatever you do that you must be confident of one thing you’re getting the fat free truth.

Saturday, 17 November 2018

Super Foods Helps You Get Well and Stay Well

Let your food be your medicine and your medicine your food. The foods prescribe in super foods are good foods in the most literal sense of the world. Because they are delicious and good and help you get well and stay well. Ten years ago, healthy eating was largely the province of cranks and to most people the phrase was grimly negative, brown rice, lentils, nut cutlets and the idea that anything you actually enjoyed eating must be bad for you. Science has now proved that oats, beans, apples and garlic reduce cholesterol that honey helps you sleep that cabbage can be an effective treatment for alcoholism.
And that improve all round nutrition can raise children’s IQ by as much as 10 percent. The dietary advice that food cranks have been giving for over a century cut down on excess fat, salt and sugar, cut down on fried food, eat wholegrain rather than refined starchy foods. Also cut down use of Alcohol and eat plenty of fiber rich fruit and vegetables. Eat extra dietary fiber to ease constipation, eat more dark green and yellow vegetables if you want to lessen your risk of cancer.
And it’s never late too late to change your eating habits for the better. In an ideal world, the food we eat would be organically grown in soil uncontaminated by heavy metals and acid rain. You will know, that super foods the drinks the herbs and spices to use for different ailments. Which items you need to avoid in each specific case.
The vegetables we eat freshly picked from our own gardens, the water we drink spring pure, and the air we breathe mountain fresh. For the vast majority of us, this ideal is as remote as the Garden of Eden. Today there is general recognition of the truth that we are indeed what we eat.
An apple a day may keep the doctor at bay. Super foods can help keep the family at a healthy distance from the entire medical profession. Our bodies suffer the daily insult of pollutants, and the stress of food that is often deficient in essential micro nutrients. The fact that the human race has evolved at all is remarkable. That we survive on our polluted planet is miraculous. We do survive, but at what cost? 
"Super foods offer recipes and menus that are attractive and varied, as well as curative. It will introduce you to the wonderful range of flavors, colors and textures in nature’s larder."
Today we know that food plants are rich in pharmacological substances that can be as effective as any drug your doctor may prescribe, and carry no risky side effects. In ordinary everyday foods carrots, apples, sage, rosemary, onions, celery, beans scientists are discovering an enormous range of valuable medicinal properties.
Also bactericides, antiseptics, antivirals, stimulants, sedatives, vaso dilators, hypertensive’s, antispasmodics, hypnotics, and cardiac tonics, giving scientific validation to the instinctive wisdom of traditional medicine. What could stimulate the appetite more than a succulent artichoke? In fact, chemicals in the artichoke cause the gall bladder to constrict, pumping bile into the stomach, and enabling the digestion to deal with fats.
We are seeing today a dramatic increase in diseases which are linked directly to the failure of the body’s immune defense mechanisms. We are seeing diseases never before encountered such as AIDS for which we appear to have no immunity. Many workers in the field of environmental medicine believe that our new vulnerability is a consequence of our diet of devitalized foods, the product of agribusiness and global contamination.
An instinctive grasp of the relationship between specific foods and diseases has been part of humanity’s heritage since the dawn of time. Whether you are suffering from a mild infection, a chronic condition or a major illness, kitchen medicine will improve your resistance. Also it will enhance your chances of full recovery and help restore you to be healthy. It may take time but its result is sure.
Even if you eat the healthy diet all the experts’ advice, vegetables, fresh fruit, salads, wholegrain, nuts and seeds you may be short of the vital nutrients that you think you are getting in abundance. US nutrition expert Michael Colgan went shopping for oranges and found that while an orange bought from the grower and freshly picked contained as much as 180mg of vitamin C. And an orange bought in a supermarket, which looked just as fresh and glowing, contained not a single milligram.
Most of men and women short in zinc. The food intake of the subjects and assumed that these foods contained the levels of zinc set out in ever nutritionist’s calculating tables. Because severe Zinc deficiencies in human body of wide range of soils in Europe and the United States.
Fruit and vegetables grown on depleted soils are often low in vital minerals and trace elements. Especially zinc, magnesium and selenium, and there is no sign of any general improvement in farming methods. In fact, intensive farming today relies on ever increasing amounts of chemical fertilizer, and pesticides which linger in our food stuffs, further depleting our nutritional reserves.
Why for digestive upsets, onions for wheezing lungs, boiled rice for diarrhea, celery for joint pains, raw potato for stomach ulcers, and artichokes for liver problems. These are just a small sample of the effective food medicines used by people and world over long before we learned to rely on manmade drugs. Today it is not enough simply to reply on the traditional well balanced mixed diet.
To ensure Super resistance, you must know how to supplement your diet not with pills and capsules, but with the super foods which are extra rich sources of the natural goodness we all need. The Foods will supply the vital bricks that build your body’s resistance to stress, disease and infection. And whose mouth doesn’t water at the sight of a bowl of fresh, plump strawberries? But they don’t just taste marvelous and they also relieve the symptoms of gout, and are cleansing to the whole system.
Treat these foods as extra insurance at times of need, physical, mental or emotional during pregnancy, flu epidemics, periods of overwork or unusually high stress, or after an indulgent holiday. Use them at time of illness to hasten your recovery. Above that, make sure that these foods feature regularly in your everyday eating. Also an ounce of prevention in worth a pound of cure.
For more about individual foods, you have find out super foods that gives you mental and physical power. You don’t have to be ill to make the most of this article. Its purpose is to promote general health as much as to treat specific illness to teach prevention as much as to offer a sickroom regime. In the modern life, you have to take Stress for some certain tasks. No matter it is comes from Office or house life. So, better foods selection relief your mind and Stress. 

Tuesday, 2 October 2018

Harmonious Eating

For the people of the industrialized world, and particularly in the affluent West, eating habits have changed more dramatically over the last century or so than in all the thousands of years. We no longer eat food gathered or grown in our neighborhood or even in our own country. We eat food from all over the world. We no longer eat what is in season, big thanks to aero planes, freezing and canning. We eat strawberries at special events, Brussels sprouts in midsummer, baby peas and avocados all the year around.
We may eat meat as often as three times a day. Bacon or sausage for breakfast, roast beef sandwiches for lunch, meat and two veg for dinner. We also eat denatured food white flour, white rice, white sugar, chemically refined dozens of different chemicals in the form of artificial additives as well as traces of the tons of chemicals used in Western style agriculture.
It’s hardly surprising that our digestive systems, programmed by thousands of years of far simpler eating, can’t take the strain. Digestive problems all the way from wind to constipation to full-blown ulcers are almost endemic in Western countries. If our digestive systems are not working at 100 percent efficiently the whole body suffers. Absorption of essential nutrients is impaired. Toxic wastes are not eliminated. The gate is opened to myriad health problems.
When Dr. William Howard Hay cured himself in the 1920’s of chronic ill health simply by changing the way he ate. After all his colleagues, had failed to help him with conventional medicines. He stumbled on the answer to many people’s problems. He called in Fundamental Eating, and it formed the basis of what is now known as the Hay diet.
The fundamental rule of the Hay diet is that concentrated starches and proteins are not eaten at the same meal. If you eat cheese, you don’t eat bread, roast beef, but no roast potatoes, chips or fish. According to Dr. Hay, the human digestive system is not adapted to the simultaneous digestion of starches and proteins. When it is challenged repeatedly with such combination, digestive problems result.
The nutrients in food are poorly absorbed. And as the digestive systems breaks down, other more serious health problems arise. The Hay diet has improved the health of millions throughout the world who have learned how to combine foods in the right way, avoiding mixtures of food that fight. Not just digestive problems but diseases respond to Hay’s concept, since the well nourished, self cleansing body has the increased resistance and raised vitality essential for nature’s own healing processes.
It’s not our recommendation that everybody should stick rigidly to Hay’s fundamental eating plan. But the pulse of Hay can be felt throughout his advices. The majority of recipes use the healthy combination of foods he recommended. And in most cases, the menus reflect these principles of Harmonious Eating, as we have called it.
Even if you feel perfectly healthy, try harmonious eating for a few weeks. You may be surprised by how much better you feel. If you are not well and particularly if you have a digestive or bowel or weight problem, then Harmonious eating will produce significant long terms benefits.
What to Eat With What?
In Harmonious Eating, all foods belong in one of three groups, Protein, Neutral and Starch. Starch foods can be combined with Neutral foods, and so can Protein food. But starch and protein foods should never be eaten at the same meal. Allow an interval of at least four hours between meals. And if you do snack in between, make sure it’s on Neutral foods.  
The Protein Foods are, meat, poultry, fish, shellfish, whole eggs, cheese, milk, yogurt, all fruits expect those in the starch group, all the legumes lentils and all dried beans.
The Neutral Foods are, All vegetables expect potatoes, all nuts except peanuts, butter cream, egg yolks, Cold pressed sesame, sunflower or olive oils, all salad stuffs, seeds and sprouted seeds, herbs, honey, and maple syrup.
The starch Foods are, potatoes, bread, flour, oats, wheat, barley, rice, millet, rye, Buckwheat, sweet fruits, bananas, Ripe pears, Ripe papaya, very sweet grapes, dried fruits, milk and yogurt,  and small amounts of honey.
You will be eating in a new pattern which at first sight may look like deprivation. So no more fish and chips, steaks, and kidney pie, burgers in a bun or cheese sandwiches. With a little imagination you will quickly find that you don’t need to discard all of your favorite foods. You just have to prepare them differently and change your eating patterns. With Harmonious Eating the urge to snack nibble at regular intervals throughout, the day is greatly diminished, and often disappears altogether, so that unwanted pounds melt silently away.