Monday 30 July 2018

Why Regular Exercise is Essential Part of Your Life

As you all know, there are numerous Health benefits of Regular Exercise which tones your body, alerts the mind, increases resilience to physical and psychological stresses, firm’s muscles. Loosens joints, banishes stiffness and general aches and pains, builds up the efficiency of heart and lungs, lowers blood/cholesterol, helps; overcome insomnia, regulates appetite and generates a vigorous and vibrant sense of well being. Of all the beauty routines you could adopt, exercise is undoubtedly the most worthwhile.

Regular Exercise generates energy, the more you move run, stretch jump and bend the more vigorous and energetic you will feel. The next time lethargy descends try overcoming apathy with activity. Take brisk walk, jog up and down on the spot for a few minutes and see how much more alert and refreshed you feel. Now plant to increase the amount of activity you take during the day, first carrying out the general fitness test outlined in the personal profile to find out how active or inactive you are.

Moreover, you should also aim to Regular Exercise fairly vigorously for at least 20 minutes three times a week. Exercise is one of the easiest things in life to find excuse not to do. Cold weather, alternative arrangements indolence all undermines the best of intentions. So make it as easy as possible for yourself. You need to choose a sport or activity you enjoy, and set out gently. Sudden enthusiasm and frenetic bursts of activity can lead to fatigue, exhaustion, sore aching muscles, strains, sprains. 

Even fractures all signs that you have pushed your body too far and have asked it to something for which it was insufficiently prepared. Incorporate more than one exercise or activity into your fitness programmed for maximum benefit. Start gently, build up gradually and progress more vigorously as you become fitter. The more unfit and the older you are the more gradually you should do.

You should be especially careful if you are over 35 have not had a recent medical checkup have not exercised for a long period of time; drink or smoke heavily, are more than 9kg overweight; have a specific medical problems or a family history of heart disease. Check with your doctor first. However old you are and whatever the shape you are in always observe certain cautions when you begin exercising. 

Never rush it never pace yourself against someone who is younger or fitter than you are never push yourself beyond your limits or force yourself into positions that feel painful and learn to listen to your body. Stop when you feel fatigued or breathless, or when your pulse rate is approaching its maximum safety level. Never attempt to run off a sprain or a strain. If you do sustain and injury, it is better to rest instead and start more cautiously the next time round.

Moreover try to make sure; you should cover all three basic essentials of Regular Exercise are incorporated into you is programmed. A tailor made exercise sequence that does this for you to make 100% fit. The three essentials are strength, suppleness and stamina. While other aspects such as coordination, timing, balance agility, judgment and skill are also important. These are the three major benefits of exercise. If you are a keen jogger or runner, practice yoga or go dancing once or twice a week. Running and jogging are long on stamina and short on suppleness. Yoga and dance on the other hand, are two of the best suppleness exercises that there are.

Your physical strength and athletic ability are largely determined by the strength of your muscles which made is with Regular Exercise. Strong muscles are firm, give a sleek contour to the body and enable you to perform most types of movements with ease. The two exercises here are designed to test the relative strength of the upper and lower halves of your body. 

Poor ratings indicate that you need to work at toning and firming the major muscles groups. This is achieved through exercise. While the number of muscle fibers per muscle is determined genetically and cannot be increased or altered. Exercise will enlarge the diameter of the individual muscle fibers and increase the blood supply within the muscle, thereby increasing its overall strength.

One of the major advantages of a Regular Exercise, well integrated fitness programmed is that over a period of time, it will enable you to build up both muscular strength the ability of your muscles to exert maximum force at a given moment and muscular endurance their ability to perform repeatedly without fatigue. Inactivity will cause muscles to diminish in size and to atrophy, or waste away. 

Diminished muscle fibers not only weaken the muscle, but also make it much more susceptible to injury b sudden and unfamiliar stresses. As the joints are supported and moved by the groups of muscles on either side, weak muscles will also tend to make for weak joints that are more susceptible to dislocation or injury to some or all of the supporting ligaments.

The strength of the large muscle groups is increased by working them, either through specific types  of sports or activities or b using an exercise routine that combines certain movements to persuade the muscles to contract and then to extend. The second is the more reliable method provided of course, that the routine is sound, because it works systematically through each of the large muscle groups in turn. The most effective way of increasing the strength of the muscles is by long term resistant exercise that makes muscles work harder by providing a counter force. I.e. are swimming against the tide or using buoys to add drag bicycling into the wind or incorporating the use of weight into your exercise programmed.

Furthermore a sensible use of weights will not over develop your muscles. Instead it will firm and strengthen them, thereby protecting the joints. It will also greatly improve the general line and contour of your body, particularly those areas, such as thighs, buttocks and upper arms. That tends to be most resistant to weight reducing diets. By working muscles not commonly used in everyday activities, these exercises can help you to sculpt a better body shape. 

Dumb-bells and weights held in the hand will strengthen chest, arm, shoulder and upper back muscles commonly weak in women. Strap on weights that can be attached to ankles as well as to wrists will strengthen the muscles in the calf, thigh and abdomen as well as in the upper body. Both types are available from most sports shops and department stores or you can improve with cans of food or bags of sugar from your store cupboard.

If you are using weights first make sure that you are relatively fit and able to carry out your basics exercise programmer without any straining of the muscles or joints, or stiffness or soreness afterwards then increase the amount of effort you put into you’re exercising by incorporating weight of between 1 and 3kg each. 

Also you can exceed this amount if taking part in carefully supervised weight training programmed. Twice a week workouts at 30 minutes a time will have an impressive toning and conditioning effect on the body when combined with stretching and aerobic exercises, but you must use it regularly not more than every 48 hours.

Suppleness is both an inherited and acquired characteristic and is determined by the relative ease with which you can move your joints through their full, or potentially full, range of movements to reach stretch bend, twist and turn with ease and grace. On the whole women tend to be more supple than men and we all grow gradually less supple as we get older. 

Touching your toes is not a good indicator of suppleness because the ability to reach the floor with your fingers is determined as much by the length of your upper body relative to the length of your legs and by the length of your hamstring muscles, as it is by your ability to bend in half from the hip. Try the four tests given here and over the page instead.  

While suppleness is certainly desirable, both extremes can have their disadvantages. The greater range of movement of the loose jointed carries a risk of dislocating or injury through moving the joints too far. If you are very supple concentrate on building up the strength of the muscles that stabilize and support to the joints, particularly the quadriceps at the front of the thigh. Which protect the vulnerable knee joint? 

The restricted range of the tight jointed tends to make for general stiffness and also renders the muscles more prone to strains and pulls. Concentrate on the simple lengthening and suppleness exercises to increase the mobility of the joints without in a way forcing them to move in an unfamiliar and potentially harmful direction. Do these regularly for at least a month before attempting any of the more demanding activities suppleness rating, such as gymnastics or yoga.

A general loss of mobility that comes with age imposes certain, sometimes severe limitation on the ability to move freely and easily. In order to keep joints moving freely and easily, everyone needs to build up and to maintain their suppleness, even those lucky enough to be born supple. To do this each of the major body joints should be exercised through its complete range of the movement at least three times a week and preferably once a day.

Exercise Increase Stamina

Stamina is staying power and it is the factor by which fitness is most commonly judged. Stamina enables you to go faster and further without becoming exhausted or breathless. How good your stamina is by carrying out the test, opposite. If you did not achieve the highest rating, aim to improve it. Any type of aerobic or oxygen using Regular Exercise will increase your stamina if carried out for a sustained period of time over a number of weeks or months.

While stamina depends to a certain extent on the strength of your muscles it depends first on the strength efficiency of your heart and lungs. Muscles run on oxygen which arrives from the lungs via the heart. The more oxygen the muscles require the harder the lungs and heart must work. When exercising really hard, muscles account for about 90% of the body’s total energy requirement. To meet this demand the lungs must work harder to supply the oxygen the muscles need and the heart must beat faster to deliver it. Unaccustomed exertion can cause the unfit heart to double its rate.

This may place unreasonable stresses upon it steady, regular exercise meanwhile will increased the capacity of the heart to pump blood through the system. Repeated studies have shown that with regular fairly vigorous exercise, the heart muscle actually becomes stronger and may increase its output by as much as 20%. By doing so, it will also lower the heart beat because; with each stroke a greater volume of blood is being sent around the body. Athletes in training tend to have pulse rates that are as much as 20 beats lower than average.

There are several ways of building up stamina by doing Regular Exercise while protecting your heart and lungs from the potential dangers of over exertion. When you start running, jogging, swimming or cycling, intersperse periods of activity with periods of rest. Start by running for 100 meters walking for the next 100 then running again over the same distance and then walking home. Alternatively if you are swimming take breathers every third or fourth length rather than swimming 12 to 14 flat out and feeling exhausted and nauseous at the end of them. As you get fitter and can manage more, prolong the distance you swim, run or jog and reduce the periods spent walking or resting.

A more scientific method of assessing your Regular Exercise capacity and keeping it within healthy limits has been developed by the Cardiac Research Unit at London City Gym This safe and practical method is called pulse rate control and is particular recommended for men over the age of 35. Ten examples of Regular Exercise and activities that will push your pulse rate up and so help to increase your stamina rated here in order to effectiveness. Source: CP

  1. Running two miles in a maximum of 16 minutes
  2. Skipping for 6 minutes with 30 seconds breathers after each minute
  3. An energetic 30 minute game of squash or racquet ball.
  4. Running up and down stairs for three minutes
  5. Cycling at a moderate to fast pace for 15 minutes
  6. Swimming for 10 minutes continuously.
  7. A vigorous game of tennis, badminton or any other team game such as baseball.
  8. Walking briskly up a steep hill for 10 minutes
  9. Jogging for a mile in a maximum of 12 minutes
  10. Brisk walking for two miles.

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